Most of my regular readers know I am the mom of 7 daughters and 1 son. My son Mason is the youngest. Crazy, right? I know. What was I thinking?
Mason is really kookie, self confident, witty, cute, smart, quick, and generally a great kid. Don't tell him I said that. His head is big enough. Mason has always been so gregarious. Even as a little kid we would walk through the grocery store and he'd know people I didn't know. They would say: "Hi Mason" and I would ask "Mason, who was that?" Here is Mason posing (reluctantly) above with his high school graduation quilt hung over his shoulder in typical Mason "swag (er)". I really can't believe I got my last child through public school!

When I thought about making Mason a quilt my daughter Laurie gave me lots of ideas. She told me not to make it like a regular quilt but make it full of crazy personality like Mason. So I used Lori Holt's rulers to make a personality lantern quilt. Many of the fabrics used are connected with some odd or silly thing he has done or something about him. Above the CTR fabric is for "Choose the Right". Mason is preparing to serve an LDS mission and tries to live the standards of our church. There is Mason jar fabric, video game fabric and you will notice the doll fabric. Mason has played many pranks with dolls (I mean he has 7 sisters). One was an homage to an SNL skit with cut off doll arms sticking out of the sleeves of his sweatshirt to look like he had doll hands. Oh Mason. And he took the doll hands to scout camp.

Screenshot from a crazy mason vine where he shows off his (lack of) basketball skills. (He is wearing a thrifted weird shirt. Never afraid of going to Deseret Industries with his friends to pick out odd outfits, I will say he didn't require a pricey wardrobe.
Photo bombing his sister Chelsey.
Showing off his crazy, crazy, crazy thrift shop clothes for a school occasion to my granddaughter Allison. (He doesn't even wear glasses. Shaking my head.) The shirt is silver lame' I think.
He's a very good uncle.
He played Santa for Allison at Christmas.
Backpeddaling on a kids bike for a "seen at Walmart" pic, taken at midnight, of course.

Oh he thinks he's the lady's man. This photo was from prom. He went to nearly every single school dance at his school since he was 16. And all the girl's choice dances were with different girls. What do they see in him????? Humor is cute. I will say this is where he cost me bucks. Those dances are expensive and what is with the date at the game the night before, "day date" and then the actual date? We never did that.
Graduation from Lone Peak High School at the end of May 2013. He's pretty proud of himself but you can see he still has braces. I think it kept him from kissing girls his junior and senior year.
Here he is showing off his graduation quilt. I think he's happy with it. Not all the fabrics tell a story but most of them do. I even cut up some of his thrifted clothes and made blocks out of them. I know this quilt will help Mason remember his happy high school years.
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading Mason's story! He sounds like a quirky, happy, fun loving kiddo, ready to go off and make his mark in the world!
I have one son too, but only two daughters, so I could relate to so much of this.
You are, as you should very well be, a proud momma to this fabulous kid!
Oh, and the quilt is pretty fabulous, too!
His quilt is beautiful and quirky...looks perfect for him after looking at his pics and reading what you had to say about him! He'll make a great missionary with that kind of personality.
Beautiful quilt and handsome boy. What a wonderful post; thank you for sharing and great job Mason's Mom!!!
God bless Mason on his journey during his mission. He is adorable!
I have to say that I bet you will see that Mason will be able to reach people that others would not. He will give a new perspective on God's love and the salvation of Jesus Christ that perhaps someone might not listen to if they weren't hearing it from him.
The quilt is awesome. I know he will treasure it when he is off on his mission and gets homesick. I love that you used things that were special to him.
He will know that with each stitch you sewed in the love that you feel in your heart for him...that is such a wonderful gift.
I pray that God will bless Mason and keep him safe on this mission and the rest of his journey through out life.
Blessings to you and yours always sweet friend. :)
What a wonderful story. His quilt is so neat, just like his personality.
What a wonderful son!! I loved reading about his, and thinking how he must keep you on your toes! Congrats on getting him graduated and keeping sane at the same time! And for raising such a good boy - worth of going on a mission - that's pretty impressive right there! Oh, love the quilt, too!
What a great guy! He loves life, and I think he's cool. You must be so proud of him! I love his quilt and it looks like he does too. You did a great job with your quilt and with your Mason :)
That Mason is one cute young man. I was impressed with him the minute I met him years ago. Your photos are wonderful, and it really made me miss having a teenage son at home. Was it just a little bit tempting to make him a "Memory Quilt" just so you could cut up some of those lovely Thrift Store finds? ("Oh, that Silver lame shirt you were still hoping to wear? I needed it for your quilt!)
Nanette I really enjoyed this post about your wonderful quirky son. Your quilt is a great tribute to him. Love the personality you put into it. What a lucky young man:)
Thanks for sharing. I loved it!
What a sweetheart your son is! I love how his quilt turned out! He looks proud of it too!
this post (and that quilt and your darling son) put a smile on my face this morning.
what a great caboose he is for your family.
our only son is our youngest, too. but i didn't wait through seven daughters before getting a boy. we only have three!
Oh gosh, what a terrific post, and aren't those sons down there at the end that come after sisters the best? There's a lot of similarities with my son, is it because they have had a built in audience of girls since day one? It's a blessing to have sons that make us laugh.
I love the quilt, it's really unique, just like Mason.
just too dawgone 'sweet' -- so memorable!
That's an awesome quilt and an awesome little post/tribute to him! You're a great mom! I love personalized quilts. They're the best.
You did it! and with flying colors! All out of High School, He is just a cutie-pie! I bet there were a lot of jokes with dolls. I also bet the nieces just adore him.
What a great post, story and quilt. He has a bright future ahead. Thanks for sharing some of him with us.
I too enjoyed reading about Mason,
He looks / sounds like a gorgeous down to earth young man.
A credit to you and family.
7 beautiful Daughters and a gorgeous son...amazing family!
I LOVE this story!
He's a handsome dude as well, Nanette. If only I were about 40 years younger I'd ask him out!
There's nothing better than a handsome guy with a sense of humor. My heart is broken already!
I loved hearing about Mason. Sounds like a fun kid. What girl would not love that. His quilt turned out great. CONGRATS Mason.
What a sweet post! I really enjoyed reading about your son. He sounds like a terrific kid, so full of personality and fun to be around. Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderful tribute to your youngest child. Such a good mom and I like your theme quilt for a person! Such a great idea! You did it mom they are all over 18! Yippee, you deserve a medal! I have 2 grown girls and raising a boy! It is defiently different and fun! Mission work is wonderful and a good learning experience.
Your son sounds like a really fun guy! a joy to have around. I have a question! where did you find the CTR fabric. My grandson leaves next month for his mission in Washington Spokane Mission. He is our first grandchild to go! I have made his quilt and wanted to make a pillowcase. thanks for your help!
qlt7scrap at gmail dot com
Beautiful story! Loved the quilt! I'm sure Mason will do fine! He's way ahead of the game - so confident in his own "skin"! Go Mason!! Hope you keep everyone up to date with his LDS mission! You "did good", mama!!
I loved reading about Mason so much!
What a great post Nanette. It made me laugh seeing all of his quirky pictures...and I can totally relate because as you know Sterling is 16 and a lot like Mason:)
What a great kid and a great son and a great brother and Uncle! He's going to be a great missionary too:)
I really love his quilt and it seems to fit his style perfectly.
Loved it all!
How Fun Nanette! What a great post about Mason -- you should be so proud to have such a great kid! I laughed at the beginning when you said "what was I thinking?" You were thinking "Where's that boy?" (I'll never forget sitting in Sac. Meeting one day when they announced the birth of the 6th child to a family of 5 boys. #6 was another boy and a collective groan went through the congregation.) I would have LOVED to have been sitting there when they announced the arrival of a BOY at your hive -- what FUN!
Congratulations to Mason and YOU on his graduation and upcoming mission!
It looks like you made the perfect quilt for your boy! Thanks so much for sharing it and giving us a chance to get to know the recipient a little. He looks like a fun dude, for sure! Congrats to both of you! :)
Sweet story of Mason! He is awesome! Thank you for sharing, Nanette! Best wishes to him as he is entering a new phase in his life. I absolutely adore the quilt.. it is quirky and fun with lot of personality. Beautiful colors!!
What a fun post to get to know Mason a little better!
the last one to graduate! Congrats to Mason! He looks like a very happy guy!
i think we all want a Mason-quilt of our own. lovely to be inspired. hi Mason!!
I know that you just shared the sweetest story... but it is making me cry! I love that you shared your son's story and his quilt. Congratulations to you both, on a job well done! I just want to give him a kiss on the cheek!
so sweet! sounds like we all need a Mason in our lives.
What a great story of Mason! What a great kid. I love how you showed his story through the quilt. What a fantastic idea...wish I would have done something like that with my kids. What a great mom you are!! hugs
That was a fun trip down Mason Lane! Thanks for sharing your darling son with us :)
I love your story about Mason, I have one son and two daughters and my son lights up my life in so many ways, there is that bond between a mother and a son that is so very strong. I love to read about your family and to see all the beautiful quilts you make. Have a beautiful day. Hugs, Marie
Sounds like a barrel of fun to me. You did it, he did it! He's a cutie. Enjoy the rest of the summer with him.
Congrats to Mason! And congrats to you on getting the last out out of public school!!! YOU'RE FREE. Well not really but it sure seems like it right? xo
You did good, Mama! What a wonderful son you have. Really. And I love that last picture. Will he take his quilt on his mission with him? Would love to see it in whatever field he is called to. But not literally a field!
What an awesome post Nanette. Mason sounds and looks like a great guy. You should be so proud!!
I miss reading your posts..ever since I switched to Feedly, blog reading has somehow fallen off my radar. Today when I checked in I had 293 unread posts. argh.
Hey, I think we have all fallen in love!, Nanette!
Hugs - Lurline.
Mason is awesome! I remember meeting him at Panguitch. You should be very proud!
This is the greatest post! I thouroughly enjoyed it and and laughed out loud multiple times. (That tent picture with Allison kills me!) What a great kid and what a great mom!! The world needs more Masons.
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