I hope everyone is having a nice Memorial Weekend. It is only moderately warm in Utah but I'm sure the hot hot weather is headed our way.
My dad Paul Breton's photo from WWII. He was a gunner instructor. He passed away a few years ago on his birthday at age 89. I'm very proud of him.
Oh my, we've got a great beginning of summer vacation here since school is always out by Memorial Day. Crazy weather, Monday it snowed and today school is out for summer. Unreal.
I thought I would start off with this great 1 yard cut of retro clocks I found here. Is this "me" fabric or what!? I absolutely love it. I don't know yet what I'll use it for but I adore it.
Another "must have" fabric is this cute gnome fabric border print. You may have seen it around.
Finally I can reveal my quilt market projects for RJR Fabrics. I think, anyway. RJR has a new line of fabric coming out late summer 2010 called "What's Cookin". It is a vintage novelty kitchen fabric. They contacted me and asked me to design a quilt and some accessories to showcase their fabric. And of course I was excited for the opportunity.
The lovely and sweet PKM (Pam Kitty Morning) took some market photos of the RJR booth to send me from Minneapolis since I wasn't at market. If
So I've been mostly following Lori's advice on my Gypsy Kisses quilt and working on it one arc every day or so, sometimes more, and it is coming along. I can't really stand to do more than that at a time because paper piecing is boring.
But when it comes time to putting the arcs into blocks that will end the boring time and start the scary time. I'm going to need a helping hand to get this altogether. I took the directions with me to read before
Last week I found Strawberries at a great price and in fabulous freshness. They were sweet and ripe and perfect for jam.
And that is just what I did - make strawberry freezer jam. I must say it is probably the best batch I've ever made. When Lori talked about her sweet little strawberries on her post yesterday I thought about my lovely jam and the fabulous strawberry fabrics that I have in my stash and decided to feature them for Fabric Friday today.
I must tell you I do
Today my friend Calli at the "Make it Do" blog is featuring my tutorial for embellishing dish cloths. It's an oldie but I think it is a goodie. Callie is out of town this week and has a guest post everyday for the week. And today I'm her guest and she's posting (or better said pre-posted) a simple idea for a gift or to make something pretty for ourselves.
I have to tell you about Callie. I've talked about her before but she is really an amazing young mom.
Bingo is important at my house. We play it at Christmas and Thanksgiving. So when I saw Stephanie post about Spring Fever Bingo on her blog I immediately thought "I want to play!". Spring on over to this blog and play along.
I had big plans for getting a lot done this weekend. But it didn't really happen. I had a tooth ache and Mr. Hive has bronchitis. I'm trying to pretend I don't need a root canal. Oh well. I have a few things I've been working on to show.
This is a small Dresden. You can't tell from the picture but it is rather small.
Bigger and blue. I told you. Blue is becoming a color I reach for.
Some misc. blocks I'm working on for a project above and below.
Fabric Friday again. Wow the days whiz by, don't they? I love fabric and I am back to showing some of my Japanese made reproduction fabric pieces. This week I thought I'd show prints in different colorways.
This simple dot variation caught my eye. I have 5 colors in fat eighth type pieces.
Another fat eighth group in 5 different color combinations. I love strawberries so I jumped at getting this cute little team.
You've seen me use this print group before. I've had these pieces in small bits and