

Lately, I've been on a real hat kick. My mom got me a book for my birthday, Last Minute Knitted Gifts, by Joelle Hoverson, owner of Purl Soho. I used her hat pattern as the base for the hats that I have been making and have created my own designs and patterns using 2 and 3 different yarns. I started using machine washable yarns from Knit Picks, but morphed into also using my current favorite yarn, Gems from Louet -- a beautiful yarn that is also machine washable!

Here I am

This is me and Chelsey with our semi-matching hats
(if I had realized that she had the back of the hat in the front
when we had taken this picture, I would have had her put the hat
on right, but she has the hat now -- oh well . . . )

Finally, this is my brother, Mason in his hat. I really enjoyed making these, and learned a lot in the process. -

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pink-petal-designs said...

Hi, just wanted to say how i have really enjoyed reading through your blog. You have some lovely quilts and im sooo jelous of your lovely sewing room.
Sarah x

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