I really like novelty fabric and novelty quilts. I also like having fabric of different textures and types. Today I'm going to spotlight cotton/linen blend fabrics. It is hard sometimes to put these types of fabric in quilts since they are heavier weight and not really purposed for quilts. In some instances I don't let that stop me and I will include fabrics of different types in my quilts, even velvets and corduroy along with these thicker fabrics. I mostly use these heavier fabrics for crafts, purses, aprons
I have the best friends. Really and truly I do. Last night when I got home from a very long day at work, tired and in pain, there were my 2 most fabulous friends, Flora and Laura, waiting for me with dinner for my family. How wonderful is that? Even though I gave myself this stupid sewing injury they were there to support my patheticness (is that a word? it should be). This is a terrible picture of the lovely dinner they brought. Our camera was accidentally on
I mentioned I got a lot of hand sewing/applique done in the past 2 weeks while watching the Olympics with my family. Michael, Nastia and Shawn got '"gold" and my award is "sewing shoulder" from:
Binding this . . .Making more of these . . .Appliqueing waves on this new baby quilt . . .
. . . and then binding this. So it has taken me 5 days to finish the binding on my blue couch quilt - something that normally would take an evening. Thanks to
I was going to quit the Dear Baby Jane project. I've been waffling back and forth about what to do since I've gotten behind. I seem to have totally lost the Dear Jane mojo. I even had a post started to put an end to my Dear Jane quest after my disaster of block K-12. I made the block twice and had my block template turned the wrong way TWICE and cut the finishing edges of the block off. I thought it was a "sign" - STOP NANETTE,
It was a shopping and sewing Saturday this weekend. I needed fabric for binding and some rick rack for a new project. I went to Material Girls in South Jordan. Nadine took care of me and helped me find just what I needed. I haven't been to Material Girls since the shop hop in June. New quilts and displays were fun to look at and browse.
The bed in the back of the store had a really darling quilt by Quilt Soup. It was done in early fall
After my friend Syd came over last night and brought me some fabric treasures, I decided to make today a fabulous fabric friday.
This was the pile she brought to me. Fabric makes me happy. Silly, I know.
There were feedsack pieces and you know I love them.
Closer weaved novelty and flower print. Fun fabric.
Some 60's prints/weave with nautical and flower power.
Syd knows I love kitchen novelty prints. This one is really nice. Its a lighter home dec weight. The aqua made me think of
I'm waiting for a piece of fabric to be mailed so I can finish the dress quilt in the baby size so in the mean time I decided to whip up a quick project I've had on my list for a while.
Michele at Calico Daisy was selling bias tape at her Etsy store last week. It is a cherry print and a perfect match for this Japanese reproduction linen. I wish I had gotten more of this fabric when I ordered it at Superbuzzy because it is so