Fabulous Fabric Friday is back

I always feel like I'm behind in life, but of course lately more so. I'm glad to show FFF today with my little Hive Squares.

If you've been reading the latest Quilt Market News you may have heard about an upcoming product from Moda called Moda Bakeshop Sampler Box. Moda is featuring sample size portions of their fabric lines in packs of 2 1/2" square. I will definitely want some.
I've been cutting samples of Freda's Hive stash fabric and have been packaging them. I'm calling them Hive Squares. They are packs of 36 different fabrics cut to 3 1/2" square. So my idea of little charms from my stash goes along with what is happening in the fabric world. I guess. These little Hive Squares are being sent out to some Worker Bee helpers and are long overdue.
I originally thought about cutting the Hive Squares into 2 1/2" since I use that size so much, but I thought just 1" larger offered more possibilities for use.
The fabrics are 90% Japanese fabrics from smaller pieces of my stash. With some others thrown in.
They don't go together with any color variety or style but they are cute together anyway, I think.
What would you use these for? Leave a comment and I'll pick a name from the comments on Monday to send one of the little Hive Square packs out to. All are welcome to enter. However -
I'm not publicizing the giveaway so it will be just for those that happen on my blog or for my regular readers. It isn't a huge prize but just a little fun bit of fabric to enjoy.
I recently won 2 fabulous giveaways so I thought it would be fun to give a little back. Monday I'll show the 2 prizes I won from friends blogs and announce a winner of the Hive Squares. Shh If you tell then you have less of a chance to win!

Have a relaxing weekend. I certainly plan on it!

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quiltingnana said...

I like the idea of 3 1/2 inch squares...I use that size quite a bit

Unknown said...

What a fabulous idea!! But, then again, I expect nothing short of fabulous from you!

I would use these for some minature doll quilts, pot holders, candle mats, and my new favorite....prairie points!!

...and I am not tellin' anyone!

Paige Marie said...

I would love to have a bunch of fun squares to play with!!

I just recently found your blog, so its been fun for me to go back and see all of the projects that you have done!! Thanks so much for sharing and for inspiring me. :)

Millie said...

I think the 3.5 inch squares is a great idea!

Robin said...

These are soooo cute! I would use them to make a little mini for my kitchen! I love that coffee cup one...that one could make it into a little coffee sleeve for my mug!!

Martha said...

How generous you are! I would make half-square triangles.

Lotta said...

What a great idea with the squares! You can always use that size in your quilts. I'd love to make a mini out of small squares.
Lotta in Sweden

Anonymous said...

I would make them in to a little dolls quilt, maybe turn them in to pinwheels.
Great fun love what you are doing


Elizabeth said...

What a very sweet idea! I love them!! Enjoy your weekend, too - you deserve it. The wedding pictures from earlier this week were wonderful - thanks for sharing! Now, go relax!!! :)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

What a sweet idea for your helper bees!! I would have a problem with 2 1/2 a little to small 3 1/2 makes a great 9 patch, but not sure I would use them for that. Most likely I would hoard them!!!

Alisa said...

What a great idea!! I would you them to make kanzashi flowers for pendants.

Unknown said...

How cute are they?! I was able to get myself one of those Moda Bake Shop Sampler boxes at market. Keep your eye on my blog, you never know what might happen with them. I'm just sayin'. Now what to do with your squares. I would no doubt make a four patch quilt with sashing. It would be just adorable!!

antique quilter said...

omgosh these are adorable
I would make a mini tumbler quilt with them or just a mini quilt using them just the way they are!
oh have to tell you I really enjoyed reading about the wedding, it was such fun!
give yourself a break you have been doing soooo much lately
I think you need a month just to relax and do what something for yourself!

Lurline said...

Hey, you know me - anything!
Big hugs - Lurline♥

Di~ said...

Oh Yeah, I'm in, quietly. Thanks those are awesome!

Sara said...

I love reading your blog. I think I would use them for a really scrappy little quilt.

Joanna said...

Well having seen your 'scraps' in person I know that they are just adorable! What would I use them for? Hmmm maybe a background for some applique? Or a mini-tumbler quilt with applique on the borders? So many things you could use them for!

Anya said...

How wonderful! I think they are just the right size for a scrappy half-square triangle project! Maybe a tablerunner. Thanks for the chance.

mom2three said...

OOH I'm so happy that I opened my reader today! It's been a bad week and I haven't read any of my blogs... but I have been dreaming of fabric this week. I would use the squares for a fun table runner for my kitchen, or maybe placemats. I am in love with the teapot square. That is so perfect for my kitchen... the prints are just fun and cheerful! Thanks for the opportunity to win something so fabulous!

Dawn said...

I want to someday do a charm quilt, so I would include these! Someday on my list of a billion things to do....

Susan said...

What a neat idea! I think I would put them together in a mini wall quilt of some sort...maybe cut them down into tiny tumblers?

Ruby said...

What a darling assortment of fabrics! They would look cute made into almost anything.

Thimbleanna said...

You're so funny! Those little packs are too cute! I LOVE the adorable button with them!

Purple and Paisley said...

'hive squares' made me laugh...like it's the name of a new form of the hives????? lol! enjoy your first weekend of not having a wedding to prepare for! ☺

Thimbleanna said...

Ooops sorry! I've never been good at following instructions -- I'd use them in a table runner! Or maybe for buttons!!!

RebeccaMom said...

I think it's a great size! I would use them to make a quilt for the craft hope(crafthope.com)project that gives quilts to homeless kids and teens in Michigan, which has been very hard hit during the recession!

Messy Karen said...

got a few of those 2-1/2 in. stacks. and making my own 4-1/2 in. stacks. so i'm not surprised you are making cute 3-1/2 in. stacks. do i even need to tell you how much i love yours!

Linda said...

oooh so cute! First I would stare at them and just pet them! :) Then I would make a little 16 patch quilt with an alternate block and then I would make it into a purse! :)

Jenny said...

Im currently on a kick of making doll quilts...these sqaures woudl be adorable quilts! I might make half square triangles out of them. Thanks for the chance.

nettie said...

oh, I want one of these! you have the best fabric ever!

Jan said...

Ohhhhh Nanette, I'd use those wonderful little squares for my current project, which is a "Scrappy Grandmother's Flower Garden!" I'm trying really hard not to have any duplicate fabrics, but I'm not sure how far my own stash will carry me. Tks so much for the chance to win and I'll be relaxing right along w/you this w/e! Enjoy :)

Annie Davis said...

I would add it to whatever is needed to have enough for a throw.

Huskerbabe said...

I've been wanting to make a quilted apron, these would be cute for that.

The Retired Mama said...

I have just learned of the product quilt patis. I am gearing up to do a contemporary flower garden quilt. I would use some of these for that. The others would find there way into a baby blanket.

Tressa said...

I would add them to my I-Spy quilt because it looks like some of them have fun and unique designs on them.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Nanette this is a great idea. And a wonderful giveaway. As if you've had time to do this with everything else going on! A generous spirit you are!:) So what would I do? Make an I Spy quilt to leave at Grandma's house. My mom has seen this quilt idea and loved it and I think it would be a special treat for the grandkids when they visit. Thanks for sharing from your fabulous fabric stash!

Betsy said...

Nanette, you know i would use those fabrics in my hexie charm quilt. They only need to be 1.5 inches so I will take the scraps.

Lori Holt said...

Oh the possibilities.....I would have so many ideas. The 3 1/2" size is good.
Whatever I would make, you know it would for sure have ric-rac!

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Beautiful fabrics! I would probably use them to make a table runner or wall hanging so I could enjoy looking at them everyday. Thanks for a great giveaway Nanette!

Unknown said...

They are so cute. You have the most amazing fabrics. I've been piecing half square triangles together to make a lap sized values quilt - these would go into a matching pillow for my chair. Because my backside is getting bony and hurting me!

Have a wonderful weekend, Nanette.

jacquie said...

hive squares...i love that! i think i'd make something for myself...maybe a cover for my new sewing machine! enjoy your weekend.

Margaret said...

Japanese fabrics, little squares--how can you go wrong! Love your blog, but usually just lurk. I am so brave today!

Trisha said...

I am so curious about what your worker bees are helping you out with. I am sure all those cute fabrics would go into a quilt over at my house.

A's Mom said...

I think a small gift from your excellent stash at this time is a super way to pass on all the blessings you have been writing about. Thanks for sharing your family and wedding news with us, and for sharing your stash too!

Unknown said...

How cute! Your stash is to die for and who wouldn't want a taste??

MichelleB said...

Those squares are so cute! I'm not sure what I would use them for - a pillow maybe. They would certainly make a cute pillow cover.

Bonniedoo said...

Hi Nanette..I would really enjoy your little giveaway..Japanese fabrics are especially intriguing to me-they are so neat! I would use the squares as is and make a patchwork basket to sit on my cutting table for selvedges.

angela said...

I'd love to start a project with my 5 year old and these would be perfect. Her birthday is coming up in Nov. and she told me she wants a sewing machine and, I quote, "a nice selection of fabrics". lol! Such a cutie. We could start a doll size quilt for her!
Great giveaway, awesome size!

Unknown said...

I think I would match each square with another fabric and make 1/2 square triangles. Oh, sounds like fun!!! And would love some Japanese fabic!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I just love square pieces of fabric (like charm packs) They are great for making hexagons, or just sewn together to get a lovely miniquilt. Or make some half triangle blocks. So please count me in ^_^

Anonymous said...

How fun, 31/2 inch squares could be used is so many different ways. Makes me want to run to my very messy stash and start cutting. Thanks for all the inspiration.

Annette said...

Such sweet fabrics. It would be exciting to have even a snippet of them just to look at and play with until the perfect project could be found.

Amy Sp said...

I bet those squares would make some really cute scrappy coasters!

Vicki said...

Those are so cute. Maybe I would make a little doll quilt with them, if I won. :)

Kimberly said...

Hmmm... something kitchen-ish for sure... maybe a long 'n skinny runner, bordered with the great apron print I just picked up! (have a peek on my blog for a pic of it) Looks like they'd work together perfectly!

Lovely giveaway! Have a great weekend! Kimberly

strawberrycream39 said...

Hi Nanette! You always have such cute Japanese prints. I love the Hive Squares...I think I'd use for them for some cute little bags and zipper purses I've been making. Their scale would be perfect! Have a great weekend. <3 Jen

Abby and Stephanie said...

Your fabrics are always terrific. What would I do for Hive Squares? If I lived closer I'd mow your lawn. Do you have a lawn? :o) You should hope not because I haven't mowed a lawn in years!

Jenny said...

I would use them in a memory quilt. Filled with fabrics that remind me of happy, wonderful, uplifting people in my life. You uplift and inspire to quilt more for my family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nanette!
I would be so honored to win a REAL TRUE FFF squares straight from the Hive.
It would be hard to choose what to do with them, but I might make a square patch pillow(s.)
I finally finished my christmas cottage block quilt top...thought you might be interested since it was your exhange!
Take care, Melissa

qltmom9 said...

~Lovely~ fabrics.
I would love to win.
Thank you for the chance.
Lucy from IN

Nancy said...

I think these fabrics are very cute. And I think a patchwork apron would be fun. Thanks for the great giveaway. Oh an my blog is private now so I'm leaving my e-mail just in case.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Sarah and Jack said...

Holy crap the people here love them some fabric. LOL

Nanette, I recently thrifted some vintage fabric I think YOU might like! If you email me I will tell you what it is and if you want it it's all yours.

Sue Cahill said...

I love making mini and minature quilts and do lots of applique so your squares would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the chance.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Rae Ann said...

How fun is this! Nanette, you know me, I would first have to pet those cute little squares. Then I would have to turn some of them into pinwheels! The others that have been fussy cut...well...you guessed it! I would use those as the windows for your cottage pattern. Hope I win!!!

Patricia said...

These look so fun! It would be great to win. Glad you're back on Fridays :) love Tricia

Pam said...

Dear Nanette - I would love to have some little squares from your stash. What a great idea! if I won, I think I might do the same for someone else from my stash. I love lots of variety & tiny conversation prints. BTW, I wonder if we are related? My grandma's maiden name was Merrill, she was from Logan, Utah.... small world, huh?

Carolyn J. said...

Well I love making bags, these little blocks would work well for that or a table runner.

Thanks for sharing a little part of your stash!

Melissa ;-) said...

I think I would have to see them up close, but I am thinking they would be very pretty on an apron or I have been wanting to cover some buttons to convert into refrigerator magnets! Thanks for the chance!

Lynn said...

Fun little give-away. If I won - first I would admire them for all their cuteness. Then I think I'd make a table runner - just for me with them!

Lisa said...

great idea for such cute fabrics! It would be hard to choose but it would make a nice and cozy comfort quilt for those chilly nights ahead of us!

Jenna Z said...

Wow, for not advertising it, you have LOT of comments. you must be popular! Thanks for the chance to win.

Pat said...

I am wanting to make all kinds of different minis for a small hanger in my kitchen. I cannot go on making larger wall-hangings as I don't have enough space and as for big quilts, I can't quilt them myself decently and it's expensive to GET them quilted, so minis are for ME....and the 3 1/2" squares would work wonders for me in some small kitchen pieces!!! So....I'll cross my fingers, toes AND eyes that I'll be picked!!! LOL (When is that baby coming??? I keep waiting for a post about the blessed event.)

MJinMichigan said...

I would use them form a really fun scrap quilt. They are so bright and cheerful that any pattern would work. Thanks for the chance to win.

TaraB said...

Fun Fun!!!

I think I would do a hidden nine patch as a doll quilt...

Momoo said...

You are always coming up with new neat ideas. I was telling a friend who is new to quilting that I save my scraps because you never know when you might need just a little piece for an applique.
Looks like you're getting a lot of comments for not advertising.
Enjoy a restful weekend after all the festivities.

Whitterbon said...

i cant get my mind off those two little coffee cups, so i think these squares would have to go into a retro, ruffled, patchwork apron if they arrived at my doorstep :)

good for you for being so up with the trends-- now I need to hop over to moda and see about those samplers!

Whitterbon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joy said...

You're such a sweety to do this :o)!!! I'd just LOVE to win one of your special Hive packs!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity .....
Joy :o)

Nancy-Rose said...

I love making scrappy quilts, with vintage looking fabrics. I hope you pick me!


*karendianne. said...

Tablecloth me thinks for certain!

Janet said...

They are a great size, big enough for HST as well as keeping them intact. Good idea and a lovely giveaway.

Judy H. said...

Small squares like that are perfect for hexagon quilts like Grandmother's Flower Garden! How cute! I'd love to put that teacup square right in the middle of a flower.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I would use those wonderful squares for a quilt for my first grandchild who will come in 2010! Thanks for this lovely give away.

Kaaren said...

I'd use them in a scrappy charm quilt for sure. How exciting!

Samantha said...

Ooohhh, these are adorable! Maybe a scrappy purse...or some coasters...or even new pillows for the couch? So many possibilities!!! Thanks for the chance.
sammiranda65 at yahoo dot com

Rita said...

sweet giveaway -- i would make as many drawstring patchwork pouches as possible for giftbags, or a thread catcher! rita

Nancy said...

mums the word.... although it looks like you sure have lots of followers...

Love the little squares..

Julia said...

Love the little charms..I'm thinking a pinwheel dolly quilt!
Thanks for this lovely give away.
Julia ♥

Tina said...

What fun. I can see those squares making up a cute patchwork tote bag!

GloJoeSews said...

I'd either frame them for a doll quilt or make some cute four patch pin cushions as gifts.

Shari said...

I like this size square and use it a lot. With 36 scrappy squares, I would probably match most of them with a plain background and make HST for a little doll quilt. If the square had a particulary great motif then I wouldn't cut it but throw it in whole amongst the HST. Are those fabric covered buttons as well?

dotti white said...

these are very cute, Nanette. I think that if I had one of these I would peace them together into a fun little table runner!

Sherri said...

Wow...so many comments...I'd sew them together...measure my finished little quilt...hand quilt...and frame...anything from your stash is frame worthy!

Mandy said...

What a fantastic idea! I'd love to make some dolly quilts for my new niece!


Jill said...

Lovely wedding for your daughter, Nanette! I'd love to win hive squares...I'd actually have to DO something with them...hmm..maybe eventually.Is sorting & looking good enough?!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Nanette,
What a great giveaway, I would have to make a purse, couldn't you see it going with anything you had on. Love the idea of 3 1/2 inch squares.
Keep Stitchen'

deb g said...

i would make a fun baby quilt mixing them with my own crazy squares.

Kara said...

I love your little Hive Packs! If I got my own pack, I would most likely add them to my stash and take them out and look at them on a regular basis, just like I do the rest of my fabric! :)

Diane said...

Your's is the first blog I read every day. Have learned a lot from you and enjoy your family happenings. HOpefully some day we will travel to Utah and I can meet all you gals. Best Wishes, Diane

Doreen B said...

Loved those wedding pics.
Please enter my name in your draw.
thank you!

ladmquilter said...

I think they would make a cute table runner or placemats. Thanks you

Truffle queen said...

Wow - for not "announcing" the giveaway you sure do have lots of followers! I'd love to have the 3 1/2" squares - I'm thinking runner? Glad to hear you finally have time to "breathe"!

Cathi said...

Those are adorable!! What a super giveaway. I think I'd make a teddy bear quilt -- maybe one of flying geese or perhaps some 9 patches.

Robin said...

Hive Squares are such a fun idea! I think I would use them in a table runner. I've never made one before, but my tables could definitely use a little bit of happy. :)

Marie said...

What a neat give away, I would love to make a mini something and the squares are perfect. Really enjoy your blog and all the wonderful family life you are able to enjoy. Thanks for the great blog. Hugs, Marie

bellsjo said...

I would make a little dolls quilt for a little girl I know! The squares are so cute - I love Japanese fabric! Thanks for the chance to win xx

Blogless me said...

I would very much like to win those! Most probably they will be used "as is" in a small quilt for my daughter to play with.

Stacy said...

I would use the squares as an inspiration for the holiday gifts I would like to make for others.

Stacy said...

I would use the squares as an inspiration for the holiday gifts I would like to make for others.

Sandy said...

I would put them together to make a fun table topper for my kitchen...shhh, I won't tell anyone either!

Anonymous said...

I'm all about adding to my stash! I just found your blog and as a quilter, I'm lovin' it! I think I would use the square as part of a Sunny Lane quilt.

blueberrylane said...

I would mix them with a plain colour and make a 'hive' quilt as I love your fabric style.

wendiq said...

I am not sure how I would use these, but I WOULD use them.....nice...:o)!

Karen S. said...

I don't know if I can keep it a secret!! Just to much cute stuff... I would use these to dress up my kitchen towels; sew a few together to make ruffles for the bottoms, maybe some applique's, borders, my kitchen is in serious need of personality ;-)

Unknown said...

Those squares are gorgeous !

Libby said...

I might set them together with alternating squares of a solid color...or maybe make them the center of little star blocks. So much fun!

Anonymous said...

How lucky for me that I get back in town and happen to check in on you when you're having a giveaway?!? The Hive Squares are a great idea...and one I'm sure will be copied over and over! I think I may even have to do this for my quilt group! What a great way to use up scraps. I'm all caught up on your blog (I was gone for almost 2 weeks and practically went through withdrawals!) The wedding looked so fun and I loved, loved, LOVED the quilts! What a wonderful, personal touch! So glad all went well and YOU survived! xo, The Other Nanette

Brenda said...

How much fun could I have with these - heaps!

Micki said...

I love the Hive Squares...what a cute idea!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

You have the most unique collection of fabrics, Nanette!! It would be fun to make a table topper out of your fabrics as they are so fun to look at that you would want to be able to see all of them spread out before you. Love that Good Morning coffee cup!

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw these cute little 3.5" squares I knew exactly what needs to be made with them. I would have to stitch some dark solid on to the corners for a small quilt idea I have..wasting none of that 3.5" piece...in fact...giving me BONUS triangles to use yet for another project! I've got somebody in mind too for this little number I envision in my head.

Mel said...

LOVE these!!

Your fabric stash is coveted the world over!!

I would make another one of your bag patterns with the squares. I take the bag I made from your pattern and fabric kit everywhere!!!

I would like to say I'd give the bag away, but I wouldn't - I'd horde it for myself!

Any chance of your Hive Squares making it into your Etsy shop?

I'm the first in line if that happens!!!

Cheryl said...

3 l/2 squares....SO SMART!

Anonymous said...

What a cute (and generous) idea! I'd love these for making some kitchenwares. Your fabric choices are all so gorgeous!

Mrs. Katie Picciottoli said...

That sampler box is cool! And your version is great too - what a neat giveaway!

Unknown said...

Yes! These would be a great addition to Etsy :) I love the tiny fussy cut coffee cups.

I would use these in a scrap patchwork quilt I'm working on. I'm using all of my favorite and most random scraps to create a queen sized snugly quilt. These fabrics would fit in perfectly.

Anonymous said...

wow those fabrics are gorgeous and would go in my kitchen so well :) i would make some place mats for my kitchen table.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a great group of squares! How fun!