Last Tuesday at quilt group night Syd Haglund kicked off the year talking about inspiration and gave us a trunk show. Syd has also designed our 2011 group quilt. Syd is the owner/operator of Alpine Quilt Retreats. She has the amazing house with the beautiful bedrooms and is also a wonderful quilter. She has a website and a blog. Check her out. You can see our 2011 quilt on her post here. I'm currently working on the first block so I will talk more about that later, as soon as I'm done with my first block (this week!).
Here is Syd holding up her vintage quilt she made patterned after a quilt from her grandmother. Syd is a long time friend of mine. She used to live in my neighborhood but moved several miles away, but still lives in our town. I miss her being my neighbor but I get to see her at quilts. She's a fabulous quilter with an incredible sense of class and style about her and her quilts/home.
This is Syd's "Empty Nest" quilt she designed after being inspired by a member of our quilt group's project. Syd loves to work in wool, too. Her quilts are rich and imaginative.
Syd's quilts mostly all have a purpose. I find that inspiring in itself.
She talked about her history of quilt making.
Obviously a valentine quilt. She embroidered messages from old family valentines in the quilt.
She has made (most) all her children memory quilts. I love that.
This is her daughter Carly's quilt. Syd embroidered drawings and messages from Carly's old report cards on it. The messages from teachers are so funny, so Carly.

Another one of her son's quilts.
This is her 2009 Alpine Quilt Group quilt. Mine is unfinished. Darn. When I see Syd's it makes me want to get back to it.

Syd and several others of us took a class for this quilt from Jody (another quilt group member). Flora says her "pies" ended up looking like bra cups. Mine did too. It was amazing that Wren could quilt that out for me.
This is Heidi's quilt, her daughter. I used to teach Heidi in our Primary church class. Time flies.
A fabulous sampler.
Inspired from a vintage quilt.

Baskets from a past Alpine Quilt Group project.
More baskets...
And more. Syd got 3 quilts out of that exchange.
Another past Alpine project.
Inspired by Suzanne Lawrence of American Fork's Quilting Cottage and an old neighbor. (I miss Suzanne.)
Another block exchange from our group.
I love this quilt. It is just fantastic. One of my favorites of hers. Fabulous trunk show. Syd is an example to me in so many ways. Her fabric is thrifted much of the time and so it is unique. You know I love that. Syd is so talented in so many ways. And I love her husband and family. They are all great people.
I'm working on my checkers block so I'll talk more about our 2011 Alpine Quilt Group Project later. If anyone wants to make this along with me let me know and I can email you the patterns. I hope Syd puts them up on her website or blog though.

I'm working on my checkers block so I'll talk more about our 2011 Alpine Quilt Group Project later. If anyone wants to make this along with me let me know and I can email you the patterns. I hope Syd puts them up on her website or blog though.