You may not really be interested in a pictorial of our vacation but it's our blog after all and it was really a fun time so indulge me, please.

The nearest town to my sister's ranch is Afton Wyoming. It is about 35 minutes from the ranch to town (on a dirt road).

We went into town one day to get some fabric and some other little errands. Cute town.

Here is my sister Michelle (in the orange) making her fabric purchase. I'm helping her a little with a couple quilts she has started. The fabric store was more of a variety store.

We took my darling grand nephews with us while we shopped on the main street with the bears.

Jamie and Chelsey went into town a couple times. You can see Mason's reflection taking their picture.

There were a few cute shops. I did pick up some Star Valley t-shirts for the kids.

Most of the time we just hung out together on the ranch. Such hard work! Left to right my pregnant niece Tricia, daughters
Shelbie and Jamie, and son Mason (what is he doing?)

You can see how vast the 800+ acres are surrounding the main ranch area. Laurie and Jamie, holding Shadow, pose after their hike.

This is a working ranch so there are plenty of chores to do. Mr. Hive (in orange) is with with my brother-in-law Brent in between fun and work. Could that cowboy hat be giving Mr. Hive enough confidence that he's giving the ranch owner some tips? He seems pretty animated.

The lake on the ranch is fabulous, though extremely cold, since it is fed by glacier water. Here are Chelsey and Jamie having fun on the canoe.

Even our dog Shadow got into the water. It was kind of windy that day so his life jacket didn't lots of use.

Here he is in the canoe with
Shelbie and Laurie. The water was really pretty clear. You could see tons of fish while in the canoe.

Mason playing with my grand nephews
Maxx and Rex along with the ranch pup, Katie.

Justin and Natalie hanging out after they cooked a fabulous dinner for us on Saturday.

Mason is quite the fisherman and he caught some big ones. The fishing was a highlight for him.

He caught several trout. Here is a German Brown. My brother-in-law Ken fixed fresh trout for us one night. It was so good.

Here is a tease so you'll come back to see more tomorrow. This is where the real fun was! I taught the gals hand applique. So you don't want to miss seeing their finished projects. We really had such a nice time sewing together. You can see how intent the sisters and nieces are hunched over their flour sack towels while stitching in the cook house. Stay tuned. Cute stuff to come.
What a gorgeous place! Peaceful. That room looks huge with the gals appliqueing!
Great pictures. Where's the one of you?
Oh gosh I love it! It looks breathtaking beautiful! Thanks for sharing. ooxx`jod
That looks so much fun....!!!
What amazing countryside. Now that's my idea of neighbors, no cars, no pollution, fresh trout for dinner...aaaahhh.
I'd love to see more. Bring on the photos, Nanette.
Nothing beats time away with the family! Add in some sewing/quilt shopping and it is just perfect!
What a lot of fun you're having. Did the girls like what you made them? I'm sure they did. I've been enjoying your pictures and seeing the landscape in wyoming. I look forward to seeing more pictures too! Let's talk when you get back.
Can we have part two today!!! Oh my what could be more fun! It looks like almost all of the fanily went, super fun. The lake is wonderful! You said it is a working ranch, horses?
I am sure they loved their table-runners.
I bet if you held a class in Utah, it would be filled in no time, I sure would fly to have you teach me~~~anything!!! Can't wait for more pics!
Nanette, That looks like such a refreshing vacation, and what beautiful scenery. Looks a lot cooler, too, than it is here. :) Glad you had fun. Can't wait to see what you've been making!
FUN! I figure any place with a dirt road is a place I'd like to be. : )
Can't wait to see the applique!
It's 100 degrees here and it's just after 9 in the morning!! I want to be there where it looks cool!! Looking forward to seeing some applique. Hey Shelbie, what are you knitting? Yea, I see something red in the pic!!!
Oh what a wonderful place for a vacation. You can just see the fresh clean air! I loved all the pics of your family. I remember last year when Shadow jumped in that water after the kids in the boat.. and did NOT have a life jacket! Good idea for this year.
Can't wait to see what all the girls made. I'm sure some really pretty things.
Welcome back. It's been quiet here without you.
I am glad that you had a good time in Wyoming. It is a great place to visit and to live. Come back again soon. :o)
So scenic and very green. Great to know that you had such a wonderful vacation there.
Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures.
I'm eager to see the finished works :)
Nanette--it looks like your vacation time was relaxing! Good for you taking time to relax!
It looks like an awesome place to visit! A working ranch, family, small town, crafty fellowship, Perfection.
Thanks for sharing part of your vacation, I enjoy seeing places I haven't been, which is anything west of the Mississippi and east of the Atlantic Ocean, grin.
Certainly is beautiful country and I loved the bench outside the store with the cowboys holding up the seat, grin.
I really enjoyed seeing these pictures. I would love this place. I can't wait to see the pictures of the projects everyone was working on.
Nanette, thanks for sharing, beautiful country. We loved it up that way when we went on a vacation to Wyoming. The cowboys remind me of the ones here in Texas. Can't wait to see what you taught all the girls.
Keep Stitchen'
Hey, I enjoyed YOUR trip! We've been to Wyoming (Big Horns) several times - lovely country in your photos. I'll be back.
Looks like you had a great trip. You are lucky to be able to enjoy such good times with so many of your family members! Looking forward to the "cute stuff to come". :-)
Oh, it looks gorgeous there...and cool! Can't wait to see what you all made...and hi Shelby...see those knitting needles out!
What a neat place, Nanette! Tell Mason he can come and fish with us any time - what a trout! Great photos! Thanks for the armchair trip - can't wait for more!
Wow! What a gorgeous part of the country!
I don't get out much, so I love seeing your photos.
I go on virtual vacations via other people's blogs. LOL
Have a great time!
Kimberly :)
Great holiday!!! I simply LOVE that Racoon shelf, it's just gorgeous!!
Joy :o)
Looks like lots of fun. We're on our way to Flaming Gorge and on up into Yellowstone in August, if all goes well. Mimi
v. here... What a wonderful vacation with your family and extended loved ones. This is just the most ideal place. So much to do and enjoy. i love the term "cook house". Are you trying to change the name to "sewing house"? love it all!!v.
wow, Nanette looks like you had a blast!
What a lovely time with your family, your sister's ranch looks amazing! I will be back tomorrow to see what you all stitched up. Fabulous xo
What a SUPER FUN place to have a large family vacation like that. Thanks for letting us have a peek!
Looks like a fun and relaxing time. I went RVing to South Dakota a couple of years ago and we drove over to Wyoming to see Devils tower.
That part of Wyoming was very pretty.
I can see you had such a nice vacation. Go Mason! He looks like a true fisherman.
This place looks like heaven on earth! A wonderful place to be with family and friends.
Oh my...I love this place...I feel sooo relaxed and rested just looking at your are so fortunate to have family who are kindred spirits with the sewing and crafts...such fun!
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