If you haven't tried a scalloped edge to your project yet don't be afraid to try it. It really isn't very hard. The important part to remember is start in the middle and work outward on each side making your scallops. The tricky part can be going around the corner.

A wavy edge adds a lot of interest to a border. In this case I only scalloped the bottom edge. This is my swap project so I can't show all of it but I will later.

I do have a ruler that makes scallops but I was afraid to use it for a while. You can use a plate as a template. The paper template above was sent to me by
Lisa. She's got such a fabulous blog and has made scalloped edges on several of her quilts. You can see her quilts
here and
here. And she blogs about making your own template
here. She posts lots of hints and instructions about so many subjects.

I had some curious comments about my "citrus water" mention from last week. When I don't want to wash a quilt to make it pucker up , I take a wet towel or washcloth and pour a little citrus sizing (above) on the wet towel and then put the towel/washcloth in the dryer with the dry quilt. It makes the stitching pucker up and smell great at the same time. I'm sure there are other ways to do this. You can also use a dryer sheet, of course with a wet towel. The sizing comes in lavender too. I'm not sure it makes a huge difference what you use to freshen up the quilt and make it slightly pucker but it is easier than completely washing something and I don't always want a "washed" look to a quilt that will be hung or used as a table topper.

I wrapped up my swap items, packed them up and got them shipped to someone fun. I can't wait until she gets them.

This was really fun
Stephanie. Thanks for inviting me to participate in the Time for Tea swap.

I'm working on an Easter project this week.
Shelbie brought me peeps this weekend and it got me in the mood for spring and Easter. I'll show you tomorrow what I'm working on. And I did get my tax preparation accomplished.
Yayy. Now I can sew without guilt.
I'll have to do a scallop on the edge of a quilt someday soon! It's a bit intimidating. LOL
Your citrus water tip is a great one - especially for those toppers that I don't want to toss in the washing machine!
Oh, I can't wait to see what your swap partner is receiving. My box is going out the door today!
Funny you should mention scallops! I've been thinking about trying them for a while now, but got serious last week. This must be a sign that its time. LOL
Love your swaps, but there is a pink little peep missing. Did she meet a tasty end?
Oooh, I can't wait to see that full up quilt Nanette (not to mention the rest of your swap goodies) -- it looks adorable! Thanks for the scallop info -- I haven't tried one yet, but have plans to soon!
Nanette- I LOVE sewing without guilt:)
I can't wait to see the whole quilt and your goodies ready to ship look way fun,she's gonna love it!
I could not imagine doing scallops but I am just a beginner. I will be glad when I get to quit saying that. I made a lot of mistakes this weekend but I guess that is how you learn. I sure wish I was your swap partner.
Thanks for the info on scallop-ed edges. I've always wanted to try it, but have been way too scared! You make it look pretty easy, so I think I'll give it a try here sometime. :)
I noticed one of the peeps is already gone...who could have possibly eaten it already?
I love Best press, and use it on just about every project. I buy it by the gallon and then refill my small bottle that stays by my iron.
Such a sweet peek at your swap parcel, oh and yummy scone mix, lucky partner who receives this package.
Where's the Peep?!? Love the swap gift - even if I can't see it all! Thanks again for advertising for our show - it was a huge success! We raised over $7,300 in a bad economy, in one day, and with the threat of snow - which up here is like a threat of the plague - everyone stays inside after making a run to the store to buy bread and milk! So we didn't have huge numbers, only about 350, but those 350 were very, very generous!! Thanks so much!! xoxo, Nan
i love your scallop treatment just on the bottom. your swap quilt have some great fabrics in it.
Oooh!! I love the scallop edge!! It is much easier using a ruler!! :) We free handed one once....it looks good, but I like it to be a lil more precise!! :)
I loved the tip about the dryer!! And Mary Ellen's best pressed is awesome!! I can't wait to see the whole quilt!!
Love your citrus sizing idea! I love that puckered look as well.
I don't know who your swap partner is, but they are one lucky swapper.
Thanks for all the hints on your gift. Love the smell of citrus water. I have never attempted a scallop edge but I'm going to Lisa blog to check it out.
Keep Stitchen'
Love the tip with the citrus sizing and the scalloped boarders! Your swap partner is going to be so happy!! A missing peep...hummmm!!
I recently got the courage to put binding on a quilt with scalloped borders. It has been sitting for 3+ years. I finally got some really good encouragement and instruction from Linda Franz. She saved the day for me. The best advice she gave me was how to cut the bias strips so they are really really long and then to NOT piece them together before applying, but rather to piece them as I go along. This tip helped me avoid having the seams end up in the valleys. I guess that was the thing I worried about the most. Here is her website - hope it works for you. http://www.lindafranz.com/index.php?sectionId=38
You can see the finished quilt on my blog red-rock-threads.blogspot.com
Your scalloped edge is so pretty. I'll have to try that this year. I love how your swap quilt is looking! I can tell it's gorgeous already. Your swap partner will be so exited! x
i have never done a scalloped border.
never had the opportunity.
your tea swapper will be one happy lady.
Someone is going to really like your swap gift.
Thanks for all your tips. The scalloped edge looks sharp,anxious to see the whole quilt. I agree Peeps are a sign of spring.
Nanette, That's one of the wonderful things about the blogging world - the generosity of bloggers showing other bloggers how they did things. Thank you for sharing once again!
Hugs, Elaine
I've never done a scalloped border...but I want to ...soon! Thanks for the tips and for showing us your beautiful tea swap quilt again!
I LOVE your quilt and I LOVE doing scalloped edges. Honestly gals, if I can do it, anyone can. The only difference is I use the "Quilt in a Day" Scallops, Vines and Waves template ruler. It comes with very readable instructions and I've done 2 quilts now with scalloped borders. It certainly changes the look of a quilt.
Sure wish I was your swap partner. I can't wait to see all the goodies.
I haven't tried scallops yet. I do have a project ready for scallops though. Soon. Can't wait to see all the reveals!!!
Your scallops are just lovely - I haven't tried them either - too nervy! But maybe, I'll have to give them a go soon. Love the scallop ruler!
I have not tried to make a scallop border yet. Thanks for sharing all these great tips. I think I just have to buy that round ruler.
Thanks for the tips about scalloped edges and the link. I am excited to check it out. Can't wait to see what springy thing you are working on.
Love your scalloped edges. Thank you so much for the link to Lisa's blog. It really is fabulous! I can't wait to see the reveal on you quilt.
I love scalloped quilts. I was doing a lot of them but havent lately. Love what your doing there. Cant wait to see the whole thing. Love me some peeps!!!
I love scallops on anything. Mimi
Nanette, as always you seem to know just what technique I need help with!! I'm hesitating on scalloping a table runner, it will be my first scallop job.
I had wondered if I should buy a special template, so I'm glad you listed a few options and links!
Nanette, as always you seem to know just what technique I need help with!! I'm hesitating on scalloping a table runner, it will be my first scallop job.
I had wondered if I should buy a special template, so I'm glad you listed a few options and links!
I do love a scalloped edge!! I am off to check out Lisa's blog.
Thank you for all your good tips on where to find out about making scallops, and about your citrus water. So many neat little tricks that makes your work special.
I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone tea swaps!
I want to try a scalloped edge, but I find them just a tad scary. Yours is so pretty! Thank you for the citrus water tip - I never knew!
Hooray the taxes are done!!!!
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