Dear Jane so far . . .

I realized I'm mostly a non-traditional quilter a long time ago and I'm happy with that. So it was with the hope to gain more classical experience and skills that I set out to join the Dear Jane Blog group. I would encourage all quilters to go read Anina's instructions and tutorials for the blogs even if you never intend on making a quilt like this. Anina is the leader of the group and originally I thought I would just look at the blocks in the book, make mine, and enjoy the sharing but I have found Anina's instructions to be invaluable and following along with her is essential to making a successful Dear Jane quilt. The Dear Jane Blog is so worth following to sharpen your skills, accuracy and widen your ability to sew more intricate blocks.

Here are my first 3 blocks. I will tell you with some shame that I made 2 of each and threw the first one away in each instance. It has humbled me and shown me my weaknesses in sewing but also given me confidence to improve. Anina's reverse applique tutorial was great. I thought to myself "I don't need to reverse applique, I will do it my way and it will be just fine." Well it wasn't. It was a disaster. Getting those tears placed just right on the block and in the right space related to the other tears was no easy trick with traditional applique. I went back and studied Anina's tutorial and I was very happy with my 2nd outcome using reverse applique. I had never used that method before and was initially resistant to change. I had to repeat the other 2 blocks twice because of improper trimming and bad measuring. Working on these blocks is teaching me patience and accuracy. Something I lack. I would have kept my bad blocks to show you but I have too much pride to give you that terrible visual. Hey this is our blog and my post and I won't be humiliated to that level! When we get to foundation piecing I may end up being on "vacation", however. I do know my limits.

Thanks Anina. You are doing a super job and I'm really enjoying this process so far.

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Rima said...

Beautiful blocks! I cant wait to my own sewing machine...

Kim Walus said...

Hey Nanette, thanks for the additional inspiration on getting started on my own Dear Jane blocks. Rae Ann and I have our books, rulers, and fabric so we're ready to get going. I'm just going to have to create a little more time for myself once the new grand baby gets a bit older and my youngest has been sick all week, too. I NEED more time! ; )