Blue Skadoo

I needed a new shawl for work - since I'm starting to wear my current shawl out. I work in what is playfully reffered to as a "cube farm" -- which is normally kept at about 68 degrees, even in the summer - making a shawl the perfect cube accessory.
Earlier this year, at my favorite local yarn shop, the Unraveled Sheep, I spotted some yarn that I had to have, Cascade Jewel - in Saphire. When I decided to make it into a shawl/scarf, I wanted to use a pattern that was simple and that really displayed the natural texture of the yarn. I found this pattern in Vogue Stitionary. (Natalie gave me the I and II as part of my Christmas present)

This picture really shows the varigated texture and color that really make this shawl.
I have named this Blue Skadoo - from Blues Clues (which my 15-year old sister Laurie still likes to watch) the Blue Skadoo song is very catchy, and I sometimes find myself singing it out loud at work, much to the annoyance of my co-workers. -
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Purple and Paisley said...

shelbie - this is beautiful...i love the "confetti" sprinkled throughout and the shade of blue is absolutely gorgeous...i am so jealous of your knitting skills! good job...and if singing the song annoys your co-workers? just sing the darn thing louder!!! *wink*

Busy Little Quilter said...

This is so beautiful.

I tried to learn to knit, and did okay, but my granddaughter took apart everything I had done when I wasn't looking!

Happy National Quilting Day! We're having a big celebration over at my blog! You're invited!

Di~ said...

I really really really like the shawl! Very pretty! I'm going to have my college daughter check out your post, she likes to make them...

Anonymous said...

So pretty! The stitch you chose works very well with the yarn.

Cheryl said...

Love your shawl and the color is really pretty. Who wouldn't love
Blues Clues!!!