Just last weekend the store moved next door. So it is still located right by the library. The new shop is full of light and everything is organized really well. They are still getting things situated but it will be great. You can see it was a lovely day to be shopping with Lori.

My wonderful friend Suzanne manages the shop and does a lovely job. It was fun to be greeted by her friendly face and shown around the store. Suzanne is such a great example of a strong optimistic person. I love her.

They still have a great selection of fabric including my favorite 30s. I always see fabric here that I've missed in other shops.

I had fun peeking into each room. We ran into the girls from Riley Blake while we were there, too. Darn no picture of them!

Remember I won a generous gift certificate from The Quilting Cottage over Shop Hop this summer. So for Fabric Friday I need to show you some of the fabrics I picked. I love Bliss by the wonderful Bonnie and Camille at Cotton Way for Moda. This pattern is such a great timeless design. I had to have it in 3 colorways.

Lori and I both got some of this sweet daisy.

And we both got some of this red dot on orange. I couldn't pass it up. It just spoke to me.

And this brown dot tulip spoke to me too. Love the vintage pattern and colors.

On top of the green dot are my new business cards. They came in the mail yesterday so I was excited to open them up and feel them and look at them. The colors don't show exactly how they really are in this picture but I am very pleased with them.
Maybe I'll have time to bind and work on some works-in-progress this weekend. Hope so.
The brown tulip fabric is adorable - I love it, Nanette. Thank you for sharing with us.
Hi Nanette. I love your blog and follow it routinely. Today you showed the white and green polka dot from Mary Engelbreit and I wondered if you had noticed whether they had it in cream with red polka dots. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any more of it. Please either let me know or give me the email address for the shop and I can contact them. Thanks so much.
I hadn't heard that The Quilting Cottage was moving. So glad you told me. Nice to know it's just next door. I'm sure the new house will be wonderful.
Your business cards are beautiful! You are almost ready for market!!Lovely fabrics as always, I really like the prints you showed from Bliss.
Love those business cards...and your fabric buys are all so fun...looks like a fun shop to browse in!
I love when people show their quilt shops, how fun to peek inside a quilt shop whether real or virtual. Cute fabrics, I love those big buttons in the one picture, saw them at my lqs. The business cards are fantastic!
And so, the fabric stash increases! But that's a good thing, right, because you are always making something new. How fun that you and Lori chose some of the same fabrics. You really do like a lot of the same things!
And I love your new business cards. Even shown on the computer screen, they are really impressive.
Oh, those are great new cards. Fun and definitely you.
The rick rack is so pretty sitting on the shelf with the colored button. A beautiful rainbow.
I realy love your new business cards! Quilting College looks wonderful!
Nanette, the fabrics you picked are so cute! I love the daisy and the green dot is perfect for backgrounds.
Your cards are just lovely!
I didn't even know about that quilt shop...so on my way saturday! Thanks for sharing...
I visited there a couple of years ago and loved it too. That's kind of sad that they moved since I loved the little old house it was in before. But it was kind of small so I don't blame them. Do you have the selvege info for that brown dot with orange tulip? I've been collecting some of the newer repro/feedsack prints in those colors. They are colors that I used to never choose, but I have found a lot lately in that vintagey green, brown and orange. Kind of a Ho Jo's palette that I find that I'm loving for fall- so surprising. Anyway, I'd love to get some of that to add to my stash!
Delish 30s selections and LOVE your cards!! SEW cute =)
That is it..I have to move closer..a lot closer to see all that ric rac on those shelves...lol. What has come over us about ric rac anyway...
great post...many ohhhs and ahhhs. blessings ms
ooohhhh...great shop! I love your fabric choices. That brown dot tulip is adorable!
Cute business cards, too. :-)
The ric rac really caught my eye. Looks like you went home with some lovely buys. Love the polka dots and the business cards look awesome.
Will have to put the Quilting Cottage on my list of shops to visit!
Your business cards look adorable! Love that they match your blog!
Well...I'm just so jealous of you girls up there in Utah. I don't have any quilt shops like that here close by...DARN IT!!
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