I belong to a really fabulous group of women in my town/area. We meet together on the last Tuesday of every month in a room of one of the
church buildings in town. There is usually 40-50 women that attend month to month and the faces aren't always the same but there is a core group and peripherals that evolve and revolve. Some of the women have met for 20+ years. They are all amazing quilters and the quality of quilts that are produced here in town is nothing short of amazing. So here is my report from our last meeting.

This cute cartoon greeted us on the wall. I hope you can read it. Is truer than we'd like to all believe I think.

You can't see everyone in this shot but it gives you a general idea. The room is fairly packed. Up first every week is group show-n-tell. And its great. I'm always so impressed and I enjoy the differences we each bring to the collective. In between "oohs and
ahhs" we usually stitch or take pictures.

These 3 quilts were made by Dixie Andersen. They were all really nice quilts. And she machine quilts them, too, on her long arm.

This is Flora. Flora and Paula share the responsibility of organizing and having a presentation every month. Paula calls Flora the
sheriff. Flora is my great pal. And she "gets me". Everyone needs friends that understand them and I think we really "get"
each other. I don't know what I'd do without her. This is a recently finished cowboy themed quilt Flora made.

And she happened to finish another
cowboy themed quilt as well to show. Both of them are darling.

This is Paula peeking out from her Utah snowflake quilt she just completed. The reason Paula calls Flora the
sheriff is that then she gets to be the deputy (and not the sheriff). But they really share the job very well. Without them there would not be a group such as it is. Truthfully I think neither of them love to be in charge so they squabble about who is going to be sheriff and deputy. And its funny.

This is a quilt by Laurel. You can see her in the far right. She's an exceptional quilter and teacher. I took my freezer paper applique class from her and it was great.

This is an attic windows quilt that is 2 sided. Its one of those quilt as you go and turn under the edges quilts. It was quite heavy and quite pretty. Her quilting lines were really straight.

This is the other side. It is a very nice quilt but I'm not sure I'm game enough to try that process.

This is Paula's daughter Clair's first quilt. She's a cutie and I think it turned out so well. If you look behind Clair you can see the quilts stacked for the trunk show that followed show-n-tell. But more of that tomorrow. I seem to have gotten the back of Sherry in nearly every picture. Sorry Sherry.

Her is Laurel helping Janice (far left) hold up her quilt top she just finished. The quilt is
Birds of a Father. Janice is a legend in needle turn applique. She's fantastic. She orders the fabric for
Broadbent's, a local quilt shop, and she and Laurel both teach there. Their work is fantastic.

Amazing, isn't it. I can't wait to see it quilted.

This is the famous Bonnie Miles. Bonnie teaches everywhere and takes groups to Lancaster County on quilt tours. This is one of her latest lovelies I think she made it with a Jelly Roll. I can just picture how pretty that would be on the top of a bed.

This quilt was a block of the month for each building. It is just darling and done so well.

I think this is another from the same quilter. You can see Flora turning around to tell me that next time I need to get there early and sit up front so I can take better pictures! Save Laura and a seat next time Flora!

These two shots are from Judy Spears' quilt. She combined 2 years of block
exachanges to make this huge quilt. I'm sure she probably still has blocks. One year was the
albumn cross and one year was the 9 patch. They go together so well.
It really was a great show and tell and I didn't get all the pics from every quilt. My camera is slow and by the time some of them were shown and then folded I was finally ready to take a picture. It was a fun night. Next post will be the quilts from the trunk show. - nanette