Blog nap over. I'm back and I've really missed talking to you. Family things, Thanksgiving and a project I won't blog about have really taken up my time but I've gotten some of those things out of the way. Now the march to Christmas. And the projects are on! It seems like I didn't get enough done during my blog nap though. Time goes so incredibly fast!

However, I admit I've been doing a lot of this. I'm holding Allison in this photo and she is smiling at me for the first time. That was a fun afternoon. Being Nanny is wonderful.

In the middle of my blog nap I needed a boy baby quilt in a hurry. I went to my 2 1/2" square scrap bin and made 16 patch blocks and bordered them in cute owl fabric I picked up at
Just Sew.

This owl fabric is darling. The quilt will be for my sister Teri's new grandson. It was fun to stop everything and make a quilt start to finish in 2 evenings. I enjoyed it.

Don't you love to see stacks? I was mentioning to
Stephanie of Loft Creations about loving stacks of fabric, quilts and things. Stephanie had
this post with stacks of dishcloths. Above is my stack of table runners I've been working on for the past couple weeks whenever I could sneak in some sewing time.

Some of the runners have big pinwheels . . .

and some of the runners are from kits I bought last Christmas from the girls at
Quilt Taffy. Oops my shadow is in that picture.

These are all gifts. I've got to give them away soon so they can be used and enjoyed this season.

I've also been making these. But they aren't finished yet. More on that later this week.

I'm also working on this. It is a Christmas table cloth I'm repurposing. I sure wish I'd started this one months ago. But I have to remember it is a wonderful season of giving and doing. I want to enjoy making things for Christmas. And I've also been getting some things in the mail! More on that later this week too. (Gifts are fun.)
Hi! Glad you're back - you were missed! I loved seeing your new grandbaby and your stacks of runners - don't know which I loved more - I DO love stacks of fabric but I guess that baby wins by a MILE - it is so fun, isn't it?!? Okay, time to get back to it - I've got a zillion projects all in various stages - it's crazy but so fun! xo, The Other Nanette
I have been thinking of you and I am glad to see that you are back. But the first picture really explains why you have been busy. What a sweetheart she is!! I can't believe you were able to get some beautiful projects complete.
You have been busy! Love that 16 patch baby quilt. So cute!
oh your grandbaby is delightful. I know you are having a blast!
I love your stack of runners and that baby quilt you whipped up is adorable.
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your refreshing nap!! Glad you are back, we missed you; but with your new darling little one, we can all understand. She is so beautiful and looking right at her nanny’s face, very sweet. Love your baby quilt, I need to do that, have squares and strips around, Hmmm, better buy more fabric!! I love your wonderful pile of runners, and you do have me wondering what else you seem to have going on. I’ll be back to see!!
Soo much here to comment about (as always)! First, that Allison is getting cuter by the minute...she is adorable!!! Love the boy baby quilt and all the table have accomplished a lot!
That's a darling baby picture Nanette! Looks like you're having tons of fun on lots of projects. I can't believe you even have time to blog. LOVE the baby quilt -- very cute!
Such a great baby picture. I love the 16 patch quilt you made, it is so cute. The table runners are darling. Love those.
So beautiful, and she's smiling at Grandmom awww. I didn't get past the baby picture. I'll have to look at the rest of your post tommorrow (it's late here), baby Allison is the star of this post!
No wonder you needed a blog nap...all my attention would be on Allison too!! The baby boy quilt is darling as well as the table runners. It's hard to blog this time of year because I can't post what I've been working on because they will see thier gifts!! Hugs!
Well, well, now, I can see that you didn't do much sleeping during your blog nap! Loved the baby boy quilt with owl fabric-so cute. But the cuteste thing I saw was that sweet baby. I'd be holding her too. Lucky you, Nanette. Give her a kiss for me. Nerm
Allison is the cutest baby!!!!!!!
She! is so cute! Wow. The owl quilt is very cool.
Looks like you've been busy and having fun, too. Don't ever miss the chance to hold one of those sweet little ones. They grow up SO fast! Good to see you back. :)
Welcome back Nanette,
Baby Allison is getting so big! How fun that she is smiling for you. I just got home from Arizona tonight, and I'm missing those baby smells and kisses.
Looks like you have accomplished a lot lately. Fun stuff.
Sorry Nanette, that last comment was actually from me. Whoops! I am using Kent's computer because my lap top has gone Kaput. I forgot to change the identity.
I hope you had a good weekend!
Looks like you've been busy. Your little grandgirl is adorable. You have to take time to enjoy her while she's little. As you know they grow up too fast. Mimi
I am happy that you got a good blog nap...but...more happy that you are back! You were greatly missed!
Your little grandbaby is a living doll!!! Oh, it makes me want to come by for a visit and hold her.
I love the darling baby boy quilt. You amaze me at all you get done.
Nice chatting with you again Nanette!
welcome back from your blog nap and I too love stacks. I will have to take a pic of my stack of antique quilts...or should I say stacks! LOL
I wonder what you are doing with your tablecloth...can't wait to see.
You HAVE been busy! Allison is darling. Isn't it just so sweet when you talk to a baby and they respond?
I think each post should start with a picture of that darling little Allison! Love your stacks. Wondering what you're doing with that beautiful tablecloth.
i am so glad your back! Baby is just too darn cute! o and i loveeee the fabric too.
I missed you! Look at that CUTE baby! Oh my goodness! How can you keep your hands off of her?! I love seeing stacks too -- yours is lovely and inspiring. Say, those little rings look familiar. I'll stay tuned for more on those. Adorable baby quilt too, you busy gal!
Allison is just gorgeous - much better than blogging!!
Love the 'boy' quilt - you are right - love the owl fabric!
Take care and enjoy the season...
Big hugs - Shari
Allison is a real doll baby. She's so cute.
Welcome back - missed you. A productive 'nap' indeed. Love all the runners - very sweet.
Well I'm glad to see that you're blogging alarm clock woke you up! lol...I missed you and all of you're stacks of fun stuff. Allison just keeps getting more adorable with each photo that you share!
Allison is just SOOOO cute!!! I'm glad you came back....and, personally, I think your nap was WAY too long. We need you here more frequently than that!!! LOL Lovely things you have been making......find myself wishing I was on your gift list. hehehe
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the simplicity and unsophistication of the little baby quilt, and ADORE that little Allison. What a little angel she is, all smiley at YOU!
Allison is such a sweetie pie.
You have been busy during your nap.
I can't wait to see how what you are doing with the Christmas table cloth.
Good to see you back's always lovely to visit you, so bright and happy here!
Allison is gorgeous, Love the little boy quilt.
Julia ♥
Glad to see you back. Love looking at photos of Allison. You certainly have been busy. Are those pincushion rings? I took a jacket fitting class and the teacher used something like that so that she wouldn't be putting our pins in her mouth. Of course, you may be making something totally different!
I wish I was that productive during a nap. You've made some lovely gifts. Like I said before it's good to have you back.
Good to see you back! It looks like you did had a productive time away (though I imagine it never feels like one is ever as productive as one wishes). :) The table runners are awesome, and the baby quilt looks perfectly snuggle-able.
Allison is an angel! That is such a sweet picture. :)
First off...I WANT THAT BABY!!!!
Then I want the baby quilt and then
the table runners and then the
tablecloth....All in that order!!!
Welcome back! Can't wait to see all your projects! You are soooo productive - I wish I had all your energy!
I wish I was as fast as you. The baby quilt is great and I love the pinwheels on the tablerunners.
i'm playing catch up...such wonderful stuff! and baby allison? she is darling, nanette! ☺
sweet baby! The 16 patch quilt is adorable, I might have to copy that idea sometime.
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