Around the yard

Summer days are shortening so I thought I'd post some pictures of what is going on in our yard. I once heard that quilters have the nicest flowers and gardens. I'm not sure if that is true but I do know my yard is busy kind of like my quilts. These are just a few shots from outside the house.

This is my latest flag - no pattern yet. Even though our dog isn't a Scottie, he's black, small and cute (and the mail lady is afraid of him). So outside our front door instead of beware of dog there is a welcome flag.

Our peaches were ripe in the blink of an eye and had to be picked and used within 2 days. So I stopped everything I was doing and made some peach jam last week. The peaches were really too small and too ripe to do much else with them other than eat and make jam. I had some jam on toast this morning. It was pretty good but I always marvel at how much sugar is in freezer jam!

My favorite flowers in my yard are the giant hibiscus and the hollyhocks. Its hard to tell from the pictures but the hibiscus flowers are as big as dinner plates.

And next to them are my hollyhocks, which really didn't bloom well this year as you can see. They look kind of bug eaten unfortunately and have only a few blooms, which is very diappointing. Someday I'll make a hollyhock quilt.

We have several outside cats that are hopefully killing field mice and protecting the yard (yeah right). The cats predate us and were here long before we built our house so we feed them to keep them around some. We used to have dozens of cats roaming the neighborhood years ago but they have thinned out as neighbors built homes. Probably a good thing. This one is called "the other black and white cat" since there are 2 and the other cat's name is Roy. So here is a shot of the cat keeping guard in the garden.

Tomatoes and peppers are going to come on strong in a week or so. Our growing season is kind of short where we live so between now and the first frost we will be making salsa and canning it on the weekends. There is nothing like going out to the garden and picking a fresh ripe tomato. I had a BLT Saturday night that was just amazing. The tomato was sweet like fruit. So I better enjoy them while I can.


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Darlene said...

The jam looks very yummy! Beautiful flowers and tomatoes - more yum!

jen duncan said...

I never thought of freezing jam. Thanks for the tip! Your yard seems wonderful...the cat reminds me of our new pup. We only get edible (in my opinion) tomatoes here for about 6 weeks and it's right now so I better remember to go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Darling flag and oh how I love peaches. I have made freezer jam (strawberry) and yes the sugar amount is amazing!

em's scrapbag said...

Your flag is so cute. I know what you mean about the amount of sugar in jam. Have you tried the reduced sugar pectins.

Carol said...

Cute, cute banner! Oh that jam looks YUMMY! Toast and jam! Your hibiscus is so pretty and those tomatoes...yum again!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Oh, your peach jam looks yummy!
You must have a much bigger peach tree than we do. I don't think I'll have enough ripe at one time to do much more than a small cobbler.

And your flowers are looking beautiful!
We do a lot of salsa, too.

Kimberly :)

CJ said...

Well this quilter's garden is not lovely. I would much rather be indoors sewing, buying fabric or reading a quilt magazine than planting or weeding (UGH). I have some flowers in pots on my front porch and walkway this year. Your peach jam looks GOOD! Why not can it and use the low or no sugar needed pectin though? Mmmmm, on those tomatoes. Share your Salsa recipe!! Cute little welcome banner too. :D

Thimbleanna said...

Your yard looks beautiful Nanette! I love your little scottie quilt and your flowers are SO pretty. And YUM-O for the jam -- I chuckled at your comment about all the sugar -- that's why I love it so much -- bring on the sugar!!!

Anonymous said...

Great photos, love your quilt! Yummm, peach jam, sounds wonderful. StepD used to make it and share with us, it was wonderful.

Pam said...

LOVE the welcome flag! I wouldn't dream of putting something so nice outside here in would be faded and mildewy in no time. Your B&W cat reminds me of my Purrkins :-)

Susan said...

I love the flag quilt! My hibiscus are the same size but have a reddish leaf and light pink flower. I found it at Lowe's a few years ago and haven't seen one since. Homemade jams are the best--yummo!

Betsy said...

I love that quilt. Lovely plants!

Ginger Patches said...

Love the welcome flag! My neighbor has been sharing lots of tomatoes from her garden, there is just nothing like a garden fresh tomato-yum!

Billie said...

What a beautiful flag! Mmmm, peach jam looks delicious!

Browndirtcottage said...

Nanette...your jam looks like it turned out pretty good. The coloring looks very fresh and appetizing. I don't worry too much about the sugar. Sunday mornings is the only time we have toast and jam with our eggs. I love your little porch flags. Are they 2 sided??

Anonymous said...

The scottie dog flag is gorgeous! It is just so cute!!! Delicious looking jam, you must be so busy with all of these projects.

Eileen said...

ooo.. I love seeing your yard! The flowers look lovely, and wouldn't that be nice to have fresh peaches from your own tree! Delicious looking jam.

Would love to try some hollyhocks myself.

I am not really a cat person, but The Other Black&White is really beautiful.

Cheryl said...

Boy I love peach jam...yummmy! Great flag. Can't wait for the pattern!!! Beautiful pictures.

alobsiger said...

Your garden looks wonderful, Nanette! I enjoy my huge hibiscus blooms also. I managed to kill off my hollyhocks a few years ago but keep meaning to plant some more. And that jam looks so tasty here at breakfast time. yum yum