I don't think I've ever talked about my sewing machine. Lots of people ask me what kind of machine to buy. I'm kind of old school and I haven't kept up with new machines. I just know my mom always had a
Bernina. And if I didn't have a
Bernina I'd have a
Pfaff. I was trying to remember how old my machine is and I think its at least 16 years. I love that it is metal and not plastic. My mother always told me not to get a plastic sewing machine but that was so many years ago I'm sure that isn't true now. But my mom was an expert and so I have followed her.
We have 2 Berninas in my house and its nice to have a spare. This Bernina has had a problem since I bought it and I have been frustrated from time to time with the little glitch that was so hard to explain and diagnose. A few weeks ago I was yet again frustrated with the problem I packed it up yet again and took back in for repair. I guess I came off pretty frustrated and maybe a tad rude? with the guys because they were really defensive but they got right on it (this time). By the time I got home I had an email telling me the machine was fixed. They found the problem!!! I'm not even sure what the problem was but they fixed it finally and since my pedal was acting irregular and they fixed that too. I've been in sewing heaven since then. There is nothing like a great tool that works perfectly! My only wish would be that Bernina would engineer a stitch regulator to be over layed into my old Bernina. But why should they? They want us to buy new machines!!
A great working sewing machine and a sharp pair of scissors is an amazing combination. And when added to a fun project, great fabric, a good pattern - its kind of like being in the zone.

Several months ago on
Amanda's blog I read that
Bernina had a new quilting foot out for the old 1530
Bernina - my machine. Who knew? Not me! Makes me wonder what else I'm missing out on, actually. But I really enjoy using the new foot. Its amazing how that little added piece of metal placed to the side of the 1/4" foot makes my seams more consistent. I love it. Great tools are wonderful.

So speaking of tools- I haven't really used this diamond ruler much but I got it out to use on the American Jane Merry-go-Round quilt triangles instead of the template drawn on the pattern. It is very slightly off size from the triangle shown in the pattern but so much easier to use. Just FYI - though I've not done this - Syd in my quilt group takes paper templates to Home Depot and has them cut the template into plastic. Good idea if you've got an off size block.

To answer Elizabeth's comment from yesterday (I didn't have your email) there are no Y seams in this pattern. I would rate the whole project "easy" on a quilt difficulty scale.

And finally the fresh peas from our garden are ready! Our growing season is later where I live. Its always a fun piece of summer to shell and eat freshly picked peas right from the plant.
I do love my Bernina! She's back from the shop and I haven't even had the chance to sew on her yet. However thanks for the reminder about the #57 foot. I have never bought one and keep meaning to because they are perfect for curved seams.
I love your quilt and it's bright, happy colors.
This is my favorite ways to eat peas. :-D
Great post about machines and tools. The littlest things can make the difference between a project being FUN, or work.
Great post Nanette. Amen to being in the zone! :-)
Great Post Nanette! My husband cuts plexi glass on his saw for me, in the sizes I need. Great for squaring up! And CHEAP too. xxoo~jodi
Thanks for answering my question! I'm glad there isn't a Y seam. Now I want to make that pattern too!
I love Bernina. I have a Bernina and a longer arm Pfaff that I use to machine quilt. The Bernina is sooo much easier to use. It's not as finicky. I especially love the 1/4 inch seam foot.
I like you have a 1630. My second machine is a 931 Record. It is the 930 with a few stitches missing. Love my Bernina machines. Sometimes I look longingly at the Bernina 730, but only if I hit Lotto could I afford that machine. I remember cringing when I spent the money on my 931. I had never spent so much money on a machine. Now the prices are unbelieveable. Then again I remember my parents talking about the old days and how much everything cost.
YUUUUUUUUUUUM! Fresh Peas! That's the only kind of Peas I like! :)
Thanks for the info. College daughter needs to get a machine soon.
I have a Bernina 1090 that is about 16 years old and love it. It has been having some minor issues but my repair guy seems to be able to keep her going. Love the 57 foot...a great l/4 inch seam. Yummy looking peas!
y seams are scary so it's nice to know that your pattern doesn't have any...=)...i must get a 1/4" guide for my machine, too! and a metal machine? i wish they still made them that way but i don't think they do...fuu and informative post!...=)
I too have a Bernina and I love her. We have some of the best times together. I would be so lost without a sewing machine of any kind...or at the very least a needle and thread and a piece of fabric. We could always turn that into something beautifully creative if need be, right?
Oh, the heresy you say dear Nanette! Pass me the smelling salts LOL!!! I'm a die-hard Viking fan -- we still have the 45 yr. old Viking I learned to sew on, the first computerized one from '81 or '82, and my beloved baby from '99. And I'm really excited that my sister just bought my little cupcake niece the bottom-of-the-line Viking yesterday to learn to sew on. I was relatively happy when they partnered with Pfaff, but I certainly found it stressful when they partnered with Singer. I hope Singer doesn't do to Viking what Chrysler did to Mercedes!
I agree with thimbleanna, I'm a diehard Viking Fan and my friends are as varied as their sewing machines, lol! I'm going to post my 3 Vikings on my blog, too! Thanks for the fun post.
In the classes I've taught I teach that your sewing machine is an important part of your success in sewing. If you're fighting with your machine you're less likely to sew anything because it's soooo much trouble. In classes I've even fixed a few machines and showed them how to work with their bobbin case. That's where most machines can give sewer's a lot of trouble.
My mother bought me a Kenmore in a cabinet back in 1968 ~ my first. I then bought a Singer in 1981 and am still using it (not computerized). I have been looking for over a year and it is between a Pfaff and Bernina that I have been looking at. My husband knows Pfaff products and likes them so I was leaning that way but after reading all of the Bernina love here, that might be the one. Thanks for the info.
What a great idea - have Home Depot cut the plastic. I didn't think of that! Who knew? Syd! ;>
14 year old Pfaff owner here, only machine I have. Maybe another one someday but between Computers and Sewing Machines...who can keep up?
Living Life at LeeHaven
Loooove my Bernina's. They are a part of my family. My old Bernina dealer used to give me presents when I'd come in because I sent him so much business! It's so great to see someone who sews on a not so great machine 'get it' when they finally try our a high quality machine. It makes life so much nicer!!
I'm glad you got your machine working perfectly! It really is nice to have a working piece of equipment. I totally understand that!
Oh, and if you ever find you have too many peas for your family to consume, you can always send some over to us! haha Those peas look so yummy! It makes me wish I had a garden!
I have a Viking model 150 that I bought 23 years ago, and it is a real workhorse. I bought a new Viking a little over a year ago, and it is computerized with allot more stitches. We haven't bonded---I'm too busy sewing on the old one to take the time to learn to use the new one. In my little Iowa town, there are only Janome and Viking dealers. I know Bernina and Pfaff are good machines, but I would have to drive about 275 miles to get to a dealer for either brand.
Great post! Sometimes when I change the blade in my rotary cutter I think, wow this is nice, why didn't I do this 2 weeks ago. Oh well, I guess that would be too easy.
Great post. Here I thought EVERYONE but me had a fancy, new, expensive machine. I set aside my 'metal' Bernette because I lost the manual and could NEVER remember how to put the bobbin in without it. In the meantime I bought a 'plastic' machine. I have since found a Bernette manual download online and now I am thinking I should dig that machine out and give it another try. I really did like it, pretty basic though, nothing fancy for sure. Not even the auto buttonholes that the 'plastic' machine has. I know NOTHING about that foot. Please elaborate. I have a 1/4" foot, is this something better???
Good idea on the plastic pattern pieces! WHO KNEW! I love when people share their knowledge. :D
I have a pfaff and love that 1/4" foot with the guide. My terrific friend has given me several new feet over the years as gifts.
My first maskine was a Bernina. And still use it somtimes.I got a Janome for the daily use,but when it is "ill" my bernina always are there for me. ;-)
Oh I whish I had you peas, they looks
so good
I have a Bernina 150QE but I retired my little Swiss Miss two years ago and now am quite smitten with my Janome 6600.
One of things I enjoy about sewing with others is seeing all the 'tools' they use. It's absolutely amazing!
Nanette - see if this works for contacting me. I see there is a little box to check down under this box that says 'email follow-up comments to ................" So I am going to check that and see if it gives you the info.
Let me know, but I am out of town until late Saturday if you don't hear back. :D
I don't think that worked. That sent the comment to ME! I will try to fix this later, we are headed out.
one of my most favorite memories of grandma is walking in her garden, eating peas. i can still see her walking in her polyester pants. and she was probably singing some silly little song. i love peas for that reason alone.
I had a Bernina which I loved for the knee lifter oh and the machine as well. Then I worked for a quilt shop where I could get a Pfaff for a really really good price. So I did, LOL. LOVE my Pfaff even though it doesn't have the knee lifter. It's great to have a machine in top notch working order and tools close at hand to create magic with fabric.
Hugs - karen
A few months ago I killed my Janome my friend sent me Viking1+ that I "thought" would be the death of me trying to get that 1/4" seam. And I've had it for months. It took a trip to my friend's work, a sewing machine store and buying that cute little quilters foot and now FINALLY the Viking and I are friends. Now one day I'm going to try out all those cute embroidery stitch buttons I have :D
I am glad your sewing machine is happily purring away. It makes sewing much, much easier, doesn't it? I also agree with having a pair of sharp scissors at hand. That quarter inch foot looks divine - I need one of those, but I'd have to buy a Bernina, and I don't think that's happening right now. Hopefully Viking will come out with one of those!
The peas look mouth-watering. They taste so much better fresh from the garden!
I have an 'older' Bernina too. I wanted that stitch regulator but no way am I gonna buy a new machine so I can have it!!!
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