I grew up in Reading, Pennsylvania. Each Christmas we would take the bus down to Penn St. and shop for Christmas at the department stores. Every Christmas I think of snowy streets, walking up and down Penn St. and all the store window displays.

I was pretty excited to see this Alexander Henry fabric called "Merry Main Street". It captures that vintage feel of old fashioned store windows all dressed up for Christmas.

This isn't me in front of this store window but this photo captures how I felt watching the Christmas scenes in the window.

There were 2 main department stores on Penn St. when I was growing up in the 60s. They are long gone now but one was Whitner's. I found this photo on a web site talking about department stores that are gone now.

This is a photo of what Penn St. looked like when I was a kid. Of course this wasn't taken in the winter, but oh how I remember walking up and down this street.

Here is another photo of Penn St probably in the 40s-50s. My dad was a city cop. I can just picture him walking down the street in his uniform.

This photo is of Reading in the old days at Christmas. I was so happy to find these photos of times and scenes long gone.

Pomeroy's was the other main store in town. They had more store windows than Whitner's and that is really where the best window Christmas scenes were. On the 6th floor of Pomeroy's they would turn it into toyland and a little Christmas wonderland. My mom, Freda, would take me there each year to sit on Santa's lap, look at the toys, and see the wonderful Christmas trees and decorations. I wish I could have put my finger on a photo of me with Santa but I need to look in several places and thought of it too late for this post.

This Santa is from the 6th floor at Pomeroy's that someone recovered or bought when they tore the building down. Don't I wish I had some of this memorabilia.

I do want to make something by next year from that Alexander Henry fabric, though. Seeing these old photos made me really want to make another Christmas quilt. I'm so grateful for the sweet childhood memories I have and for the sacrifices my parents made for me and my sisters. I'm also very grateful for my testimony of Jesus Christ and glad I have this opportunity to reflect on his birth.
Merry Christmas to you all. I hope your holiday weekend is lovely and fun filled with you making good memories with your family or loved ones.
Great look back at those memories Nanette! I have a piece of that fabric that I am dreaming about what it will be.
Merry Christmas.
thanks for sharing a trip down memory lane. that is some really fabric too.
Merry Christmas and the Lord's blessing upon you and your family.
Hugs, Carrie P.
It's always fun to travel down memory lane - thank you!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
What lovely old photos. Nothing like a vintage Christmas!
I love the fabric...It brought back a lot of memories.
What a wonderful walk down memory lane!! I am sure that my hubby would recognize all those photos. I will look forward to your Christmas quilt of next year!! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Nannette!
and, a very Merry Christmas to you, and your family! With a happy, healthy New Year to boot!
Merry Christmas!
What a lovely post, Nanette! I enjoyed your walk down Christmas Memory Lane! I, too, am grateful for my childhood memories. :-) Blessings to you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you and family Nanette..
Lovely post.
Julia ♥
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS Nanette....A-N-D....yes, AND to tell you I COULD NOT WAIT until tomorrow to open your package!!! I opended it this afternoon and was sooooo surprised!!! My little caroler is soooo darling!!!! WOW, they are bigger than I thought...I LOVE mine!!! Thank you so much girl friend!!!!!
What wonderful memories. Hope you never lose that wonder of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year too!
I grew up in Lockport, IL - a MUCH smaller town than your hometown! But, I too, have fond memories of shopping for Christmas gifts in our "downtown"! Merry Christmas to your and yours!
Loved your pictures they brought back great memories. Penn street was Christmas lane to me. I would love to go back to Pomeroys toy land and just take a peek and relive my childhood. They were good times for our family. We didn't have much but we didn't know it. Give us three toys for Christmas and we were in heaven. Wish you could have found that picture. It was just you and Santa. You have long ringlets and a cute winter coat (probably mine from a couple years earlier) Merry Christmas.
Very sweet. It's so nice to remember. Merry Christmas Nanette.
ahhh I need that fabric!
I love that fabric, I've seen it around and it was tempting me. Yes, how fun to remember those old department stores. My mother used to make me dress nicely for a shopping trip out. One had a tea room on the top floor where all the ladies lunched and a soda fountain in the basement. Yum.
That fabric is the greatest! How did I miss it? Love all the old pictures too. Glad you had great holidays, Nanette!
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