I've been working on sticking to a budget for most of my married life with varied success. I admire thrift. Not cheapness mind you, but thrift. And I always wish I was more thrifty by nature.

I saw this picture and challenge on
Craft and Found the other day and it has gotten me to think its a good month to have this be the motto for July. I can't say that I will stick religiously to this since Mason needs a new white shirt and shoes for church (growth spurt) but I'm going to ask myself seriously "Do I really NEED this today" before spending. I should do that all the time but I'm going to work on it more this month. Of course gas and food have to be purchased but thinking about "Do I really NEED this" can also be applied there. I have been carpooling and combining trips so I only need to fill my car twice monthly. Thats an improvement! I know I can do more if I try. I love a challenge since it pushes my limits and makes me work harder. With all that said, I am going to take this on and I encourage everyone to do the same.
So Shop Hop is over, my kids camps are over, and its a good time for me to step up this month and see what I can accomplish. We are going on vacation at the end of the month but it is the very end of the month so I'm going to see if I can make it until then.
Wish me luck. Anyone else out there game to be more thrifty in July?
I hope you are successful in your challenge to yourself. It is a good challenge. I kind of went crazy on buying paint this past week and wish I had been more careful. My sewing room looks so fresh and cheerful now. But I have extra paint...need to be more careful. Thanks for sharing pictures of the shophop. So fun to look at.
Good luck! I want to try this too. I have been definitely trying to be better lately, but I know there are still some things I can work on...Here's to a thrifty July!!
i wish you luck! hmmmm...is it still okay to spend if it's just too great of a bargain to pass up??? =)
How funny you should post this! My husband and I are not great budgeters and we decided that we're going to try and start a little smaller-- instead of the entire month, we're going for the first 2 weeks of July. The goal: spend on what we need (food, gas) and not on what we want (fabric, clothes, dinner out, etc.). At the end, we'll see how it compares to our normal spending habits and we'll get a better idea of what is a realistic budget for us.
Best of luck to you in your thrifty July! :)
Great idea Nanette. I just wish August was the month to start in. (I may delay and still do the challenge). The year 2008 has been my year to try and not buy much, especially in new fabric. The goal is to use up what I have. So far, I've only purchased things to help me finish a quilt.
In July I am going to the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach and then the family is meeting up and we are spending a week at a beach house in Newport. I must admit I plan on spending some money at IQF!! I'll be good after that OK? --Nedra
We really work hard to be thrifty, but blow it when it comes to dining out. I'm excited to watch your progress in this area ... if we weren't getting ready to do some traveling I'd join you!
Ironically, I'm doing the same thing this month. Lots of money went out the door during my Mom's visit so I need to scale back a bit.
Fantastic idea! We just had a family night on Monday where we went over our budget with the kids (almost 8 yo and 10 yo). I am a SAHM and we told them exactly what my husband makes and then we listed all our bills. We talked about where we could cut cost. I love your idea and I am going to really ask myself if I really need it before I make a purchase. Thanks for your post!
Great idea!! I have been trying this the past month or so. But, it doesn't hurt to have a little reminder and encouragement! Good Luck to us all!!!
Such a topical post in our house. My husband and I just met for lunch to budget the rest of my life. He conveniently left off the "quilting" column.
I am thrifty almost all year so that I can spend in July!! We go on a family vacation to Deer Valley, and I do all of my school shopping (4 in school this year!)
Also, that new fabric store.....I think it's where all of my spare change is going! The store is called Gracie Lou's, and it is in Salem. Let me know if you ever come down to see it!!
I know I SHOULD join.... whether I have that much self control, I'm not so sure. It is so hot and miserable here, that the only place I can go to get away from the house is shopping. Mainly Target.... I am so torn.
You'll have to keep us posted on how its going!
This is a great idea and think I will follow suit. Good thing I didn't read your post early. First thing in the morning I made a couple small purchases! Also the International Quilt Show is in Long Beach on the 25th.....so I know I will be doing some shopping then. But from 12:00 noon today to July 24th I am going to give it a whirl!
Oh sounds good Nanette - isn't putting petrol in the car depressing - it costs so much now to fill up my little car that I feel as if I must be driving a Mac truck! And with moving we've just been haemorraghing money left, right and centre. About time to conserve those funds! I'll cheer you on!
I think I already did that in June ... completely by accident.
Does that count??
I don't know if I will join you, but I didn't purchase any yardage of fabric in June (I did buy 2 thrifted sheets, but those don't technically count) and it felt good to accomplish that. I also like a good personal challenge. :)
I am definitely in the challenge with you!!I love stuff like that-makes me very motivated.I haven't had time to figure out the award thing.Just a few moments morning & night on the computer.Life's a little hectic in the best ways possible!!! Thanks for all your comments, Nanette,you are so sweet!!
Nanette-That was me. I have no idea how or why it showed up as anonymous-Jill
Great idea. I too, have loads of fabric and scrapbook supplies that I must use up before I spend money on more.
Tough challenge to maintain but I'm all for it-lol
Good luck with your effort.
Yes indeed this is a great idea! I can't follow it in July as I have joined TWO swaps and one is theme specific and I do not have anything in my stash to fit that theme. I have to tell you though that I think in JUNE I was very mindful of my spending and didn't buy 'much' fabric (and what I did buy was for specific projects, not just cuz it was purdy) and I don't think that I bought any scrapbooking stuff in June. I am really being mindful of the fabric I buy (but it kills me)until I get some of my current projects done and out of here. Great reminder and nice to know that I am not in this alone. :D
But nanette, the big craft and quilt fair is on this month - and we have been waiting all year for it........ok- maybe I could just take that day off????
When we had a job upset this spring I learned that we can spend so much less with just a bit of thought and paying close attention. Taught us a good lesson and we've been trying to keep it up.
great idea..but July is when all my company seems to be coming! Also since my birthday is in July I get a discount at the quilt shop! Anyway, my husband and I have decided to cut back on things. One of our goals is to use the public transportation to the beach instead of driving. Save gas and parking fees!
I applaud your plan to curb spending in July. I wish I could but with buying a house, money will be flying out of my pockets! Of course, after I start making mortgage payments, curbing my spending will be a necessity!!
I like this idea very much! When I'm at an online quilt shop, and I'm about to push a button to buy something, I try and ask myself if I really need this (whatever has caught my fancy). I'm not always successful, but it does stop me from time to time. I have taken to trying to run my errands once a week (doesn't always happen), but I definitely think twice before running out the door. Good luck in your challenge!
Best of luck with your challange. I do however have to say that too many "Thrifty Julys" will not aid the small quilt shops and online stores who are already struggeling to keep their heads above water. Maybe by the time your next shop hop rolls around there won't be any shops to hop to! Something to think about.
3 cheers on the post. And the very best.
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