
I'm wishing you all a very nice Easter Sunday.  I type the program for Sunday at our church.  I thought I would share the message I put on the front cover for Easter.  Lest we forget.  This is really what it is all about.
“And dead we would remain but for one Man and His mission,
 even Jesus of Nazareth…”
-President Thomas S. Monson, Apr 2012

I've talked before in past years about Easter being right next to Christmas as a very major holiday when I was a kid.  I think it has lost some of the meaning and celebration in the past few years.  My mother always sewed new dresses and most of the time we had new shoes, a new purse and even gloves.  
Here is a picture from our family collection.  My sister made me copies and I have this pic on my bulletin board in my sewing room. It doesn't have a date on it. But judging from the shoes, the frilly dresses, my age, and the fact that my sister Michelle is holding a stuffed rabbit, I think this is Easter 1958.  My sister Susan is holding pictures and a book to use in Church, another clue it is Easter Sunday. No gloves or purses this year.  The half heads are of my mom and sister Susan - cut off body parts are classic in our family photos.  I'm the baby in the middle.  The center row from left to right is Michelle, Teri and Paula (Polly).  Also classic is Polly with her hands covering her eyes from the glare of the sun.
There was a big Easter tradition in Reading, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.  On Easter you dressed up, went to church, had a family meal, and then went to the Reading Museum to parade your new Easter finery in the beautiful spring arboretum.  My sister was on the cover of the Reading Eagle one year in her new Easter dress.   I read where they are trying to revive this tradition of visiting the museum in Reading on Easter Sunday.  
Allison and Lizzie aren't here with us for Easter this year but we had some celebrations with them this past week.  Aunt Sandi sent Allison an Easter goody box (with Easter Purse she's holding).  She and I played with that on Friday.  And Sandi's treats will be fun for lots of days to come.  Thanks Sandi!
It wouldn't be Easter without Peeps.  Right?  My friend and neighbor Laura has a cupcake shop with her daughters.  It is called Carmella's Cottage.  They do SO much more than make cupcakes though.  You should check it out if you are in Alpine.  Whitney helps out at the shop sometimes. The cupcakes taste homemade with good, fresh ingredients.    Leslie, Laura's daughter, bakes the best cakes I've ever tasted.
We ordered English lemon scones for Easter.  Over the top delicious.  The best.

Happy Easter Everyone.


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Nedra said...

Happy Easter to you, too Nanette! Have a wonderful day with your family.

*kd. said...

Lovely post. So glad I dropped in. Happy Easter to you and your family. Have a great day.

Sharon said...

Happy Easter Nanette. Love your blog banner. Very cute.

Lurline said...

Happy Easter Nanette - love your blog makeover, hope to have mine in a couple of days.
Hugs - Lurline!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Easter blessings to you and yours always.

pratima said...

Lovely Easter traditions and yummy lemon scones :)
Wish you and your family Happy Easter celebrations!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

It is funny, isn't it, how we've let so many traditions fall to the wayside? We always had a new dress and shoes, and of course - ALWAYS went to church. But then, we went every Sunday.

Helen L said...

Love the picture of your family on Easter: it looks like you and I were probably born in the same year, though I came in at the end of 1958! Love those dresses!! And I love the quote you chose from President Monson: it's perfect! Have a wonderful Easter! Hugs, Helen in Healdsburg

dream quilt create said...

I enjoyed reading about your Easter memories, how fun! I used to make new dresses for my girls when they were at home. I'm glad you had a nice Easter. Those lemon scones look fantastic!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Judging by the scones alone, you had a fantastic Easter. Allison looks so cute. And those peep cupcakes look wonderful! Happy Monday After LOL.