Progress is slow. At least for me. Lately I'm pretty pathetic with time management. Family over fabric, though. Right?

I've only finished appliqueing 3 centers under groups of Gypsy Kisses eye pieces. The good part is that it's rather easy and relatively quick to get the centers stitched into place. The bad part is I only completed 2 more over the weekend for the grand total of 3. Oh well. At least there's that. I decided to call each group of 4 eyes when joined with an appliqued center. a "blob", for lack of a better word.

My biggest concern is when I have all my blobs completed, then I have to join the blobs into rows and applique that same center piece to connect several blobs. These blobs are just laid out on my counter and not connected. I can't even imagine laying all my completed blobs in one place to pin the applique part at this point.
But one thing at a time. Right? I do like what I have so far. So I'll be satisfied with that today.
Love your BLOBS Nanette! Yes, one step at a time,
that quilt is going to be spectacular!
You BLOBS are fantastic!
blobs are good...then you'll have rows of blobs and all will be really good!
i know this quilt is taking you a while nanette...but that's's gonna be sooo worth it!
Beautiful blobs! I really love the blue centers. So pretty.
Well, you're three blobs ahead of me :). It's a good life blob at a time.
Coming soon......"The Blobs Connected". Couldn't help but think of that old movie. LOL! Every quilt you make looks great so I don't think you'll have any problem connecting your blobs into a great quilt. :-)
Three completed Blobs means three less you have to complete! That's a very good thing! They are fabulous, Nanette.
Be kind to yourself, my friend.
Those blobs look very nice!
Great word.. blobs :-)
this quilt is fascinating to me. I can't wait to see how they go together. I can't see it yet!
Don't get ahead of yourself. Just one stitch at a time. It'll all come together. They look wonderful!
Those are the best looking "bloobs" I have ever seen. Your quilt is going to be amazing...and yes family over fabric for sure. ((hugs))
Absolutely beautiful!
One blob at a time! This is going to be one beautiful quilt!!
Jennifer :)
They look gorgeous!
Those are the prettiest "blobs" I've ever seen. ;o) Really, looking forward to the finish pic of this one, no matter when it is, it will be a stunner! (though the thought of all that applique when all the blobs are done makes me a little nauseous.) :o)
Wow! Those BLOBS are really something spectacular!
Loving the blobs!
Wow, that is awesome the Blobs.
Julia ♥
I love it!!! So beautiful. You have so much talent Nanette.
Wow your blobs are terrific. Not at all like the movie, remember The Blob. I remember watching it one night very late when I was babysitting at my neighbors and having to run across the street late at night to get home. I think it was about blobby aliens taking over the earth. Very much unlike your pretty ones.
Lookin' Good Nanette! By the time you get to the hard part, you'll have all that blog experience under your belt and it will seem easy!
I think you're doing a great job! I'm sure the rest of it will be pretty, too.
wow, I love this...
good job :)
Great looking "blobs!"
Ok, these are much too intricate and beautiful to be called "Blobs"!
Its an absolutely stunning quilt block. This non-quilter is totally impressed. :D
And those Lecien's 30's fabrics in the last still my heart!
Blobs!!! beautiful bickering blobs.
Ha ha ha!!
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