I have to laugh at some of the comments saying how organized I am. Really I'm only a semi-organized person. With 8 children standards have had to be relaxed in certain areas. And I don't think when they were young I could have maintained a room like this. It just wouldn't have been possible. I have to also credit my best friend Laura with organization ideas and inspiration. She's so fabulous at cleaning out and organizing and she gave me many of the good ideas I used. I have to say I'm very proud of it. I can't tell you how much help I've had from my family. The girls and Dave have worked very hard to get me into this space. I am really grateful for all their help. They are like a troop when we get together to work and accomplish so much. Many hands make light work as the saying goes.
I still have pictures still to hang and some other things to move in and finish but I'd say now 90% of the room is done. And I can start work in here. YAY. It is so peaceful and nice. Having things all in their place is such a calming feeling. Also the family room is at the other end of the house. Tonight when I had a spare moment I came in here and after a few minutes my husband came and noted how quiet it is . I can still oversee the family mayhem but from a distance. They aren't little anymore and I (only) have 4 of the kids living at home right now so it makes having a separated space possible. Weekends are different we usually have many or most of them here.
We had a flood last August (broken pipe) that damaged half the first floor and all of the finished basement (4 bedrooms downstairs). So we've had new remodel for basically half the house and my kitchen is just finishing being remodeled. I have the chance to start fresh in our home after 13 years of hard use by a big family. We are taking rooms not affected by the flood room by room as we can manage and updating them.
Ok so here is more of the progress . . .

2. Computer and work area - check. Two of us at a time can share this room, if needed. I work from home a couple days a week so having an office space in my room is important. The desk is a distressed finish of the kitchen table my parents had in their home.

3. Cutting area- check. This is a little old kitchen table I bought at a yard sale and painted a distressed yellow. I put oilcloth on the top for a smooth surface and it fits my cutting mat perfectly. There is room enough to cut and organize before sewing. I can also clip batting on top of the quilt display rod and use it as a design wall when I need it.

I really like the fat quarter, smaller piece
grid baskets I got from The Container Store. They were very reasonably priced and I can see everything folded inside. Two rows fit perfectly. Not all of them are folded exactly the same but are in a reasonably similar size. I love seeing everything out in the open to choose from rather than digging through a large storage bin. The bottom shelf by the cutting area is mostly for smaller fabric pieces. . .

and orphan blocks, projects that are cut and ready to sew, and kits I have made up to sell or use.

This bin holds 2 1/2" squares that I cut as I go out of scraps. My rule is when the bin is full I either use them, stop cutting, or clear some out. It looks kind of messy but if I need a certain color I can fish through and not worry about it too much and iron them before I use them. I use a lot of 2 1/2" squares in quilts. I also have groups of larger squares I keep in zip lock bags in another area.

The bin on the left is for pre-cut straps for the bags I make and extra binding that is all ready to go. The one on the right has 2 1/2" strips for jelly roll type quilts or small inner borders.
Thanks for all the positive comments and encouragement from friends and family. This room means a lot to me. - nanette
the room looks great, would love a wall of shelves like that in my room!
I guess I need a trip to the container store love those bins.
good for you getting a room to yourself for you sewing.
That room is Gorgeous!!! I have half of one of our living areas downstairs as a studio. It works great, for now, because it allows my 6 kids(under 12) to be around me....and i can still get some sewing done!
I can't wait for the day when I have a sewing room with a door that I can close!!
Happy day for you!!!
congrats! love it! not only as a sewing room/office, but as you said..."a place for peace away from everything/everyone else..." use it often!
Great room, and that hearts quilt, Fabulous!
Sandra Evertson
Wow Nanette! Your new room is beautiful! Congratulations -- after 8 children, you deserve it!
Wow. It is finally done and well worth the wait. Everything looks so easy to see and get to. You deserve it. What table is it that you have the computer on that was Mom's? It dosn't look familiar. A big high 5 to your family for their help.
Your room looks so good! I can't wait for the day when I have a room that organized, and all to myself!
Ohhh it looks so good. I'm feeling a big envious! Well that's a lie, a lot envious!
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