Blogging is the answer to yesterday's vacation slides. So sit back and take just a couple minutes to be my captive audience to a few vacation moments from last week.

We visited family near St. George, Utah. I'm an eastern city girl type but even I think this scene from the side of the road was impressive.

We had the best pizza that I've tasted since moving to Utah. And go figure - it was out of a wood fired pizza stove sitting in a trailer in a cinema parking lot. If you are ever driving through
Hurricane, Utah, look in the parking lots for this family selling pizzas. Just amazing pizza. You can see the gray sky. It rained some while we were there, but then I like rain.

Here are 2 of my sisters hard at work. We did sew blocks for our
picnic block exchange. I brought a bag of scraps to use. It was so fun.

This is my niece on the left. The four of us spent 2 days cutting and then sewing.

I love taking my trusty feather weight machine with me. She packs and works.

I must have clicked small on these photos but I won't reload. We went to several local antique stores. Here is my sister Michelle looking around the sewing machine corner.

Sleds and ringer washing machines. Good memories of these.

I really liked this western themed wall hanging. I don't have anything western in my house but it was clever.

We really did see lots of machines for sale. The local quilt store in Hurricane (
Main Street Quilt Cottage) had several really nice refurbished
feather weight machine's too. We did spend just a few minutes looking at fabric, too.

Love vintage notions.

This looks just like my grade school and
jr. high clarinet. Oh those were the days. Just FYI, I was awful and never practiced.

This looks exactly like my friend Sandra
Stubblebine's record player we listened to
Beatle records on in 1st and 2
nd grade.

Metal skates - I sure wish I still had mine. All I have is a skate key.

I really wanted to find a smaller vintage kitchen type scale but all they had was big ones.
I did make a few small purchases. More on that another day. Sewing and shopping with my sisters and niece - fun days.
Welcome Home! What fun. I love all the photos of the shops you went to. The sewing time looks delightful and OMG that pizza! It sounds like the best ever. I love pizza. Even for breakfast. Yummy!!!!!!
FUNNY....blogging is the answer to yesterday's vacation slides!!!!!! I love it!! I oohhed and aaaahhed in all the right places. But really, I was interested. ;)
I hope you are feeling back to 100%soon. That bug really hit you hard! Sorry to have missed you while you were in St. G. It looks like so much fun sewing together with your family. You have awesome sisters! Tell them all hello from me.
Sounds like a wonderful time!
I know you have been feeling terrible but you looked so good in your picture. Must have been because you were doing what you love!
Fun times! It was great seeing your sissies again, even if it is just in a picture! So glad you're better...
Looks like you had a really good time, and you look well rested, too. Sometimes a change is just what you need, and how neat to have family who enjoy doing the same things you do! Glad you're back.
Now that is a new one, pizza by the roadside! I can only imagine that it was delish! I love the fact that you sewed and went antiquing too! Wonderful time! Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Looks like the perfect getaway--family, food, fabric, and finds :)
Love the walk down memory lane. Our time has really been "freed up" by so many innovations. I remember helping my Mom do the laundry with a ringer type washer and big wash tubs. Glad we have more time for quilting now.
It would have been the wood fired oven that gave the pizza the edge. I'm glad to hear you had a vacation after being so ill. I love discovering all those old things in the shops.
It sounds perfect Nanette. Your family always has the most fun. And I LOVE that picnic quilt!
I love antique stores -- looks like a good time. Shopping & sewing -- doesn't get better than that.
Looks like lots of fun! Your snap bags are so cute. What was the original pattern? I might have to make one. Mimi
I love your things.
There's nothing nicer than going on a photo trip with bloggers! I love this and noted the antique sewing machine still used which says something doesn't it?
I love visiting antique shops even though we never buy as we are so minimilist, but admire so much.
Lucky girl to have sisters. I wish for one, so adopt good friends. thanks for sharing.
When I clicked on your small photos, they came up just as big as the larger ones do when I click on them.
Enjoyed them very much.
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