Oh yes, it was one of those weekends. Lots planned, things to do, and all of a sudden. A very expensive puddle in the basement.

Here is a picture of the aftermath. At least the box made for some laughs. I know. These things happen to all of us. It is just part of life. Poor Mr. Hive, it completely dominated his entire Saturday. Now on to more pleasant subjects.

I ordered some
Halloween Fabric from Quilt Taffy for the Spooky Exchange that
Jane is hosting. This Sheri Berry fabric above is so so cute. I think she's my new favorite fabric designer. Have you seen her
Christmas line? It really is perfect. The bells/balls are so darling. Well, both
Sheri Berry's Christmas and Halloween lines are must haves. (Like I need more Christmas quilts!)

I finished making my 12 9-patch blocks for the Spooky exchange. So they are all done. Check. So yes, the weekend wasn't a total loss, at least not for me.

We have a free choice block for the exchange so I enlarged and modified my
cottage pattern to fit the required block size and starting making those. I only got one done. But I did have fun making it and I look forward to the other 11. Soon.

And a couple very sweet bright spots on my weekend were surprises. I was completely baffled when I got a box that said it was from
Jackie on the return address. Inside was a sweet birthday treat from Jackie! So incredibly thoughtful and unexpected. Jackie's husband is from the town right next to where I grew up in Pennsylvania. It is fun to know someone from "home". Thank you Jackie! It is such a coincidence because just the night before these delicious
Tastykakes arrived I had downloaded
Jackie's podcasts on quilting and listened to them. I found several things I could improve on and really enjoyed hearing Jackie's path to quilting. I look forward to lots more podcasts, Jackie. Quilters are so generous with their experience.

My daughter Whitney came for dinner Sunday. She brought a birthday bag for me. It is so fun spacing out the "love". Whitney knows I adore everything at
Anthropoligie and they picked out some perfect presents for me, not to mention the cute/hilarious card. I love the
repro vintage juicer. Pink glass, so pretty.
Anthropologie has the best fabrics for home
dec items. Isn't this "N" in great orange retro fabric sweet. And little hive coasters. They make me want to design a quilt after them. Wouldn't that make a great quilt block? Appliqued branches and a beehive - I'm adding it to my
gargantuan list of quilts to make. Thanks Whitney. Oh, and Whitney is 21 weeks and starting to really look pregnant. Exciting.
I love Sherri Berry too! Her fabrics are darling. I love the blocks that you made - that cottage one is perfect!
More great birthday presents. It's always so nice when the birthday love lasts so long.
I am going to go check out her fabrics right now...you turned a potentially bad weekend into one with great results!!!
Well, pooh! I was going to send you some Tastykakes but I was afraid the heat would take its toll! Glad to hear you got some!
Sounds like an eventful weekend. I'm loving that Halloween cottage block. All of the fabrics are perfect and makes it so much fun. Everyone in your exchange is going to ooooh and aaaah over it!
Super cute fabric!! I've got to get started on my blocks for the swap too! And no you can NEVER have too much fabric for any holiday quilt! Congrats on the soon to be grandbaby too. Do they know what they are having yet? Congrats to them too. Jenn
My aunt came to visit, but more exciting than that is she had 4 boxes of Tastecakes with her and two bags of Hartley's potato chips.
It must be in the air...I'm waiting for a repairman to fix my hot water heater today. I LOVE your Spooktacular blocks!!! Wish we were in the same group.
Oh gosh, so many of us have been there done that with the old water heater - but this is the most clever use of the box I've ever seen - save it for a Halloween costume - LOL!
I love the Halloween House, Nanette, and the fabric is divine - I am a total nut when it comes to Halloween fabric! I'm also drooling over the Tasty Kakes - what a great surprise!
Congratulations on the belated birthday fun. I LOVE to stretch things out like that! I saw the sheri berry fabric for christmas, too....it is very sweet! Have a great week!
Oh don't you just love those kind of weekends!, but you sure did got a lot done. I love that fabric line and had to have some of the new Christmas line, it also is so darling!! Your Halloween house is so cute, and I love the "N". So fun, when birthdays just go on and on!!
Nanette your spooky blocks are just fabulous!
I'm so excited to see what you are doing for the block exchange, especially since I will be a lucky recipient!
I love them both!
I almost picked the exact fabric line to work with. I am including one piece of their orange for the 9-patch. I'm going to blog about it tonight, so stay tuned if you want a sneak peak.
Sounds like you had an eventful and productive weekend, Nanette. I just love the fabric as well.
Tastykakes and a cup of tea...all I need are the Tastykakes. None to be found in these parts. Plug the kettle in cause I'm coming over!
Hi Nanette! It's so funny, I just ordered some of that same Sherri Berry Halloween and Christmas fabrics today! I love them so. :-) Your blocks and the cottage look really adorable.
Mmmm, more tastykakes! Oh happy day! Cute hive coasters and other stuff from anthropologie, that is a great store!
Love the Halloween cottage! And of course, the rest of the fabric.
Seeing your spooky house block reminds me that I should get out the Halloween cottage blocks I made a few months ago and get them sewn together so I can enter the little quilt in the county fair! Cute gifties from Whitney and Christian. Exciting times ahead for them and you!
LOVE the Halloween cottage block! Those are some pretty nice Halloween fabrics. Sorry about the hot water heater.
Wow Nanette, a very busy weekend indeed! Yes we've had the hot water system fail...I'm sure we all have!
Glad you got it sorted... Poor hubby!
Love your house block..adorable...
Lovely birthday pressies too... Happy Birthday and congrats to you all on the upcoming birth of a new family member!
Robyn xx
so they are all done. is that what you said. i will not feel the pressure. i will not feel the pressure. anyways i love that spooky new fabric you got. & i hope to buy some soon.
So sorry about the water heater...love your halloween fabrics...reminded me that I need to get my Halloween cottages together! Halloween is just over 4 months away!!!
Eeeeekkkk! That little Halloween house block is adorable! I love your cool birthday surprises too -- especially those coasters, of course. (Sorry about the water!)
Nanette, ok what/where is Anthropologie??? I've heard of it a ton...! Are tastykakes really that good? you know, like worth it? if so, how far would I have to go? I'm coming down there this week and for sure this time I want to go to Broadbents!!! You lucky future gramma...I'm still waiting...a gal in waiting...:)
L-O-V-E the quilty-cute haunted house block. I checked out that fabric at Nadines the other day.
So cute...
Oh Nanette, we had our water heater burst one weekend as well. Although it was a few years ago, I can totally relate! I love how your blocks are coming along. You and Nedra seem to be ahead of the game. I am just getting ready to begin my blocks. I am also so glad I could send you some tasty treats to make your weekend a little brighter.
I'm in LOVE with your Halloween fabric!! I need to get my hands on some of that for my Halloween Cottage blocks. Your Anthropologie gifts are amazing. I love the pink juicer!
Oh my goodness! Nanette you ALWAYS have the cutest stuff! I love that Halloween fabric and the little Halloween cottage is ADORABLE!
Thanks again for the inspiration!
V. here...So Sorry about your basement . your halloween fabric is precious. Thanks for the hint. Love the little halloween house.
And still getting Birthday presents?? Wow, Everyone knows so well what you love, Cute gifts. V.
Oh dear - those unexpected puddles do make for an exciting time, don't they? I'm sorry for Mr. Hive.
Your blocks are just too cute! I have been eyeing that fabric line, and was wondering if I wanted some, and you've shown me that I do!
Your gifts are wonderful - you are having a 'birthday month' I do believe! Good for you!
How exciting that Whitney is showing - you'll be a grandmama before you know it!
p.s. I'm sorry - you'll be a Nanny before you know it! I had to correct my last post. Hee hee!
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