I'm back to iron shopping people. Those of you that have been with me a while might remember my last iron (see below). I think I've spent well over 2 hours online looking at new irons. Cheap, expensive, or middle of the road?? There must be hundreds of irons out there.
Almost 2 years ago I acquired this iron above. I liked it. I didn't LOVE it. But I liked it. I thought the auto lift was a big gimmicky but I grew to like it. I can't say I used that up/down feature everyday. But the iron heated up and worked well with features I wanted. Unfortunately the iron was knocked off my board and died recently. Sad huh. But we had 2 good years together (sob).
So on with my search.....
This iron is basically $100.00 shipped to the door and is rated 5 star. But man that price! If she would last 5 years and I would LOVE her, I'd get it. It would be worth it. I use an iron probably every single day. With my last iron lasting nearly 2 years that is like 20 years in normal people use.
This is another Reliable brand iron but this one is double the price at $199. Why? I don't get it. This one is more compact, which I do like but even at Joann's with a half off coupon it is still $100! I watched a segment from QOL where they said Reliable was the best iron but then I saw that Reliable was a QOL sponsor. I like recommendations from independent sources.
I've read threads where lots of people have gotten irons at thrift stores but my thought is if someone is getting rid the iron, why would I want it? I really want a high performance iron and I use it enough to know a bargain basement iron is not for me. I know
Lori uses a vintage iron but it has no automatic shut off. I have to have auto off for safety reasons with children in the house and with lots of people coming and going.
I need a smallish iron though but I want a big water well capability in it. At least over 5 ounces (or more)... I think. I would prefer not to spend $100.00 but I do want high performance.
On with my search. Any hints or ideas would be appreciated. I know this is a rerun post basically from 2 years ago but I do need a good iron and I don't want to make an expensive mistake.