So it is Friday and I'm going to show some Friday Fabric love yet again. After all, without fantastic fabrics where would we all be?

I had some questions about the fabric I used in my Tea Swap project. I am not sure how old these two fabrics are since they were "stash busters" but I did a search at and
the Lucy's Feather Bed fabric is still listed at one store. The other fabric, from the Mama's Kitchen line, is somewhere, I'm sure.

I do love kitchen fabric, as you know. This vintage kitchen fabric is one I haven't used yet. It has teapots and kitchen curtains, among other fun
kitchy things.

This one is a Japanese print combining fruit and elephants. I'm not sure now they decided to put those 2 things together but it turned out darling. Love the colors, too.

This one is another Japanese fabric that takes a theme from American snack/breakfast food. My favorite part is the cereal box.

I'm not sure if I this fabric has made it on my blog on a Friday or not. I love strawberries on fabric. It is a Japanese reproduction, too.

I'm going to make a teapot with this narrow stripe. I'm loving this turquoise color right now. I think the turquoise is perfect for this time of year.

Here is a reproduction cheater fabric. I think in the right project this would be really sweet and if it was hand quilted I think it could pass for the real thing - at least without my glasses.

Easter is on the way. These little bunnies (more Japanese) are hopping around strawberries. I only have a tiny piece of this fabric. I have an idea for it but I'm not sure I have enough to do what I plan. We'll see.
The weekend is upon us but I won't really have time to do much sewing. I am working on taxes tomorrow.
Ick. Feel sorry for me! I hope you have more fun that I will have.
Hello, dear Nanette ! ;>)
Gee, that cheater fabric is gorgeous ! Could you tell me where I could order some, eventually ? As a handquilter, I'd find it so delightful quilting it !
By the way : give me 1 (or 2) more weeks, and I'll email you a picture of my blue birds (still have ONE block to make, then piece everything together with sashings & borders. WooooHoooo ! ;>)
You'll be the first one to see the flimsie, I promise...
Oh my favorite is the little bunnies with the strawberries!!! So fun!
And especially with Fancy hopping around the blogshpere!!
Taxes. Yuck. I DO feel sorry for you. I love those first two fabrics especially and giggled at the Japanese take on American cereals!
taxes...arrg...i should be doing that too...a little more avoidance shouldn't hurt. loving that stawberry fabric and the cute!
Of course I love them all...but that vintage kitchen fabric is amazing!!!
I love the little tiny bunnies. So cute. And the cereal fabric is a hoot.
Oh Nanette, There is no way I could not have not gotten the cereal fabric. If you would share your source, is it still available? Aaah, taxes, part of life. Sorry!
Love your fabrics!! I can't wait to see what you come up with for them. Good luck with the taxes. We ended up paying for the first time in about fifteen years. Yuck. Love, Tricia
I'm drooling - mind you, I do have that turqouise stripe!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Love the fabric fridays!!!
Blogging is a tax deduction, right?
Beautiful and interesting and fascinating all at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Nannette,
As usual I love your fabric choices. You really have a great collection going on there!
I have a few vintage fabric pieces that I recently got from my Grandma- and I'm afraid to use too much of them because they were hers. I've used a little bit here and there but I guess I'll have to wait for just the right project.
Maybe I'll pull them out and take a picture for my next post. I'd love to show them to you.
Happy tax day (not)
Nanette as usual you have the most delightful fabrics and you know how to use them.
Fabric Fridays are great! I just love your eye candy... all of it! I feel for you, I just finished my taxes for my business this week. I definitely procrastinate about it. Then my hubby gets upset, because he is waiting for my stuff to do our stuff. You know what I mean, right? LOL
All cute but I love the elephants!
Wonderful fabrics. I love your fabric Friday.
Yuck on taxes. I need to get mine together, too. Yuck again.
Thank You Ms. Nanette! ooxx`jodi
Those are darling fabrics and I loooove the cereal box print! I also love strawberry prints and I wish more designers would make them (I just can't afford Cath Kidston!). Good luck with those taxes (and give yourself a pat on the back for not waiting until April to do them)!
Droooooooling here.....great fabs!
Taxes - yuck, but yeah for you for getting on them!
funny how fabrics can make us smile
you certainly found some wonderful fabrics.
Oh my can't wait to see them in your projects
thanks for sharing them
and oh yes I do feel sorry for you having to do your taxes today.
Nanette, you remind me of my girlfriend Pat. Years ago she and I would go yard sale-ing together and she would come away with the neatest things...the same things that I walked past and DIDN'T SEE!
I absolutely love all your fabrics. If you and I went to the same fabric store together, you'd come away with all these beauties and when we got home, I would ask, "Where did you get those?"
Good luck with your taxes.
Now why'd you have to go and remind me of that foot tall stack of papers and reciepts sitting on my butcher block for the whole world to see (just to remind me to do it!) ;) Your fabrics are beauties Nanette! I love looking at these photos, it inspires me to buy fabrics maybe I wouldn't normally!
Hi Nanette!! I'm so happy you are having "Fabric Friday". I love seeing your fabrics. Good luck with the taxes...I do feel sorry for you!!
I love the bunnies and the strawberries they are so so cute.
The fabrics are all cute but the last one with the bunnies is absolutely adorable!!!
ooh... Great colors and cutest prints. Thank you for doing Fabric Fridays!
It's always so much fun looking at your lovely finds here :)
I love those fabrics!! i've got alot of Japanese prints but I hate to use them. There so cute.
Once again, I so enjoy looking at your fabrics. Thank you for sharing!
I hope the taxes went smoothly for you, and they are finished!
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