My latest version of the cascading blocks and stripes quilt is bound and hung in my sewing room. I haven't labeled it yet. I struggle with that step.

It is just so fun to admire the secondary shapes that the machine quilting brings out. A flimsy comes to life with thoughtful quilting and sometimes simple quilting proves less can be more.

This pattern doesn't seem to lend itself to being a scrappy quilt but it was almost essential for me to put a scrappy border on the top and bottom as to make the overall look more whimsical and "me".

And of course I always always like a scalloped edge. The quilt ended up being sort of a funny size because the symmetry of the pattern lends itself to needing an even number of the horizontal and vertical blocks or lines in the quilt.

Anyway it was great to remake my pattern using different fabrics. A completed project is a joy to look at. Now on to the next . . .
I love how this quilt looks!
Love the colors, Nanette. And of course the border fabric makes it yours...no signature needed!
I love the soft look too! and Kaaren is right the border says Nanette!!
It's a lovely quilt. I like the scrappy borders.
V. here...
Oh!! I love this version with scrappy top and bottom. I like the way you hang your quilts and the cute sugar & creamer in the photo.Thanks V.
BEE-autiful!! Love the scalloped edge and the machine quilting on this one really gives those green squares a neat look. The scrappy border is the perfect addition to the quilt. Super, as always!!
Love that scrappy border! I still have not ventured into scalloped borders because I am not sure how to bind them. Those "inside" miters freak me out!
Love it, love it! The border is wonderful.
This is such a beautiful example of the gorgeous soul that created it.
I struggle with labels too. Lovely quilt. I really like the curved edge
Very,very nice.
I love it! I love the colors and the border.
The magazine didn't translate the size as well as your pictures do. Love. love. love the scrappy border with the scallops and that adorable strawberry block. The stripes with the stripes--nice way to use that kind of printed fabric.
Those colors would be perfect in a little girl's bedroom.
Beautiful to see it in two color ways. You are just like the fancy magazines that do that!
absolutely adorable.
I have your pattern and it is definitely on my to-do list. I love how your second version turned out too. And especially the scallops. Darling!
I love this quilt, too. It looks pretty in every kind of fabric. Like Annette, it's on my "to do" list.
it's so soft and pretty. and so pretty with all that work you put into the scalloped border.
I love this quilt. Green and pink are so great together.
Your quilts are so inspirational to me.
Thanks for always sharing.
Cute Quilt! Also.... if I remember right today is your birthday! I hope you have a happy one!
Is today your birthday??? I Hope you have a great day.. well even if its not your birthday!
Love the quilt. As usual, you inspire!
i love the green fabric. i would name it inchworm. cute, cute!
The quilt is stunning! It is a wonderful combination of colors. I also like your display rod! Is it Ikea?
Nanette, it turned out so cute!! I love it!! I especially like the color choices and the borders! Someone suggested today was your birthday...is that true?? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Beautiful, especially the scrappy border -very soft and sweet.
Nanette...I absolutely love that quilt. The scrappy border and scalloped edge make it so very sweet! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!
Very nice--love the way you did the scrappy scalloped border---wow---say that 3 times fast;)
This is just a darling quilt. Love the scrappy edge - just perfect...
I really really heart this quilt...it's perfect...and it's so you!
Love it, love it, love it!
Hugs - Lurline♥
i absolutely LOVE the scrappy border - it's so you (and me) so i guess it's so us!!!
great job nanette, it's adorable...
I love the way this beautiful quilt is displayed. :-)
OH MY GOODNESS! I forgot it was your birthday last Monday too! I hope you had a wonderful day and got lots of goodies. Which by looking at the blog you did.
I'll be uploading pics from the new Yankee stadium later- which was my main gifty. No fabrics and stuff but fun just the same.
the quilt looks great also :p
I am totally in love with this quilt! It is definitely 'you' - it showcases your love of fabric very well. Well done, Nanette!
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