I was really glad Lori left us her instructions for the next row of the row-a-long at Bee in my Bonnet. I've been watching for it since I'm kind of at loose ends and anxious to keep up. I should be working on past projects but I'm busy with other things so it is hard to get into it. And I'm having a quilt retreat at my house this upcoming weekend so I hate to get going on too much before that.
Anyway, I added the 3rd row, which is the chevron row. It was quick and easy and I don't think I made any mistakes. Yay.
I put my rows together. I like doing that as I work on a project like this, rather than leaving them to the end. Usually I'll group the rows into 3 parts so it is easier to work with and then at the very end put the groups together. Do you do that too?
I do like the pop of color and pattern in my large scale background fabric. It may not really look great at this point but I'm going to make this my only border and make the outside border chunky and scalloped. I'm not sure what vision Lori has for the project border but that is what I see for mine. At least now.
I've enjoyed the simplicity of the rows and I think my butterflies don't look too bad from a distance. Once it is quilted I don't think it will matter at all.
Now I wait for row #4 next week. Tapping my foot while Lori is gone. Or maybe I'll work on some applique that has been going on for years. I should do that, shouldn't I?
My son Mason waited at the ATT store all night long Thursday night and I met him there in the AM early on Friday. We did get new phones. He has been saving for months since his old phone is an iphone 2. I gave my (old? not old) 4s phone to my daughter since she super needed a new phone. So I felt like I could splurge. I have already spent too much time using the iphone 5. I put my PKM fabric row quilt as my wallpaper. Super cute I think.
Busy week for me ahead. You too? I'm excited about my family coming for the retreat.