Life is sometimes just a big
Wack-A-Mole game. You just get one mole
wacked and another pops up!
After Christmas I thought I had a cold but it ended up being full blown influenza. However, I'm recovering and feeling mostly like myself now. So it has kind of put a kink in my after Christmas sewing.

Last week my daughter Tracey was visiting from Oklahoma where she and her husband live/work and attend school. It was really nice having her with us as we really missed them at Christmas. She brought me the sweetest bee tea set. I collect tea sets and this was a fabulous addition to my collection. Oh, I love bees and I love seeing it how she staged it in my green tray. Thanks Tracey! I love surprises.

Yesterday I had a another fun surprise. My
BFF Lori Holt sent me a get well package. Lori knows me as if we had been friends for years. She sent this totally wonderful and so "me" red dotty teapot along with some soothing herbal teas and red and pink fat quarters. The teapot is microwavable. It will be so used. Thank you
Lori! Tonight I choose the lemon zinger tea. Ahh.

So other than getting better, working on a few new blocks, being with Tracey and my family, I have had some good Allison time. She's got such a personality.

And she is so much fun. She loves her Nanny. She always has a smile and some coos for me.
Update on choosing my washer/dryer/phone: Thanks so much for all the input. I think I have my mind made up on what I will buy. One of my kids tinkered with the washer and it started working again but I know it is only a brief respite before that "mole" raises it's ugly little head again and I find myself plunking the $ down for the new appliances. Also, my phone works about 70%, about 40% of the time. I haven't had time or felt like fixing the problem yet but it has put a crimp in my ability to keep an eye on my blog (along with being sick) and answer email. So if you asked me a question and I haven't answered, please email me again and I will be more responsive.-
Love the cute teapots!
That precious little one has got to be loads of fun to spend time with.
Hope you are feeling better.
Oh boy, been there and have done that, go slowly, it takes a lot out of you. The tea pots just shout you name!! Love them!
Your little one is getting bigger and is so darling, it just melts your heart when the smile at you. She is just so pretty, must take after her Nanny! Love her bow!!Get better!
Oh I hate you've been sick Nanette, but so glad that you're finally better. The winter flu can be soooooo evil! Allison is just adorable! Such a cutie pie and I adore the strip quilt in the post below. What a wonderful use of those scraps :)
Cute pictures! Hope you feel better soon! Check your email for a surprise! Take care!..Joyce
Cute, cute teapots.
Look at how big that cutie-patootie has gotten. She's adorable.
Wowee! Gotta love that red hair...just like yours :-)
So sorry to hear about the influenza, Nanette. Hope you've completely recovered from it.
Allison is such a cutie pie. Love seeing her pictures.
The teapots are so adorable. Lovely additions to your collection :)
I liked your "wack-a-mole" comparison to life's ups and downs. LOL!! Allison looks like a real sweety.:-)
Sorry you were sick & glad you are feeling better. That Allison is sure a cutie!
Awwwww.... Allison is just adorable! Grandkids are the best! And those teapots. What can I say - PERFECTION!
Glad you're feeling better. Take your time and get really well before you take the world back on your shoulders. :)
Cute teapots...but even cuter baby. She is so sweet! Hope you are feeling better very soon. I have that "mole" problem in my life too sometimes.
No better cure for the flu than a good cup of tea...especially made in a red polka dot tea pot.
Feel better soon, Nanette.
Awww... I hope you are back to 100% soon! I love those teapots...
Jennifer :)
I'm so glad you're feeling better. Love your teapots and sweet little Allison! I just want to kiss her little cheeks!! x
The flu!! That just stinks. I am glad that you are feeling better though. The teapot gifts are just adorable. But even more adorable is that little Allison. I bet it is just wonderful having her there and playing with her. FUN! Can't wait to hear the continuation of the washer/dryer/phone/saga.
Love the teapots and is that little one a cutie or what!! Take care of yourself!
Drats! Sick again...sending get well wishes and real quick! 2010 is getting away from us already!!
Ugh! Being sick is no fun at all. But, at least you've had some happy cheer in all of it... the teapots are so sweet, as is your beautiful granddaughter. :) Hope you're feeling better soon!
The teapots are adorable.
I hope you're feeling better, soon. There's nothing like a baby to make you feel so loved. Don't you just love being a Nanny?
Lori does KNOW your and LOVE you. To find a teapot like this that is actually safe for the microwave, well, that's extra amazing and special. About as extra special as that sweet baby. Ahh, just want to give her the biggest hugs ever. Be well. Love and healing, *karendianne.
Oh Nanette what an appropriate (and fun!!) comparison ~ you're absolutely right, sometimes life is JUST like a 'whack a mole' game LOL. Glad you're feeling better!!
Those tea sets are to die for, I really love the bee one, SO cute :o). Not as cute as your Alison though, what a cheeky grin she has ..... oooooh, give her a cuddle for me would you ;o)!!!
Joy ;o)
Hope you're feeling much better! (Life certainly has its ups and downs, but I know you count your many blessings every day, and you share many of them with all of us!)
I love the teapots, I'm still keeping my eye out for a red polka dotted one. Glad you are feeling better and always enjoy that cute baby face.
take care cuz that flu can really kick your behind! and the dotty teapot, "sigh" teapot love.
Those tea sets are very cute, but I think little Allison takes the prize for cuteness! It must be nice to have a little person cooing at you! Take care and hope you are feeling better!
Your granddaughter gets cuter each time you show her.....LOVE her in the polka dotted sleeper, too. GREAT teapots you got, too.
How sweet of Lori to bring you such a cute teaset. I am so looking forward to both of you visiting in April. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Your teapots are fabulous! I adore the red dotted one!
Hope you're continuing to improve and feel back to normal soon!
lucky Nanny..she's a beauty Nanette!!
I'm glad you like the teapot and that bee set is just adorable.
Allison is getting cuter every time we see her...I know how much fun you are having with her. Lucky you:)
Feel better and Happy Everything,
Love the tea set...the tea pot...and that cute granddaughter! Get well soon Nanette!!!
Your tea pots are adorable! I'm glad you are feeling better. Your grandbaby is getting cuter and cuter everyday.
So sorry that you are not feeling well. Get well soon, and I loved your pics!
Love the wack a mole analogy. Hope your on the road to recovery. Your tea sets are soooo much fun!
the t pots are just darling, so is your granddaughter, I hope you get better soon, I love your blog too.
Oh, what a sweet baby,,couldn't you just squeeze them to pieces?? And those teapots are to die for.. I love the Celestial Seasonings Teas, they are the best but I love my regular tea too. The Twinings Teas are good too. I too collect tea pots and just love to look at them.. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the appliances
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