Our local quilt group meets once monthly on the last Tuesday of the month. I have been forgetting to take my camera but finally I remembered it last night. Our group has gone through several names and I think the latest is "That Alpine Group". First on the agenda is items of business and then we move right into show-n-tell. Our show-n-tell is fabulous. The caliber of talent in our group is unbelievable. I didn't photograph everything because sometimes I was too busy talking or appliquéing.

My show-n-tell was my
Vintage Christmas quilt by
Elizabeth. Its always fun to show something you have worked on and are proud of.

We had a few new girls there last night and this quilt was a first quilt for one of the girls. She did a great job.

This quilt is a wedding quilt for one of the women's son and daughter-in-law. I love the colors and the 2 color leaves. Its so pretty.

This is Paula's quilt. She's a great appliqué queen. Its her year to be the "boss" of the group.

Speaking of Paula, she chose the
Sue Garman Omigosh quilt to have as a project for 2008 for the group. This is what she has done so far (I didn't get all of it in the picture).

And now you can see the scale of the quilt pieces. Unbelievable. I'm not sure how many of the group are working on it but I pretty much gave up before I started. However, the year isn't over yet. We'll see.

Then we had a trunk show by Sandra Cindrich. I have taken a class from Sandra. Her specialty is paper piecing. Here she is peaking out from behind a cute chicken block she made.

This is one of my favorites she showed. I love the little buds and the corners in the blocks. Its so pretty.

I really liked this one, too. Its such a great way to may a 9 patch really special. The tulips are so well done.

This is taken from the back of the room, as are most of the pics. My camera has its limitations in the lighting of the room. Excuse the backs of the women in our group.

Paper pieced, of course.

I took a quilt class for the quilt above from Sandra at a quilt store in Draper called Thimbles and Thread. It seems like I took this class maybe 7 years ago. I made a pillow and some orphan blocks. The class was really fun. Sandra is from West Virginia and her humor is great. I loved taking a class from her but the paper piecing didn't stick to me. I got home and either forgot a lot of it or didn't work on it soon enough after the class to make paper piecing part of me.

I liked this appliqué quilt she brought, too. The purses are so cute on the ladies with hats.
Quilt group is always fun. Next time I'll try to take more pictures and talk less and not sit at the back of the room! (and remember my camera)