Butterflies, oops

 I'm making Lori's row by row quilt and I've finished the butterflies.  Except they aren't correct.  You can read her instructions here.  And they are very plain.  There should be no reason for user error.  I was just slightly unfocused when I made these cute little butterflies.  I hope Lori forgives me because I'm not unpicking and I'm not remaking.
They don't really even look like butterflies.  I'm not sure what they look like.
But at this point I'm just glad to have them done.  My mistake was in making my quick corner triangle cut 1" instead of 1.5".  I think.
I knew before I was finished they were not right but I kept telling myself it wouldn't matter.  Much.
Well, that is my story and I'm sticking to it.  After all.  It is just fabric.

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Deborah said...

I think your butterflies look great and they look like butterflies to me! They have their own unique flair!

Debbie said...

There are SO many different kinds of butterflies out there....surely there are some that look like these! ;) Just kidding, I think they look just fine, and certainly when the quilt is done it will be beautiful. And no one will know that you did it wrong. Unless you tell them. :)

Nedra said...

They still look like butterflies, just a little chubby! Pretend they just hatched out of their cocoon, and haven't fluffed their wings yet.
As always, you have picked the most wonderful fabrics. I'm hoping to join along soon.

Mary said...

They look just fine. It is just a different variety! Afterall, there are all types of butterflies. Cute!

ashley said...

That will just make the quilt more "you"!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

TeeHee - yes, you have some well fed butterflies - I think they are cute.

Darlene said...

Awwww those are your butterflies and will look wonderful in your row quilt. :-) They are sweet.

Lynn said...

Actually I do think they look like butterflies. Yours is the second blog I've read today that made a butterfly error, so don't feel too bad.

circle r motel said...

Well, I read this morning that "Pamkittymorning" messed up on her butterflies too so don't feel alone. Yours might be some "exotic" butterfly that has yet to be discovered in the Amazons. Tee, hee.

trish said...

I love your butterflies! I think they are so cute! :o) No need to undo anything! :o)

PamKittyMorning said...

I love them. I hope to work on mine today. Also love your background fabric.

Carrie P. said...

they look like butterflies to me. I wouldn't worry about it either.

Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

love em, I think they look great, I love your fabric choices ...

the polka dot one is like a busty lady! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're Amish butterflies! (you know, making a deliberate mistake to guard against undo pride!)or... maybe they're just moths!

Sherri said...

Oh they are beautiful! I love them just as they are!

Julianne said...

I like your background fabric, so different!

Barbara said...

This is what scares me about quilting. I've been reading Lori's blog and thinking, geez, even I could do this ... but if you feel like you didn't get it right, I can't imagine the ways I'd get it wrong! Some day, some day ...

Connie said...

I like your butterflies! Why are we quick to point out our errors? When this is all said and done none of us may care! lol

Thimbleanna said...

Oh Shoot! Those little butterflies must be jinxed -- PKM had trouble too!

Corrie said...

They're just fluffy that's all. Cute fabrics.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

It's your quilt and your decision, but I think they look great. The fabrics make them fun anyway. :)

Sentimentally Me said...

Chunky Butterflies! Love them, Nanette!

Messy Karen said...

i do love that background fabric.

Lori Holt said...

Nanette....I love your chunky butterflies:)...and I love your background fabric!
Row 1...check.
Row 2...check.
Now you're rowing!!!

Sinta Renee said...

Butterfly's are unique little creatures and yours are especially sweet! I am dying to play along on this QAL!

Julia said...

They are so cute Nanette..
That's nature, just a different kind of butterfly..
They will look great once in a quilt..
Julia ♥

Browndirtcottage said...

Maybe your butterflies are pregnant!!

I like your printed floral you are using around them instead of just a solid or plain white!

I guess to be one of the 'cool' girls I would have to join in huh???

Liv said...

They look fine to me Nanette and the fabrics are great too !

Di~ said...

I like your butterflies the best! I should start the row along, Lori makes everything look so fun and easy. Hey Nanette, I have a question. For your sisters retreat a few years back, you gave them all a clover seam ripper. I think you said that you ordered them online. I'd like to look into getting some, would you direct me? Do you remember how much they were? I'm looking at getting a bunch if they aren't too much. Thanks friend.

Cheryl said...

I think they are perfectly wonderful!