I have the best friends. Really and truly I do. Last night when I got home from a very long day at work, tired and in pain, there were my 2 most fabulous friends, Flora and Laura, waiting for me with dinner for my family. How wonderful is that? Even though I gave myself this stupid sewing injury they were there to support my
patheticness (is that a word? it should be).

This is a terrible picture of the lovely dinner they brought. Our camera was accidentally on a strange setting so everything looks a funny color and so dark. But that doesn't matter. It was a fabulous meal. Incredible really. I thought my 13 year old son would go crazy when he saw the food. Shows you my depth of
patheticness I guess. Everything was wonderful. And I say 'was' because its nearly gone. Lasagna,
Italian sausage, homemade bread, wonderful salad and
delicious cake. I'm telling you it was incredibly yummy. And more than that incredibly thoughtful. I can't tell you how great my friends are. Well I could but we'd be here all day. Thank you, thank you Flora and

So while I rest a bit and get my shoulder/arm to heal I thought I'd participate in Vintage Thursdays.
Eileen introduced me to this idea. There is a group of lovely
bloggers celebrating vintage Thursdays and I'm going to borrow the idea for today's post. I love vintage and vintage toys are the most fun.
This sweet sewing machine (it really works) was given to me by my sister Michelle, just because. Isn't that great. I've shown it on my blog before but its too darling not to show again. And the old pink stove is just like one we shared as girls when I was a kid. We had the metal cookware just like the ones on the stove. I can't tell you how many water pretend cakes I made. That stove represents a lot of fun play days from my childhood. I bought it on
ebay because the original is long gone but it is exactly the same and gives me great pleasure to have and look at.
Have a great day. I'm resting. So you all sew and get some fun things for me to look at.
I love the sewing machine! The blue is fabulous. Sounds like you have some really great friends, the dinner is making me hungry!
That is the BEST! What a sweet thing to do. Take good care!
I feel so bad about your arm/shoulder! What a bummer. I hope it is healing. Your friends were so sweet!
I don't know Laura, but I do know Flora. Not only did you get a wonderful meal, but I bet she said something funny and cheery and made you laugh. I miss going to the Alpine quilt group and hearing all the laughter. Judi Sears will be here tonight with her family, and aren't good friends the best? I hope your shoulder is better by right now!
I've not injured my shoulder sewing, but I do get sewers elbow!
You are blessed with some really great friends!
Oh Nanette.. what a precious post. I am so glad you have friends besides all of us on the internet, because it would be kind of hard for us to bring over lasagna.. but I'm sure many of us would if we could! And you would do the same.
ADORABLE sewing machine and kitchen set! I had a kitchen set when I was little too.. but now I don't remember what color it was. Isn't it great that we can find our old things on ebay?
I'm missed commenting on your last three posts. Gorgeous stuff you are working on.. and so much of it! No wonder your shoulder is killing you.
What fabulous friends you have Nanette, how thoughtful of them to bring dinner for you and your family. Oh my, I remember those stoves, Ihad one as a kid, back in the dark ages...lol... Hope your injury heals quickly.
Aren't friends great! Get well soon.
Oh my God!!!!! And I thought my friends were good! Mmmm, I have to talk with them so seriously! lol... They've never brought me such a dinne!!!!! lol...
Oh, take a good rest! You deserve it!
Boy, you DO have great friends! Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon!
THAT'S IT!!!!!!! I'm MOVING to UTAH!!!
I just love reading your blog. It is so relaxing. Glad you are getting some much needed rest for your shoulder and what fantastic friends to bring such delicious looking food to you and your family. I can understand why your son was pleased when he saw it!
Memories--I had a little pink sewing machine which I used to make Barbie clothes. Fabulous friends with scrumptious dinners are the best kind of comfort when you hurt--get well soon! ((hugs))
When are you going to have the pattern for the dress quilt. Everytime I see yours, I want to make it!
wait what happened to your shoulder? tendonitis? bersitis (sp?) I get that and carpal tunnel acts up when I do alot of hand sewing. mineral ice works great with advil hope your shoulder heals soon....
That dinner looks fabulous! What great friends you have. I was wondering where the cake was though. I love me some cake. :D
When I saw that little pink stove something in my went TWANG! Like it was mine,or my sister's. I am not positive but it really stirred some memory that was deep down.
Rest and relax, look at quilt magazines and fabric. :D
Vintage toys are so lovely - this is a great idea for a post.
I hope you are really truly resting! Take care of yourself.
YOu are truly blessed!
The meal looks scrumptious!
Also, Laura has some wonderful recipes on her blog!
Healing thoughts & prayers sent your way!
Wow you do have some great friends. Such a treat to have dinner made by someone else!
OK how do I move into your neighborhood! LOL
I can so sympathyse with your shoulder woes as mine is also feeling the days and days of Olympic watching LOL
Love your little stove...so 60's/70's looking!
Hope you are up to more sewing soon
How wonderful your friends are..there are good people in the world!!! Love that sweet little sewing machine and yeah for vintage Thursdays! Take care of yourself :-)!
Hi Nanette! It's good to have such friends. There is an award for you over at my blog. Now if your shoulder doesn't hurt, you can raise both arms and say YESS; it's a good exercise when the pain has gone.
Great friends!! Love the sewing machine and the little stove.
Get well soon, Nanette! I know it's hard to rest, especially when you first start healing and feel like there's so much to be done.
I LOVE your Japanese fabric quilt... it's so cute and happy! And I'm loving the new Farmer's Market fabrics too... I want that apple print so bad! Need to get some.
Wow Nanette! The couch looks fabulous and once again, you are such a whiz! I am praying for your shoulder and know it will be better soon!! And you know what they say, "it takes one to know one" so you must be an amazing friend as well to have not only ONE friend bring dinner, but TWO!!
I hope your heal fast....I just love your blog....I am more an oogler than a blogger. I had to have a doll called Poor Pitiful Pearl, and finally found her...I wanted this as a child but the folks didn't have the money....Now I have her and just love her. Your scotty dog flag is great....I have a westie and I could adapt this to him....have you made the pattern yet? I'd sure like to get one from ya.....and also the dress pattern I love the quilt and your couch quilt is the neatest. i should do that......thanks for keeping such a neat blog.....
Sorry to hear about your shoulder/arm. I am suffering with tennis elbow (quiilters elbow I believe) You are lucky to have such GREAT neighbors! I am addicted to reading blogs! Thanks for sharing!
I missed what you did with your shoulder/arm. Hope you heal quickly. What wonderful friends you have!
Lovely dinner from some lovely friends who were certainly taking care of their dear friend. Hope your arm/shoulder is feeling a bit better - and love the little vintage peek - i remember a little stove like that.
Hugs - Karen
I'm so glad you're getting spoiled--you totally deserve it :)
I hate it when I injure myself sewing, mostly cuz it means I have to take a break from sewing! I hope you heal soon :)
Lovely food, lovely friends! You are totally deserving of all that love.
I have always wanted a toy stove like that! I must go to Ebay! It's adorable, as is the sewing machine.
I'm glad you're resting!! Take good care of yourself!
dinner from friends has to be the best gift. ever.
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