More is better?

10:13:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

Ok, I know I already made this block and showed this in my previous post.  But isn't more better? At least sometimes?  I'm going to include 2 rows of this block in my quilt.  I just had fun with it and had pulled (from my stash) more fabric than I needed for just one row so instead of 5 houses I made 10. Several of the houses have more geometric prints rather than florals.  It is a bit of a change for me but I enjoy the variety

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Row 10 Little Houses

7:38:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

I had a few hours on Saturday to make Lori's next row in her quilt Row Along.  Row 10 is little houses and they were really fun to make.  If you are not sewing this quilt along with Lori, you are missing out.  Seriously. The fun starts when deciding what fabrics to use for the houses.  I went with the directions in matching the door to the chimneys.  I decided to make those with the most bold fabrics. I love shopping my own stash when making the row

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Scrappy Trips or Pixels Around the World

7:35:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 31 comments

I've decided on a way to organize my trips before stitching them into a flimsy.   I focused on making a similar color or intensity somewhere in the block and matched up 4 squares creating a "round". Then when lining up the group of 4 blocks, I tried to make sure the groups created a secondary trip. I didn't place the similar color round in the same place in all my groupings of 4.  And not all my groups had this strong of a color match. I also

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Scrappy Therapy

7:44:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

It has been a week since I've posted, but that doesn't mean I haven't been sewing.  When life gets stressful and complex, it is a treat to stake out my sewing room to watch a movie, cut and sew, and block out worries and concerns. I've always had a passion for patchwork squares.  There is something so simple and perfect about fabric squares sewn together.  Instead of working on existing projects and my latest pattern, I put everything aside and went back to my roots of squares and

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Twinkle Star Block

6:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I have been waiting for Lori to put up block 9 on her block for the Row Along.  I was excited to see the twinkling winter star block and got busy as soon as I could. Picking out fabric is always a fun part.  I've used many of the same fabrics for the other 8 blocks but with a new one thrown in here and there, too.  This row used 16 fabrics so it was good to add a few new prints. The stars were easy and fun to make.

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Scrap! Fabric Friday

6:51:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

If you search  the word valentine in the upper left hand corner of my blog you will see I love to make projects for Valentine's Day.  There are even some I forgot about.  Seriously. This was a scrappy heart I made last year.  You can read about it HERE.  You can't have too many hearts this time of year.  Right?  This was a really fun and fast project that I machine quilted myself (a perfect size for anyone). I do love 2.5" squares and try to use them

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Valentine's Day with PKLove

7:45:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

I knew when my Pam Kitty Love fabric came in the mail from Pam that I wanted to make a project for Valentine's Day.  I adore Pam's fabric.  It is like Pam and Holly created fabric just for me. I thought I would use my tutorial found here for the hearts and sew up a table runner for my big kitchen table.   The tutorial was easily adapted and I made 5 connecting hearts.  Smaller tables may want to make 3 hearts. I used my scraps from my

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Post-Christmas Catching Up

7:47:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 12 comments

I'm getting in the swim of 2013 as we go into our 2nd week of the new year.  But before I show you what I'm doing this week I wanted to show a few pics from Christmas. My friend Sandi, is someone that is always "in tune".  Sandi is always serving others and often sends me and Allison treats from Minnesota. This Christmas gift arrived several weeks in time to enjoy before the holidays. Sandi knows Allison loves Elmo.  I think we've really enjoyed this fun book together, along

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Tracey and Eliot's Christmas Gift

4:10:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

Between 12/19 and 12/23 I bound 2 quilts.  One was the Christmas quilt I showed in the last post and the other one was a huge (103"x108") quilt for my daughter Tracey and her husband Eliot.  Needless to say I had cracked and very sore fingertips.  But it was well worth it. Tracey and Eliot live in Tulsa and recently purchased their first home.  They were here for Christmas with us (fun).  We mailed the quilt to them after the holidays.  Tracey washed and dried it to get

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