Row 10 Little Houses

I had a few hours on Saturday to make Lori's next row in her quilt Row Along.  Row 10 is little houses and they were really fun to make.  If you are not sewing this quilt along with Lori, you are missing out.  Seriously.
The fun starts when deciding what fabrics to use for the houses.  I went with the directions in matching the door to the chimneys.  I decided to make those with the most bold fabrics.
I love shopping my own stash when making the row along.  Everyone knows I really love a fabric house.
I had this newer green and white brick fabric for another project so it was good to use this in this quilt first.
I kept my houses with the basic colors of my other rows for this project -  so pretty much using my very favoirte fabric fabric colors.
Lori picked another great theme for this row.  The houses were easy and quick. Now I need to stitch together my little houses to make the next row.  I am really itching to join all the rows together.  Soon I hope.

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Lori Holt said...

OMHeck're houses seriously couldn't be any cuter!!! I love them all...the green and white fabric is perfect...and those roses in the windows?'re killing me with cuteness!!!
I'm so glad you're my neighbor now!!!

Lori Holt said...

OH...I forgot about the kitchen cuties in the window in the top house photo...LOVE!!!!

Nedra said...

I've been waiting to see what you would fussy cut for the windows because you are the best at this technique! I remember your first quilt along with houses, and learned so much from you.
How I wish you and Lori and I could all be neighbors. Wouldn't that be fun?

dream quilt create said...

How cute! I can hardly wait to make my house row :) I love the way you fussy cut the fabric in the windows! Yours is the first I've seen, they are really pretty.

John'aLee said...

I wonder why it is that 'house' quilts just make us smile? Love your cheery blocks!

em's scrapbag said...

They are wonderful! You always are so good at putting fabrics together!

Deborah said...

These are adorable!! Fabulous fabric choices. I am so far behind! I'm going on a retreat in Feb. and I will work to catch up!!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Perfection as usual, Nanette! Each little house is prettier than the one before.

Mimi Sue said...

I LOVE this quilt! Adorable. Mimi

Terri C said...

Oh I love house blocks too! Yours are so cute and cheery!

Vicki said...

They are adorable.

Sherri said...

Love them! I made my row tonight too! They were so fun! Houses always remind me of the Christmas Cottage exchange you did when I first started blogging!

Thimbleanna said...

Your houses look great Nanette -- I especially love that little pink and aqua house!

Carrie P. said...

very cute little neighborhood. I just posted mine too.

pratima said...

This it is one very cute row of houses and a great addition to rest of the rows. Your fussycut windows are adorable, Nanette!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Adorable houses! LOVE.

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh my, love all your house combos, both posts. Now to move into one in your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Wow really so cute houses Nanette!
I really love it.

houses for rent

Calli Makes Do said...

I love your houses Nanette. You always amaze me! But what is this about being neighbors with Lori. Did you or Lori move? I keep hoping to see you at the Alpine Quilt Guild meetings so I can see your quilts in person.

Retrogirl said...

Cutest house blocks EVER!