I'm the lucky winner

My package from Darlene came today. What a great present and the most fabulous giveaway. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Darlene. June must be my month because its been full of great goodies for me.

Isn't it just spectacular. The colors are a tad off in the picture. Everything is more creamsicle colored and that Fresh Squeezed fabric is really sweet and appetizing. It kind of makes you think of a raspberry lemonade and a light breeze while laying in the sun or eating a creamsicle with your feet dangling in a pool. Darlene made a lovely quilt out of the fabric and I couldn't hang it up fast enough as soon as I opened the box! From now on it will be my summer sewing room quilt and I can look forward to hanging it every year and thinking of generous Darlene.

Darlene used Elizabeth's pattern, Late Bloomer Charm Gatherings. I love the yo-yos. They set off the fabric in a fun way. Darlene is a fantastic quilter and the work is just perfection. Her machine quilting is darling with swirls. I love it.

And that's not all she sent me! Isn't it nice to win a giveaway where the person is a blog friend and knows your likes so well. I hit the jackpot.
Look at the goodies she sent. They are all so "me". I adore Mary Englebreit and of course Darlene knows that. And I have a passion for the babushka Marytroshka dolls and fabric.

The pincushion is 'weighted' just right and I can't decide which side to face up. Very me and M.E.

She sent these unique heart pins to go in the pincushion and a M.E. quilt diary. I am speechless. Nearly! I love it.

Isn't this cute fabric. I've never seen anything like this piece. I think the babushkas holding the little casserole dish is my favorite set of the dolls. And they are yellow and red. But all are really unique and fun. Thank you so much Darlene. I feel like its my birthday all over again.

My friend Laura had a party at her house yesterday to celebrate the finalization of her grandaughter's adoption and the blessing and sealing of the baby. I got there late so I didn't get lots of pictures but of course I photographed the food! I talk all the time about the talent Laura has as a chef and baker. I think she needs a cooking blog. What do you think? The cupcakes were so moist and yummy. Aren't they cute.

Laura is the queen of fabulous salads. I thought I would share her oriental chicken salad recipe that was a huge favorite at her restaurant. I know she won't mind because she does give out this recipe herself. I suggest you all print it and make it. You won't be disappointed.


1 lb spaghetti pasta, cooked al dente.

1 lb chicken breasts cooked and thinly sliced
4 stalks celery, sliced diagonally
1 bunch green onions, chopped
2 8-oz cans mandarin oranges
1 T. toasted sesame seeds.

Combine pasta, chicken, celery, and onions. Toss with dressing (below). Garnish with oranges and sesame seeds. Will keep 2 days in refrigerator.
Serves 8-10


2 c. mayonnaise
¼ c. sugar
¼ c. soy sauce
¼ tsp. ground pepper
2 tsp. sesame oil
Combine ingredients in bowl and whisk. Pour over salad and lightly blend.

Today was my trunk show at the Utah Valley Quilt Guild. I'll have to go through those pics and post them later this week. Let me tell you, I'm bushed. I was very nervous but it went fine I think and the ladies were so appreciative and sweet. More on that later. I'm going to bed early tonight.

Thanks again Darlene!


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Sherry said...

Wow, how generous of Darlene, you hit the jackpot! Love that Fresh Squeezed quilt and all the goodies. Those cupcakes are just too cute & that oriental chicken salad...omg....I'm getting hungry. LOL

Nan said...

Oh my I picked a good day to stop by and visit you! I love all the wonderful treasures Darlene sent you. She is a treasure herself, isn't she? The quilt is beautiful - I think the swirl quilting is perfect, too.
The recipe looks yummy and my hubby will love it - thank you for sharing!

Cathi said...

What a wonderful gift -- a gorgeous quilt and all the extra goodies!! Love the quilting, it's just perfect!

The cupcakes look amazing and that recipe sounds absolutely delicious!

Oiyi said...

Lucky you! That is a fabulous quilt.

Elizabeth said...

Wow--it turned out so beautifully! I especially love the way it's quilted.

Eileen said...

Isn't is wonderful to recieve a quilt made by someone else? I'm sure you will treasure it forever.. it is gorgeous! And Darlene was so sweet to include all the extra special goodies. :)

That salad sounds wonderful. Yes.. I think Laura should start a cooking blog!

Anonymous said...

Lucky,lucky you!!Darlene did a fabulous job!! I love that pattern & the fabrics she chose,it's something I'd pick out for myself!! Isn't it great to get pkgs. in the mail?!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Delicious! I love new recipes!!! As for lucky...you sure are. Gorgeous give away.

Blakely said...

I love the Fresh Squeezed quilt. Even with color being off a bit I can tell it looks like a summer.

Anina said...

Wow, what a bounty!
Yum, yum. I think I'll have to make that salad this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

Nerm said...

Nanette, you are a fantastic lady! No wonder you receive such great gifts. That quilt is so bright and cheerful-just makes ya smile. And the yo-yo's set it off. No to mention all the other goodies you received. You go, girl. By the way, you've been tagged. Go to our blog for the rules. Luv, Nerm

Anonymous said...

Nanette, Thanks for the sweet comments! I'll be your 8th daughter anytime! I'll send you my address later today!

Kim Walus said...

You are one lucky lady. I can't believe all the things you've won and the fun things you get in the mail. I guess I should try to enter more contests and I'm thinking of what I can do as a give away!

About those birds. I fell in love with them and bought them oh, maybe a couple months ago at "Rod Works" out by Thanksgiving Point. I'm not sure if they have any more but they were under $5. I should have bought more. I did get some cute birds at Target too, in their home dec area near the books and cards. Hope that helps.

I'm sorry I haven't had much time to quilt and I'm getting frustrated although I've had a ton of fun with the grandkids and my youngest child who is demanding of my time!!!

Kim Walus said...

Oh I forgot to tell you that the trifle looks hard and that's the beauty of it. It just looks like you spent a lot of time on it.

Just make sure to give yourself enough time to make it. You have to make the white cake and let it cool then you have to make the Danish Dessert and let that cool. Then you have to make sure the cream cheese is softened so it isn't lumpy when you mix it with the sugar. Then fold the two creams together and then you're ready to layer your trifle.

I hope that helps and I know you will enjoy it! I'm ready to make another one it was so good. You can also make it with raspberries or mix your berries. YUM! YUM!

Thimbleanna said...

Congratulations on your goodies Nanette -- they're very well deserved! And thanks for that salad recipe -- it looks Yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

What a tremenously lovely give away!!! You were sure lucky to win that one! The quilt is beautiful and so many other goodies!!!

HomeMadeOriginals said...

I love that salad...made it this morning but with some grapes (1 can of mandarin organges instead of two) It was delicious! I will make it again.

Emily said...

Nanette - we should get my mom (Laura) right on that food blog. I'm never around to try her new creations anymore and I need to know what's going on!

Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog said...

Hi Nanette! I wanted to thank you for telling me about Material Girls - I took my mom there today and we had a great time! Of course, they knew you and had nothing but wonderful things to say - and how could they not?!? I have fought the temptation to call you up and beg for a tour of your garden, quilts and home....and fortunately for you I am flying back to Seattle tomorrow so you won't have some freak from blogland stalking you! Congrats on winning that quilt - it's adorable and it seems to fit perfectly with everything you've posted in the past! xo, The Other Nanette