Business first - Here is the link for the handout I gave at the retreat last week. It is a PDF attachment on my google site that you can print off on your computer. I was going to email it but it seems easier to make it available to anyone since I had a few requests. I'll put the link on my side bar, too. It is for personal use only. Thanks!
At the retreat there was a vendor area and we had plenty of time to look at
Edit - It is pretty obvious this was my first slide show as there are a few pictures on a couple times and others didn't make it. I'll do better next time I think. It was working earlier but now not, so I had to reload it and delete the slide show from this original post. Carment Geddes was our gues speaker and she did a wonderful job. We all enjoyed seeing her work. Our show-n-tell was outstanding, as always.Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow without technical difficulties.-nanette
So if you are sick of me bragging about how much fun I had last week, skip to the next blog. Because I am not done yet.
Everyday at 1:00 at 7:00 we had general meetings at the retreat where prizes were given. My kids call it SWAG and told me it means "stuff we all get". Well not everyone is fortunate enough to win a prize so I'm not sure it was SWAG but it was very fun seeing the winners jump in excitement. I did manage to
My schedule at the Ruby's retreat was brisk but enjoyable. I took 2 classes from talented teachers and I taught 3 classes and gave the Friday night trunk show. Time flew by as with all fun things.
The first class I took at Ruby's was from Carol Johnson called Parker Homestead. It's a picture art type 8" x 11" mini quilt of Butch Cassidy's father's homestead in Circleville, Utah. I'm not usually drawn to landscape quilting but the charm of this white cabin drew me to the picture. I've
The title to this post says it all in a nutshell. I had a really great time at the winter retreat last week. Well, that is an understatement. I had an amazing time.
We went to Bryce Canyon, Utah - breathtaking. This was taken with our camera. It is not a postcard. Seriously. Bryce is in the southern end of Utah about a 4 1/2 hour drive from my house.
Another picture we took. The rocks are simply amazing. If you ever, EVER, get a chance to vacation at
Ok, so let me start off by saying that I was supposed to post twice while Nanette was at her quilting retreat. But she took the camera and I don't know how to upload pictures anyway. Also, blogger ate half my pictures for this post but I am sick and I get emotional and I gave up trying to fix it before I pushed the computer out of a window. So this is going to have to make due as the FRIDAY FABRIC POST:
Do you understand how when