Gift Giving

We are counting down to the last days before the Big Day. Am I ready? Nah. But I am getting close. I get some of my best ideas from other blogs. I've had several good ideas this year from Serena at Farm Chicks Blog. So I thought I would "steal" one more idea. Look at Serena's good idea here.
Serena used syrup dispensers. I was thinking sweet but not quite so sticky. I purchased these sugar dispensers online for $1.49/each with no shipping. Good deal right? We filled them with colorful Christmas chocolates. Then we put a sticker with "Wishing you a Holiday Season as sweet as Sugar". Mine aren't as colorful as Serena's syrup containers but somewhat more useful and they were less money. Done! Well not quite done. Now they have to be delivered (calling...Mason..haha).
I finished edging the rest of my 2012 Spoonflower calendars. Here is the little blue house. Very cute.Next is the 2012 kitchen shelf tea towel. This may be my favorite.
I love dishes and it is vintage inspired. The last one is my beehive/bee tea towel. So perfect for me.
Don't we all remember these yearly calendar towels hanging on walls in the kitchens of our mother or grandmother?
I am really thinking I must make my own in Spoonflower for next year. I like this calendar from 1960 I have in my vintage collection. It is a gift to use throughout the year. Perfect.

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beth said...

I have some filled jars in my post today too! LOL!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Just love the idea of the candy in the sugar jars - how clever!!

PamKittyMorning said...

Love the towels. I remember the calendars hanging in the kitchen. I even had them for years myself till they became so hard to find. Making my own sounds fun.. a photoshop challenge for the year!

life in red shoes said...

Love love love the sugar dispensers filled with....SUGAR!
And thank you for introducing me to Spoonflower, my wallet however is a bit unsure ;)

Lynn said...

Remember that kid in art class in elementary school that saw what you were doing and then did the same thing. That's me, I just ordered a couple of calendar tea towels. Sorry, but thanks for the inspiration!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Those calendars are really great. Love the sugar dispenser gift idea, too. :o)

PatSloan said...

i love those filled with goodies!!! I use one for my sugar...nothing beats a real sugar shaker!

Betsy said...

Great idea Nanette. Happy holidays

Sherri said...

Love the towels...I've never designed anything on spoonflower, but it sort of sounds like you found these already designed. Such a terrific idea!

em's scrapbag said...

Great ideas! Thanks for sharing! The 1960 calander is delightful!

Carrie P. said...

Very nice gifts.
Love the calendar towels, especially your vintage one.

Sinta Renee said...

Love the tea towel calendar collection you have! I saw that idea but didn't take the leap to using the sugar jars... perfect... I am going out and buying some to give to "drop by" friends! thanks for sharing!

Janet said...

I'm going to llok for sugar containers now, what a great idea. Love the calendars.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Great idea with the jars and yes I do remember the calendar towels in my mom's kitchen. How fun!! I'm partial to that red one. :)
Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've checked in - just been too busy!!! But it was so fun to catch up and see everything you've been up to - I love the kitchen towels - so, so cute! And the sugar jar gifts - great idea! Have a very Merry Christmas!! xoxo, Nan

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've checked in - just been too busy!!! But it was so fun to catch up and see everything you've been up to - I love the kitchen towels - so, so cute! And the sugar jar gifts - great idea! Have a very Merry Christmas!! xoxo, Nan

Anonymous said...

nice post. Now you can use this india services directory to promote table linen import & export business.

Thimbleanna said...

Those towels are just too cute Nanette! As are the little sugar gifts. I purchased those sugar things in a four pack at our local food service store for $10.00 for four. Then I found them in Wal-Mart for 99 cents each!

Rae Ann said...

Nanette... I drool every time I look at your blog. All your darling fabric and everything you do makes me so happy! I wanna grow up and be like you! Miss you... so sorry we didn't get to be together over the holidays. :( I will give you a call so I can bring you a little thing by AND all the things you left the day we quilted... He he he!
Have a Happy New Year! Hope to see more of you in the coming year. :)
xo xo
Rae Ann

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Love your 1960 teatowel. All the ladies in my family seemed to collect those calendar teatowels. Cute idea for the sugar containers as candy dishes! I may borrow that idea for next year. :-)