McCall's Quick Quilt 2016 Project with Holly Holderman

I've been making fun blocks with Holly Holderman's Two by Two quilt project through McCall's Quick Quilts.  Previously I blogged about my Jan/Feb first blocks.
Sew far I've made 8 blocks in the series.  It isn't too late to get started.  The magazine is inexpensive and the project is fun and fast.
These are my Feb/March blocks

These are my April/May blocks. 

And these latest two are from June/July.  Yes the June/July publication is on sale.

My blocks are all kind of yellow/cherry pink/Gray combinations with the accent of green for the leaves.  I'm good at keeping up sewing my blocks but not very good at posting them.  I love working with the scallop design and I've been using the scallop in several quilts.  Speaking of, I need to post those!


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AnnieO said...

Really cheery and bright blocks. Love the colors with the yellow and gray. You're obviously having a good time with these :)

Marie said...

Hi so glad to see your post, we all miss your notes. Love t he cherry blocks. Hugs, Marie

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