It is late and I'm posting this for Monday so I hope it comes out okay. It has been another crazy busy weekend with more sewing for market (some re-dos). But so much got done so I feel happy about it. My girls and I even cooked an East Indian meal Sunday, and it turned out great.

I did want to talk some more about my current new project (yipes, I haven't kept my New Years resolution at all) the Gypsy Kisses quilt, otherwise known as Pickle Dish. I have both these books. Each book has a pattern for this quilt with some slight variations and I thought I would contrast compare the patterns. When I went to have
Nedra teach me this paper piecing quilt I thought I'd make the Gypsy Kisses version by
Material Obsession.
Nedra opted to make the Pickle Dish version by
Kaffe Fassett. We noticed some differences and I thought I would pass them along.

This is the pattern pull out for tracing pieces in Material Obsession's book. Note: you have to add your own seam allowances for this pattern. Which I did for the oval piece above left. The fan itself top of the photo right, I didn't add seam allowances before printing off my paper piecing guides (see below).

No seam allowances. But after photo copying the pattern on the paper I bought at Joann's, I didn't want to start completely over and I made my copies before going to Nedra's for instructions.

So after allowing extra for the seam amount when stitching my lines, I just used my ruler to add the seam allowance before trimming each block. It hasn't been a hassle and just added under a minute to each block.

This is the foundation pattern in the
Kaffe book. Notice he has given seam allowances and little notches for matching up the oval that joins the 2 fan pieces together. Smart! Now the reason I didn't use Kaffe's pattern is arc is a much tighter fit in
Kaffe's pattern. In the Material Obsession pattern, the curve is more gentle and easier to sew (for me, at least).

Both patterns are pretty much the same outcome but a little different in construction. So it depends on which issue you'd prefer. However, drawing in the seam allowances to start with would be a better solution for anyone with the Material Obsession pattern. I love this quilt!

I grumble about paper piecing and how it isn't my favorite method. And it really isn't. But the fabulous
Janet reminded me that it is simply because of the foundation method that I am able to make this quilt at all! Can you imagine trying to cut each piece and be accurate enough with the shapes to make this work any other way? Totally impossible!

So I'm grateful for my foundation paper and for
Nedra helping me start this quilt. I think I have the hang of it now and making the blocks one a day (well most days) was good advice from
Lori. See how much I learn from my friends! Thank you thank you.

Allison was so good last week. She slept over Thursday and Friday night and slept from 9:30 to 5:00! Pretty darn good for 6 months old. She was so good for us but it is really easy to take care of her with all the help we have at our house. Everyone pitches in and it is a joy to have a baby around.
Your gypsy kisses are turning out just beautiful Nanette.
And Allison is adorable.
Great comparison, Nanette! There is also the difference in approach to dealing with the completed arcs. In the MO book, the centers are appliqued over the "hole" between the arcs and the arcs themselves are appliqued to the background fabric rather than pieced as in Kaffe's book. It's fun to consider the construction options!
I'm quite smitten with your Gypsy Kisses - very cute. Thanks for the tips on both versions.
Baby Allison is growing like a sweet dandelion - she's adorable.
Allison is so cute, and growing up so fast! What a good baby.
Thanks for the heads up about the pattern. My friend and I have been talking about doing a PD. Now I will pass this info on to her.
Your quilt is going to be beautiful but the best part of this post is that pic of Allison. I think she's thinking about what her first quilt project might be. LOL! She such a cutie!
What a great idea to show comparisons of both quilts for a blog post.
It was so fun to start these quilts with you. I learned a lot about techniques as you had the two books side by side. I haven't had time to work on mine since you left. I l
Love the colors you are using, especially the block with the black and white stripe.
Thanks for sharing the comparisons of these two books. I wanted the Kaffe book and it was on my list, maybe I should go with the Material Obsessions book. I love her projects.. Love your blocks so far, such fun fabrics and that little Allisonis so adorable.
What a curious look. :)
Love Pickle Dish. Thank you for your insight on the comparison.
What a wonderful tip, your blocks are coming along so beautifully! I also love the kitty fabric in the background, have to get some of that:)
Allison is a doll, it won't be long and she'll be sewing along with you!
Allison looks like she's deep in thought, what a cutie.
I've been wanting to do some paper piecing, maybe watching your progress will inspire me.
And it's especially easy if the baby is as pretty as Allison! She is really a cutie. I'm sure that's good advice for the pickle dish quilt, but I see no chance of that one anywhere in my near future. :)
Allison is so adorable! So nice that you had such a fun time with her :)
Thanks so much for all the details regarding the pattern. This has been on my 'must-do'list and it helps me immensely to know the differences. I love the light+dark
combinations your are doing for the blocks. Very cheerful!
Before I talk about your blocks, I just have to say how sweet Allison is, look at that face and she is growing. What a sweetie-pie
I love to paper piece, I think because my eye-site is so poor it is nice to know things will match and points will not be chopped off. I like the idea of one a day, keeps off the presure. It is looking wonderful!
Love your gypsy kisses. I've always liked that pattern in the MO book. Allison is so cute. What a joy she must be. Sounds like she's a really good baby.
Just gorgeous! Love the all hands around method of baby care.
Thanks for the pattern comparison! I love this design, though I don't know if I'm patient enough for it.
(And how lucky you are to have a g-girl around!! So cute!)
I might have to invest in one of those books.
Now Nanette. Your g-grandmother made that pattern and didn't use paper pieceing LOL! Where did you get the MO2 book? I looked a few months ago on Amazon and it was gone. Is it truly GONE??? Alison is adorable!
That baby is adorable. I love the expression on her face.
Love your blocks your making. I dont like foundation piecing either but I'm loving those blocks.
I'm feeling quite strongly that my next 'big' quilt needs to be a pickle dish.
I always love the way you put your fabrics together Nanette. Such a good eye you have.
Allison is beautiful. So happy you are enjoying her. She looks like she knows full well that she will NEVER get out of that chair without relying on the kindness of grownups ;-)
Dear Allison,
You are a cutie pie and growing so fast. I love your polka dot outfit. know how much I love your blocks and you are making good a day keeps the UFO away!
Allison is BEAUTIFUL....I can't even go back and look at the fabrics and the two patterns when you put such a delightful photo of her at the end of the post. What a sweetheart she is!!!
Oh that is so cool! It is going to be such a striking quilt and as always - I love your fabrics. Can't wait to see the finished product!
hi Nanette,
thanks for visiting my blog--i'm totally looking forward to seeing your jelly roll sampler blocks--i love your taste in fabric & i think yours were the ones that gave me the final push to join the quilt-along! i really like your pickle-dish blocks too--you have such a fun sense of fabric & colors :-)
Both quilts are gorgeous, the MO arcs are larger and have one more blade too from memory. In any case, you're doing fabulously and the fabrics are gorgeous. That little Allison gets prettier as time goes on.
I have Kaffe's book and I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the MO book. Your comparison of the two patterns is fantastic. I think in the end you have to do which one is comfortable for you. It looks like you found your comfort zone. The blocks are beautiful!
Your quilt is going to be amazing! Is the Kaffe book hardcover...or is it out in paperback yet...I'm thinking I need that one too!
Ya know....when I went back and looked at this photo of Allison again, I think her sweet little face looks just like YOU (from what I've seen of you in photos).
Foundation piecing is my least favorite method. But I know it has it's time and place. Love your pickle dishes.
Your Gypsy Kisses are looking great!! I love Pickle Dish patterns!!
Your blocks are gorgeous... but not nearly as gorgeous as your precious little grand-daughter.
CUTE as a button~!
Your quilt is going to be so great. I don't like paper piecing either but You will definitely get a more accurate quilt that way.
Baby is growing like a weed.
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