Give Away and Book Tour - A Year of Making Life Beautiful by Melissa Stramel

Melissa Stramel is a blog buddy and asked me to be part of her blog book tour and I was happy to say yes.

Melissa has a new book out in both soft and hard cover.  I have so much in common with Melissa so it was really fun to receive her book and find fun things we both enjoy doing.  I thought I would post photos from her book along with photos of mine with things we have in common.

Melissa takes us month by month through the year in her book.  And it almost can be used as a calendar with things to do according to season.  I relate to so much of her farm life, even though I only have a suburban wanna be farm.

This picture is from my daughter Natalie's wedding (my family in the photo).  Note the flowers in the blue jar, just like Melissa.

Melissa has a garden and talks about growing things with her family.  In the late summer she makes salsa.

I can so relate.  I love to make salsa, too.

Melissa has chickens and the family helps take care of them and gather eggs.  This photo is from dying eggs at Easter with her children.

Of course I have chickens, too.  We love to enjoy our fresh eggs, just like Melissa.

Of course Melissa quilts, and we share that in common.  Along with so many other hobbies.  There are patterns, recipes, ideas and fun stuff all in Melissa's book.

This book tour has lots of blogs participating.  Visit Melissa's Make Life Beautiful blog for more information. And please leave a comment here for a chance at winning a copy of Melissa's book.  I'll be entertaining comments all week and will pick a winner over the weekend and announce the winner on Monday.  Play along, book giveaway tours are fun.

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PamKittyMorning said...

The book looks fun! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine! xo

Donna said...

An idea book - how sweet to have on my book shelf.

Pauline said...

Such a pretty book by Melissa. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing!

Candice said...

what a wonderful book- full of happiness and peace! Love it when you find treasures like that :)

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

This looks like a wonderful book!

Brandie said...

Oh I wish I did all these things. Maybe with a book I can!

Regina said...

This is such a beautiful book!

Darlene said...

A book to enjoy over and over and over! Beautiful and inspiring.

Jocelyn said...

This book looks so fun. What a nice variety of projects.

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like a fun book. Now. I wanna see your chickens LOL!

B Greene said...

Great idea for a book - thanks for a chance to win!

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Great looking book that sounds like it is packed full of wonderful things to do and make. I grew up on a farm and have tons of great memories. Looking forward to seeing more.

Thank you and Melissa for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


Lynn said...

It looks like a beautiful book. So much fun seeing all the similarities! And our town has approved finally a zoning ordinance that allows chickens. I can't wait!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Goosegirl said...

I love to play along! I am new to your blog, having popped over from Melissa's blog. I think I want to look around a while as your blog is lovely.

Thank you for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I could really use this book...along with someone to come live with me and do all of those projects!! I just never seem to find the time...maybe her book would help?!? xo, Nan

MoeWest said...

I would love to have a copy of this book. It sounds like fun!

kbzelazny said...

This book has lots of great ideas for summer fun! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Joy said...

There are a lot of similarities between the two of you!!! I'd love to be in the draw for this gawjus book, thanks for the chance :o).
Joy ;o)

hueisei said...

Very inspiring book! I'd love to win :)

Julie said...

This looks like a wonderful book to have. Thanks

Katie said...

Sweet book that I'd love to win. Your British blocks are darling!

Beth said...

Looks like a wonderful book! I love how it is arranged by seasons.

Unknown said...

Hi this sounds like a wonderful addition to any quilters home. Would love a great salsa recipe and I also love fresh eggs. Would love to win.

Anda W said...

I live in the city in Ontario, Canada but try to live like my earlier upbringing in the country! This lovely book is a synopsis of my life also to a certain degree!awolk at rogers dot com

Vesuviusmama said...

I can relate, too, although I'm not nearly as crafty as you two. I'd love the chance to win!

Cherilyn said...

I would love to look through this book! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Christi said...

How neat is this...people's lives mixed with recipes and crafts.

KatieQ said...

This was my first visit to Melissa's blog. It is a pleasure to read. I'm sure her book will be just as enjoyable.

mary mahoo said...

Great book! Thanks for the chance to win.

Njeri said...

From your review, I can tell this is a fabulous book, I would love a copy.

sandyandcosmo said...

What a beautiful book! Thanks for a chance to win!

LeAnne said...

Loving the photography.

Carrie P. said...

Now this looks like my kind of book. great photos. thanks for a chance.

Kathleen said...

what a great book...full of wonderful ideas....

Diann said...

Looks like a great book.

annemarie said...

My kind of book - thanks for the chance to win.

Sherry said...

This looks like a fabulous book. I always love quilt patterns but would also like to get back to canning, this books would provide inspiration.

Laurie said...

I definately will be getting this book - most likely the spiral bound version. Thanks for your review and a chance to win - laurie

Elizabeth said...

This looks like a great book - what a neat idea to separate it out into a month by month format! Her blog is very sweet, too!

Lisa said...

The more I read about this book the more I hope I win one. It has lots of things in it I enjoy doing so it will be good if I can only win myself a copy! With month by month activies I can figure out what to do in months like April when it is raining here in WV or September when I do lots of school things but not much at home! So see, I really need to win this book to make my world beautiful.

trudys_person said...

I love to make things too! All year ' round. This is a great theme for a book and I can see it getting lots of use in my house! Thank you for the giveaway!

Karrie said...

I hope I win this book because it looks fabulous!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Carol is Sewbizzy said...

I would love to win a copy of this sounds very interesting...thanks for the opportunity...

pbs.seams said...

Looks like this book will be very popular. Would love to win it!

Jeanne Gwin said...

An amazing young woman who has spun a dream into reality. Bravo and I hope I win her awesome book.

Kathy H said...

The book looks like it has lots of fun projects and I like how it is bound to lay flat.

HelenMarie said...

So many fun projects! this book looks awesome!

shauna said...

This book sounds like it's full of inspiration! Just what I need!!

Gill said...

This looks a great book! Melissa's blog is lovely and I'm sure her book is too!!

Di~ said...

I love your comparisons! Thanks for the chance to win and for all the inspiration, Nanette.

Sherry said...

What wonderful projects. Looks like a great book.

Sarina said...

Looks like a super fun and cute book! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I love your blog. You are so talented and creative. Thanks for sharing!

MaddyMaze Studio said...

I read her blog and it looks like its a great book.

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