After my friend Syd came over last night and brought me some fabric treasures, I decided to make today a fabulous fabric friday.

This was the pile she brought to me. Fabric makes me happy. Silly, I know.

There were feedsack pieces and you know I love them.

Closer weaved novelty and flower print. Fun fabric.

Some 60's prints/weave with nautical and flower power.

Syd knows I love kitchen novelty prints. This one is really nice. Its a lighter home dec weight. The aqua made me think of
Monica. I can think of lots of possibilities for this piece. Syd has brought me treasures before. She knows just what I like. These are wonderful thank you so much Syd.

Now onto fabric I've "acquired" via the internet. I'm gearing up for making Christmas gifts and so I ordered 2 kits to make table runners from
Quilt Taffy. Its an easy project that anyone would like, I think.

I love putting unexpected fabric in things I make and for some reason words really add something to a design. I'm really loving these colors, too.

I guess thats why I ordered these fabulous fall fabrics. Before Christmas gifts I have a few fall things to make.

And back to fabric to use for Christmas projects. I'm a sucker for the Japanese retro fabric. But I usually only buy small pieces because it can get pricy. These have lots of colors and designs in them so I feel like its bonus fabric that can be used in lots of things. I can cut it up or use it as is when making a bag.
Fabric is fun. -nanette
Edit - I purchased the fabric with writing and the print above at Purl SoHo.
Wow Nanette...great fabric parade!!!
Fabulous Fabric. Looks like you will have tons of fun finding uses for it, or just using it for eye candy. Thanks for sharing.
Fabric IS fun! I'm jealous!...The Other Nanette
I love that orange fabric (with the green apples)! Fabulous, and I too love the retro japanese prints.
You know those vintage fabrics are making me squeal, right?
AHHHH THAT LAST PHOTO HAS ME ALL ENVIOUS.. I love that fruit and mushrooms. I'll be on the hunt now!
Fresh, fun, fanciful, fabulous fabrics (I'm alliterative today!) - isn't it great to sit and fondle them?! I know it isn't just me, so don't look at me like that :p
So - what have you got planned for fall projects? The season is definitely almost upon us!
I love looking at your fabric photos Nanette! I think we must have the same "disease"! Now I have another, "material envy"! (sorry, I couldn't help myself!)
what a haul-wow!! So many pretties in that fabric...can't wait to see what you make :)
Hi Nanette
Thank you for your sweet comment! I too am a fabric lover. I have way too much of it, jus t like very other quilter I know. I have decided to make a concerted effort to use up a bunch before I buy any more. Hope I can!
I love the fabric you got!
hugs, Rhondi
Such lovely eye candy, and what a special treat with the wonderful pile your friend brought over for you. Can you share on your blog where you do your online shopping please? I'd love to know where you got the fabric with the words.....
What wonderful treasures! I'd be devoting an entire day to that pile, too!
Mmmmmmmmmm,eye candy! I *heart* fabric. How nice for you - one friend brings you dinner, another one brings you fabric!
I love the last quilt on your 8/13/08 posting.
Can gave the info??
Looking at fabric, and touching it makes me so happy too!
Quite the pile! Lots of beauties. Oh I do love fabric with writing on as well as kitchen prints. I'll be checking out Purl SoHo.
I shouldn't be surprised that so many of us love the same fabrics. The lime green and orange combo is a favorite of mine right is the other pink!
I am coming out of the darks and into the lights and there's a whole new world. Next I'll be trying those Japanese retro ones. Thanks for the treat!
Fantastic Nanette! Now you're going to have to have a Super Sewing Saturday!!!
One can never have enough fabric! I can't wait to get into my new sewing/craft room in the basement. Drywall is going in next week!! I haven't been able to find anything since we moved in. My grandma had wallpaper in her kitchen just like that aqua fabric. Only the wallpaper was orange...and olive green.
Those are some awesome fabrics! I'm sure you will have so much fun creating and making things with them. Can't wait to see what they turn into.
ooooo! maybe you should start a weekly meme.. I bet others would join in. :-)
LOVE everything. You really added quite a few wonderful vintage pieces to your collection!
what fabulous fabrics!
Oh, I love the fabrics! I'm looking forward to see your fall creations!
Whenever I get new fabric I put it in a basket beside my bed (if yardage then cut a scrap of it). If I can't sleep during the night, which I often can't, I pull the basket in bed with me and touch each fabric, match them with my stash(in my head) and think of what I want to make with it. It is an odd habit, but very comforting :D LOL Okay, I am nuts, I admit it! :D Your fabric is GORGEOUS! Love the orange and green apple material! I love the idea of putting in fabric with writing on it! I have got to look for some material like that! Sneak it into my Christmas present for my daughter which is using music notes... fun fun! gotta search for it now! Happy Quilting!
oh my.
how fun.
thanks for the eye candy.
Yes sir-ee a Fabulous fabric Friday for you! LOL
Can't wait to see what you make with some of those prints...
You are going to have soooo much fun! I am trying not to be too jelous!
Definately a good fabric day! Love that when that happens!
it was like a fabric parade. i had fun looking as each set passed slowly by! thanks for sharing.
I love it--FFFF, awesome idea! Fabric makes me happy too :) And what great fabric you have there too, I love those apples, I think I'm going to be looking for them this weekend at the Quilt Show!
I love what Jacquie said about it being a fabric parade! What great fabrics, Nanette! And I love how you have a knack for putting fabrics together.
I'm having a blown away moment... When I saw the avocado/aqua fabric, my first thought was that it reminded me of my mom. In the 60's our kitchen had aqua appliances (fridge, oven and stove top) and all of my mom's dishes were avocado. And wow... the fabric made you think of me! HUGE smile on my face!!!
This is weird... after I left the comment, I thought... it's not Friday! I went back to my bloglines, and even though this shows up as a new post... it's from August. HOW WEIRD. Freakie Thursday.
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