Royal Corgi

Busy busy busy few weeks ahead for me.  But I am still trying to squeak in time for my London 2013 quilt.  Hope you are having a nice August.

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Messy Karen said...


Stitchy Mc Floss said...

So adorable! :)

Wishing you a lovely day filled with many blessings.

Lynn said...

Darling! No quilt celebrating England would be complete without a corgi!

jan said...

very very cute!

dream quilt create said...

Oh how cute Nanette!!! Enjoy your busy time with family :)

Jodie said...

Nanette, that corgi is awesome !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for a separate all-corgi quilt. Or - how awesome would this be - all dogs? Short, tall, fat, skinny?

Nedra said...

you know that is the cutest block EVER. I love the way your mind works :)
BTW- Did your TOAR package arrive safely?

Thimbleanna said...

Love it Nanette! A corgi with a crown -- Brilliant!

donna said...

Sooo cute.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Cuteness! This is going to be another Nanette masterpiece.