We rode horses.

We canoed and swam in the lake. The water was super cold. It is fed by a spring that comes from a glacier. But the cold didn't stop us. Dave is in the water and Laurie, Mason and Jamie are in the canoe.

We fished. Here is Mason holding one of the smaller trouts he caught with his uncle.

We enjoyed the local wildlife. This is a moth!

We had lots of fun time with family. From left to right is my sister Michelle, niece Melanie, daughter Shelbie (showing her newly finished green knitted sweater) and Ellie holding one of the baskets I made and brought up to give as gifts. Michelle is holding one too.

Right before we left I picked up my Merry go Round quilt from the quilter to take along and bind. It was fun to stitch the binding and work on my Parcheesi blocks while we sat in the shade. Here is the finished quilt with the sun setting in the background.
When we got home Laura brought over welcome home cupcakes. They are delicious piƱa colada cupcakes and reminded me of the relaxing time we had on the vacation. By the way, check out the new layout on Laura's blog and my favorite cookie recipe that she makes. Also, Laura took pictures and commentary of our last quilt group meeting that I missed while I was gone. Laura gave a presentation at our last meeting on "Beyond Quilts". Sorry I missed that. But she did a good job of keeping me up on show-n-tell. Thanks Laura! You did a great job.
More on our vacation later. We did some fun crafts, too, and I'll show pics of what we made. A great time was had by all. Thanks Michelle and Brent. We couldn't have had more fun.
I've got an awful lot of catching up to do. It looks like my google reader is full of fun things from my favorite blogs and I've got e-mails to read and respond to. So more later.
I cannot believe the size of that moth!! Yikes!
What a gorgeous place you were on your vacation! Looks like absolute heaven and totally peaceful. Heavenly.
Welcome back! I just got back last night too. Isn't vacation wonderful? Still- it's always nice to come home, don't you think?--Nedra
Welcome back home. Looks like you have been at a wonderful place. vacation on a ranch must be fun.
Great pictures!! I love the one of your quilt!! That would make a great postcard.
What an awesome place! So big and open and full of fresh air!
Looks like everyone was enjoying each moment. I'm glad you had a chance to sit and work on your stuff.. the finished quilt looks wonderful!
You do have lots to catch up on.. so go get busy. :-D
Beautiful setting; that's my kind of vacation! That is an amazing picture of your quilt...it could be in a book or the picture for a pattern!
looks like a fabulous vacation and what a great setting to show off your quilt. amazingly beautiful!
Looks like an amazing place you were at - beautiful country, but the size of that moth, YIKES. Your time with family sounded like lots of fun and love your quilt to. OK so can't wait to see what other things you did while away. Your always inspiring.
Hugs- Karen
Oh that Merry Go Round quilt is beautiful Nanette - was the binding tricky to sew on? and what a lovely place to have a holiday. Glad you had a lovely time.
Sounds like you had a great time. The Merry Go Round quilt is wonderful. How did you end up having it quilted?
Welcome home - you've been missed!
A wonderful vacation, indeed. A good time had by all.
Wow, what a gorgeous place to visit. I can't believe that moth! I love Shelby's sweater and your quilt is wonderful! Glad you had such a wonderful time!
I love the quilt!
Such a beautiful setting for a vacation, looks wonderful. Gorgeous photo of a gorgeous quilt. I agree with Jane it would make a fantastic postcard.
Looks like a wonderful vacation. Your quilt looks great in that background.
Where in WY did you go? My son has just discovered the Thayne area and says it's wonderful - we'll have to check it out sometime - I just thought maybe it was where you went too. Your quilt turned out beautifully!
May not sound very impressive??? I think it sounds awesome! It looks like you had a great time and even got some sewing done. That merry-go-round quilt is just adorable!!!
Welcome home!! Looks like you had a wonderful time in beautiful surroundings!! I did not know about the delayed post feature...neat! I love-love-love your merry-go-round quilt!!!!
It looks like a wonderful place to be. And that quilt in the sunset couldn't look more perfect. Love it!
Yeah the moth kinda freaks me out too. More like a BAT! Are you SURE that isn't Montana, cuz the sky sure looks BIG! :D What a cool place to take time to relax and reconnect with family. Your quilt looks sooo cool photographed that way. Did you go horseback riding and canoeing as well?? Feel free to share more pictures.
I'm glad that you are home again and back to bloggin'.
Looks like you had fun! We went to Wyoming for part of our honeymoon but our car died in Teton Natl Park...oy! Is the binding hard to do on the merrygoround quilt? I have the pattern.
What a dreamy vacation!
I'm in such awe of the MRG photo. I love the quilt, I love the photo! WOWIE ZOWIE!!!!
cute cupcake
Your quilt is beautiful. I love it!
Hi Nanette, your vacation photos are stirring me up!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time and the peace just shines through in your photos. You are a quilt makin machine! Your new quilt in this post and your dress quilt are just gorgeous. I still need to get the baby quilt I made quilted and bound. soon!
The Parcheesi quilt is gorgeous! I haven't seen that block pattern before but I like it a LOT!
I love love LOVE the merry go round quilt. it's amazing!!!!! the photo is fantastic as well.
The finished quilt with the sun in the background is really neat.
What a great place to vacation. I can smell the cool morning mountain air.
Healthy to Breathe in Love, *karendianne.
Your merry go round quilt is beautiful! Especially with the background of the mountains and valleys of our home turf while growing up and where we have spent many vacations of our own. It makes me homesick.
The colors are beautiful. I saw on Ulla's blog that you finished another quilt and had to dash over to peak. I have been a silent peaker... and admirer of your talents for a while... Once again a beauty was created!
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