Happy May Day. When I was a girl at school we always celebrated May Day with dancing around a May Pole and weaving colorful strips around the top of the pole. Do they do that anymore? Well May is a lovely month and colors come alive from start to end of the month. Color makes me think fabric. And today is Friday so it is also Fabulous Fabric Friday for me.

I recently pulled down off my shelves some of my favorite vintage and Japanese reproduction fabrics.

Like most all of you fabric makes me smile and inspires me to create.

I cut some of the fabric into 9 1/2" squares and made them into "Honey Packs" composed of 20 different prints. I listed a few of them in my Etsy store

And some of the squares of fabric I've set aside for present and future projects.

I hope you have a nice first weekend in May. As always I hope to spend some quality fabric time. -nanette
ooh - I'm drooling over your fabrics!
Happy May Day Nanette! I remember doing a maypole dance just once when I was little -- we moved from Utah to CA when I was 7, so my May Day memory must have been from Utah. I don't think they do it anymore -- so sad!
I remember picking wildflowers and putting them in a paper cone "vase" with a string attached to hang on someone's door. May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii. There is even a song.
It looks like some more beautiful and fun projects are happening at your home.
The material is so happpy and cheery!
ooo.. lots of reds and yellows and greens. My favorites. Love the one with the little cats.. that looks vintage. But I might be fooled.
Yes. We did the same thing Stephanie remembers.. we would pick flowers and put them in little paper cones, then hang them on the neighbor's doors and knock, then run away. It was such fun!
I love the pears! I am really into fruit fabric lately!
I have very fond memories of the May Pole festivities in school and May Day King and Queen. We even had a May Day parade with decorated wagons and such. It was adorable.
Happy May day to you too! and who would not want one of your honey packs, I sure did!! I have a plan for that fabric!
what beautiful fabrics! I think we may have done the may pole once, but my children certainly don't ~ too bad.
Our elementary school here still celebrated May Day by each class performing a dance and the 5th graders dance around the May Pole. Both of my kids participated!! Happy May Day!! Love the fabrics!!
I never got to celebrate May Day with a May pole, I wish I did, it would have been fun. I love the fabric! So cute. Fabric makes me smile too. I am going to take the weekend and create too. Have fun!
Happy May Day to you as well, Nanette! As children, we also put flowers in a paper cone and hung them from a door handle - or gave them to our mom. I love the reds and yellows - how happy they are! Have a terrific weekend sewing - you deserve it!
Happy May Day and I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your pretty fabric. Mine inspires me to create, too!
Great stuff and thank you thank you thank you for publishing the patterns for the quilt group. It works just great. Hope all is well and that there is good news out there somewhere this week.
Your fabric is wonderful, esp. the Japanese fabric! Just beautiful!
May is a pretty month...I just wish it would get warmer here in Donegal County.
I can't wait til mine arrive!!!
Why is mail delivery so slow???
Can you tell I'm not a very patient person? (grin)
I was just telling my kids about how we celebrated May Day in elementary school with the may pole and all the fun. I'm sad they don't do that anymore.
Lovely fabrics...wish I could pull them right from the computer screen!
I remember lots of crepe paper stringers connected to a flag pole at school and we did a May Day Dance! It was so colorful and fun. Your fabrics are absolutely gorgeous!
Happy May to you!
Our primary school K -3 does the maypole. I remember my kids doing this when they were there and going to watch. They were so cute. I think I even have it on video. I just loved that day! To me it meant the true beginning of spring. How sweet is your fabric? Love them!
Your fabrics always make me smile. Love them all.
Those fabrics are great and I love the colors!
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