International Quilt Market will be held in Salt Lake City May 13-15, 2011. Show of hands: How many of you will be there? Oh darn. Too hard to count. Well I'll be there for sure and so will many of your favorite bloggers, suppliers, designers and fabric companies. Quilt Market is a trade show and not open to the general public but there will be fun events that week and maybe you can scrounge a ticket into the show some way.

Utah has so many great fabric bloggers and designers.
Calli from Make it Do,
Amy from Diary of a Quilter and I have been emailing and had lunch brainstorming a party for a meet-up. And guess what? You are all invited.

The party will be open to anyone that can and wants to come. It is just in the planning stages right now but we are hoping to meet new friends, old friends and talented people that we have admired from afar. We have started a blog and we hope you'll follow to keep up to date as plans evolve. Grab the button on the blog (if you have a blog) and sign up with Mr. Linky to show us you want to attend. If you don't have a blog - it is ok! We want to meet you, too.

We know the week of Quilt Market is a crazy week for those attending and those displaying. Having a place and time to meet up might make things easy for us to get to know each other.

We'll be updating and posting on the Quilt Market Meet-Up Blog as we move forward with plans so keep checking the blog.
I'm also trying to plan a sew date or even two at
Alpine Quilt Retreats for those of you that come to market and want to spend time sewing and have more time to play. We may schedule one day to sew during the week of Quilt Market and maybe even one day the Monday after wards. It depends on who is interested. This would be a little day retreat. So keep that in mind as you think about scheduling your time that week.
It is so exciting thinking of all that is going on. I really hope to meet some of you.
Oh so tempting. Denver really isn't that far from Salt Lake! You just might see me!!! :-)
I will have to come into town for sure!
You know I will be at Quilt Market and I am so looking forward to finally meeting you!
Sounds like fun! I have my travel plans are made...can't just can't get here soon enough!
I'm not going to have a car, hopefully lunch can be somewhere close to market!
What a great thing, a PARTY! I'll be there. Need help with anything let me know. I'm as close as blogging or email. I want to be part of the sew day too.
I'll be there! I can't leave a comment on the meetup blog (which is probably a function of the computer I'm on -- it just doesn't play well with some blogspot blogs.) WooHoo -- can't wait to see you!!!
Fun! I'd love to finally meet you!
I'm looking forward to that day retreat. And some shopping with you and Lori.
It looks like a great event!
Woot! I'll be there!
I'll be looking forward to all the fun events you'll be writing about. So nice that it'll be held close to your home :)
I wish I was close by, I'ld be there. Sounds like you ladies are going to have a blast.
I would love to "represent" someone at Market this year...I take good pictures and can talk with anyone.
Maybe someone will take pity on me and I will be there too! (Insert puppy dog eyes!)
That is awesome what you have done with this meet up thing! What a great idea. I'm not sure if I am going to come to Market yet or not. I'm going to be really jealous of all this if I don't!!
I'd love to come...too bad SC is so far away. Don't see that trip in my future. Look forward to reading about it through you! :o)
oh, how i wish i could come. sounds like loads of fun going on in Salt Lake this year. (sewing summit, too!) you guys that are local are so lucky!
I will be at market.. I am so excited to have a booth this year! Come visit me!
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