2 Wins and a Winner

I have been incredibly lucky recently. I won 2 really really great giveaways. I was on a roll a while back but it has been a long dry spell for blog giveaway wins here and I picked a great time to have my luck change.
Jacquie is someone that inspires me and I learn so much from. She's very talented and I love everything she does. I won a quilt (yes a quilt) made by Jacquie. This was the package.
And this was what was inside! A mini quilt of quilts hanging on the clothes line. I've admired Jacquie's clothesline quilts and have been wanting to make something like this myself. In fact I had been thinking of this for over a year now. Of course I immediately fell in love with this quilt when I saw it on Jacquie's blog.
I put this pic on facing the wrong way but decided to leave it like that because it looked cute and was different, just like Jacquie. Now I get to think about where in my house to hang it! This is going on the wall. Thanks Jacquie.
And I also won, yes, another quilt!! Can you believe it? The sweet and fabulous Dawn had a giveaway. Dawn is a blog friend and a real life friend. Recently Dawn had a blog anniversary giveaway.
And she drew my name! I was so happy to win something made from Dawn with love and incredibly enough - it matches my new family room furniture and decor. And this is where it is going to live.
And be enjoyed. The whole family was excited to get it and be able to use it in the family room. They ripped the package open before I even had a chance to grab my camera. We even took the quilt to the wedding and used it over a bale of hay. It is just so perfect in my family room I can't believe it. Thanks Dawn!
Ok so Friday I said I would draw a name from over the weekend for this little pack of Hive Squares.
I used a random number generator and the winner of a little pack of Hive Squares is . . .Lynn from Diary of a Mad Quilter. Yayyy Lynn. Thank you all for leaving comments and participating. I loved all the great ideas for using the squares. A giveaway is always fun.

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Diva Kreszl said...

The quilts are just lovely!!! Perhaps it's time to buy some lottery tickets???

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Congrats on winning the quilts Nanette! I love the clothesline one too. Yay, Lynn! Great giveaway fun:)

jacquie said...

gee...when you win...you win big! i'm so glad the quilt is living at your house!

Abby and Stephanie said...

A happy home for your new quilts. Congrats to you and Lynn! Lucky girl.

Jodi Nelson said...

Congrats on the wins! You deserve it!

Jodi Nelson said...

Little late on seeing the hive squares! LOL Great minds think alike. ;o) ooxx`jod

Kaaren said...

Lucky you, Nanette. That's two wins. Don't good things come in 3's? Run out and buy a lottery ticket...quick!

Congrats to Lynn as well!

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, what fabulous wins. I love both of your quilts. And congrats to Lynn too!

Unknown said...

What awesome wins!! Those are both beautiful and well deserved by you!

Congrats to the very lucky winner.

Rhondi said...

How lucky you are to win those 2 beautiful quilts! I keep entering giveaways bt selcom win anything. Congratulations.
Hugs, Rhondi

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Lucky, lucky you and lucky winner! Congratulations to all!!

Jill said...

How lucky You are!!! Those were lovely "giveaways", enjoy !!

Robin said...

Lucky you! Both of those quilts are lovely! I'm especially partial to the aqua/brown one though... so pretty! Congratulations! :)

Sherri said...

Congrats...with all the stress...you deserve both amazing quilts! Dawn's looks like it was custom made for your decor!

Janet said...

Congratulations, amazing wins. Both quilts are terrific, love the clothesline, it's adorable.

Betsy said...

Nanette, the quilts are lovely. Congratulations.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Wow Nanette, these two quilts are beautiful! I love the clothesline quilt, how gorgeous, and the aqua and brown quilt matches your couch perfectly! xo

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh how fun!! Lucky you and congrats. to your winner!!

Jenny said...

Lucky! Little sad that I did not win any of your fabulous fabric. Next time!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, they are both gorgeous!! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Boy oh boy, Nanette, did you ever hit the jackpot!! I just love Jacquie's quilt and her work. What a wonderful quilt from Dawn too. How cool! Congrats to Lynn, you lucky girl!

sewtakeahike said...

You are SOOO lucky Nanette!! I love Jacquie's clothesline quilts as well and your's is extra adorable! Also, I'm so sad I missed out on your Hive Squares!! I love that little teacup print, it's precious!!

em's scrapbag said...

So happy for you and your beautiful winnings!!

Pat said...

Congrats to Lynn and BOO-HOO for the rest of us!!! *sigh* I love the quilts you won...how CUTE that clothesline quilt is!

Little Lady Patchwork said...

Congrats to you and your winner! Looks like everyone scored BIG time!

Mimi Sue said...

Love the clothesline quilt. You're a lucky girl. Mimi

Dawn said...

Congrats on your wins and winner! I'm off to see the clothsline quilts...it is adorable.

Tricia said...

2 quilts?! You're so lucky! I love the Clothesline quilt. I'll have to check out Jacquie's other quilts too!

Carrie P. said...

Two quilts for you. How blessed and awesome. Congrats. and congrats to Lynn too.

Lynn said...

Thanks Nanette - I was soooo excited when I saw my name. I was alone in the house - so no one heard my big "woohoo"

Mel said...

Oh, I love the quilt line quilt!!

Congrats to Lynn - very lucky!!

Congrats on winning Dawn's beautiful giveaway!

Micki said...

I love the quilts and good luck for winning! Congrats to Lyn also!