It's Halloween! I hope everyone has sent off their Christmas Cottage blocks. Our participants are awaiting delivery of the blocks to their homes and I am anxious to get started on my quilt. Today I ordered some Michael Miller Christmas tree fabric to incorporate into the quilt.

Isn't this plate cute. This was a gift from my friend Flora.
Twenty-five years ago I had a baby on Halloween. She was our little pumpkin. Happy Birthday Shelbie.

Shelbie is a multi-talented girl with a great ability to do just about everything. She is the knitter in the family and has made everyone great things to wear with her talent. She's an engineer and lives and works close enough that we are able to see her often.

She made this dress too. I really can't think of anything she can't do! Have a happy day Shelbie.

And Happy Halloween to everyone. This is a cropped pic of me when I was about 15 in a costume my mom Freda made. Ah those were the days!
Ok, now I've got to go now find some pumpkin peeps. - nanette
Happy Halloween to you too! and Happy Birthday to Shelbie!
Happy Birthday to dear sweet, Shelbie! I hope your day is wonderful.
haaaaaaapy birthday shelbie!!!!
happy halloween. i can't wait to go to my niece's kindergarten class today and see all the little cute kids!
happy birthday, shelbie! your mom talks so highly of you...=)...i know you're a genuine sweetheart! enjoy your day!
Happy Halloween! Happy Birthday, Shelbie.
Happy Birthday to Shelbie! Your projects are amazing and you have great color sense. very favorite color. OK Nanette, so now you're half way done with birthdays for the year right? Happy Halloween!
Happy Birthday Shelbie.. you're still as cute as a pumpkin.
Happy Halloween! Please come see my Halloween quilt made from your cute house blocks. Join me on Fridays with a link to something you've finished during the week.
And a very happy birthday to Shelbie!
Happy Halloween, Nanette. And, a VERY Happy Birthday to your talented little pumpkin!!! She is a beautiful girl. What a sweet photo of you, too.
Cute plate from Flora. Happy Halloween to you and Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Awwwwwwwwww Happy Birthday Shelbie, you little pumpkin, lol!
happy halloween and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SHELBIE!!
great quilt show too nanette...thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday to Shelbie...hope she has a terrific day! I bet there has been a lot of cake at your house this month!
Happy Birthday Shelbie!
You certainly were busy in October year after year, weren't you? :-D
Since I've been blogging in February, I have ALWAYS enjoyed and looked forward to Shelbie's knitted things. She is one talented girl. And didn't she even hand-quilt something for you?
Happy Birthday Dear Shelbie!
Happy Birthday, Shelbie! I sure do enjoy your posts! Nanette - can we see you today in that costume - hee, hee!! Cheers!
I bet you were a real lion at 15! Be sure to leave those peeps open for a few days before you eat them! Shelbie is cute! My brother's birthday is today also. He is turning 53, he so great, lives in Utah. Looking at his life, there is much irony to his being born on Halloween!!!:)
Happy Birthday Shelbie!!!
Your daughter looks so much like you. I thought the last picture was her until I read your description.
Happy Birthday Shelbie! Hope your day is as special as you are. Wishing you many more years.
Happy Halloween back to you and Happy Birthday to your beautiful Shelbie! That's a great plate!
So excited about the cottage blocks!
Happy Birthday Shelbie and Happy Halloween! Love the picture of you as a 15 year old! Great!!
she's a cutie!
happy birthday to your daughter Shelbie!
Happy Birthday Shelbie!! So cute in the green dress.
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Birthday Chica!! I hope you have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Shelbie, the apple didn't fall far from the tree!
Happy Halloween. And Happy Birthday Shelbie. Mimi
Well, Nanette, I hope there are a whole bunch of people like you at the craft show tomorrow to buy my things! I loved looking at the quilt day photos... so many talented people!
You've been tagged Nanette! See my latest post
happy birthday to shelbie...please tell her for me...that is one FABULOUS dress!!!
Another adorable daughter! Happy Birthday to her.
Boy Shelbie is talented. How did she learn to knit? That is another thing on my list of things to learn. Happy Birthday Shelbie!
Happy Birthday to Shelbie - it's apparent that wonderful talent runs throughout the family. Hope her birthday was special :)
Hugs - Karen
Happy Birthday to Shelbie from SPain too! lol...
And also Happy belated Halloween to you!; lol...
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