I have been pretty busy this weekend. Shopping, errands, tree, sewing, wrapping, cooking, baby fun added with lots of new snow.

I have all my packages to be mailed ready to go. You have no idea how good that feels. I'm starting to feel like Christmas really is coming and I might be ready, somewhat for it!

I finished my ornaments and decorating projects. Mr. Hive helped me put the grommets in the vintage table cloth stars. I'm really happy with how they turned out.

The kids helped decorate the tree. It was fun even though the youngest of the kids are all teenagers now and that innocent wanderlust of Christmas is faded.

I used my sweet angel given to me by
Terri last year for the top and the ornaments made by
Eileen. It makes me smile to see them on my tree.

Of course I have my ornaments I made from last year sitting front and center on the tree as well.

And my new yo yo garland drapes across the tree. It isn't a huge tree but the price was kind of big for a fresh tree. At least I thought so.

My daughter Jamie says there are too many ornaments. I don't think so. Can there ever be too many ornaments?

I don't have tons of decorations around the house. Too much seasonal stuff makes me uncomfortable. But a touch is nice. I have the little trees I made from last year on the entry sideboard. I added 3 tiny figurines after seeing Belinda's little arrangement of trees on
her blog. Love it.

Of course my quilt is front and center in my entryway above the sideboard. I love this tree. So many good memories.

My slight touch of a vintage Christmas is here with my small collection of vintage Christmas balls. I think they are pretty in this vintagey glass bowl from my mother-in-law. And

And to top off the weekend we had Allison on Saturday. She's so fun. Here the kids staged her "riding" the dog. She's a sweet doll to play with sometimes. I'm not sure who to feel more sorry for, Shadow or Allison? ha
Everything looks so lovely, Nanette! I especially love your Christmas Cottage quilt, and your beautiful tree. I'm with you-- you can never have too many ornaments! :)
So cute! I don't think your tree has too many ornaments. What a lucky baby to have so many aunts and uncles plus grandparents to play with her all the time. My oldest was the first grandbaby on both sides and he got lots and lots of attention too!
I agree - you can never have too many ornaments on the tree!
I love your decorations. I have your little house hanging on my tree too! I love it...it brings a smile to my face!
Everything looks so beautiful! Now sit back and enjoy the holidays!
Your decorations look wonderful! I want to finish my Christmas Cottaages quilt so bad this year! We will see if I can pull it off.
I reckon if Allison could fit on the top of the tree, the kids would have tried that, lol. You only have too many ornaments if the tree topples over. I love the yo yo garland and all the handmade things.
What a lovely decorated tree with all those cute ornaments and the sweet angel on the top! And your grandchild is such an alert sweet baby (O:
Nanette great decorations. I cannot belive how grown the baby is getting. Enjoy your holidays.
Those little trees are so sweet, but I love all of your holiday decorations. And that baby......
oh the tree looks great, I love the way the house quilt looks hanging as a backdrop for the table...
beautiful quilt
Allison is adorable can't believe how big she is getting already..
the vintage ornaments look beautiful in that glass bowl
Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays with your family and friends.
Your tree is lovely. Oh everything is so pretty. I recall we had some vintage Christmas balls (well I guess they weren't so much vintage at the time) and I wonder if they all broke or if Mom still has them. Ahh, Allison! So sweet. Thanks for sharing her. Thank you for sharing Holiday Cheer! This has been a nice visit over coffee.
Nanette, Your home looks so beautiful all decked out! You are right, you can never have too many ornaments!! The quilt looks just right where it is. I hope the dog didn't mind Allison. She is a cutie.
Ahhh, you're looking all festive and beautiful Nanette. LOVE that Christmas quilt hanging -- it's a perfect touch for a quilter's home! And how cute is Allison? She's growing so fast!
See that's what happens when you have teenagers, they criticize. Remember when they were little and there was no such thing as too much and every tree was perfect. What a fun Christmas it will be with the new Grandbaby.
Glad you were able to get decorated and share your photos with us.
A wonderful tree! I love handmade ornaments. The quilt is fantastic and Allison is adorable!
Looks like a real homespun Christmas to me, Nanette and they're the best kind!
There can NEVER be too many ornaments on the tree...especially the homemeade kind.
Slowly but surely it's all getting done and it's looking great!
It looks great! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Your Cottage Quilt looks beautiful! I love your ornaments on the tree. You can never have too many. Maybe you need two trees!?! I think Allison is pleading to get off - love the polka dots on the babe! Merry Christmas Nanette.
Oh your home looks so warm and inviting, I love the cottage quilt, and YES, you can, NEVER, have to many ornaments. and your sweet litle one, just goes with the flow, what an angel!
So much to ooh and aah over! The star garland turned out wonderful...and your tree looks terrific...and I just sigh every time I see that Christmas Cottage quilt...it's perfect...your outer border fabric is just absolutely the perfect fabric too! I definitely feel Chrismassy after reading this post!
I do love your tree, ours goes up next week. I want to thank you for the link to the fabric trees. What a wonderful way to use up all my Xmas scraps and a few last minute gifts.
Allison is adorable.
Lovely decorations, Nannette. Your granddaughter is such a cutie-pie. And yes, there is no such thing as too many ornaments on the tree!
Love your tree and that yo-yo garland - it is adorable!!! And no, you can NEVER have too many ornaments...I like my Christmas tree with lots of ornaments and just a bit of tree! Love that Allison - she will be the best gift of all! Your quilt/entry looks so festive - anyone walking into your home will surely be bitten by the Christmas spirit! xoxo, The Other Nanette
Yes you are looking very Christmasy! And it sounds like you had a lot of fun getting that way.
Oh, your decorations are lovely. I am like you, I don't like to overdo it with the decorations. It is too chaotic for me.
Love your decorations, Nanette. The tree is so whimsical and beautiful with precious handmade ornaments :)
And our Christmas tree topper is the sweetest angel Terri sent us :o)
Allison is so adorable!!
i laughed out loud at "too much seasonal stuff makes me uncomfortable"...lol...me, too!
i like seeing the angel...it brings back happy memories...
allison is an absolute doll face...it'll be a fun, fun christmas for you! ☺♥
I love your decorations. I think Allison is telling her aunties, "Get me OFF this dog...NOW!!!"
I think you have quite a few Christmas decorations, but it's not too busy. Love the homemade look of your Christmas tree. You certainly are mailing a lot of packages, a lot of happy people on the receiving end :)
Thanks for sharing Allison with us again, she doesn't look too happy on Shadow.
YES...looks like you have been as
busy as one of Santas elves!! I so
love a fresh tree but haven't had
one in years!!
Don't you just love your little fabric tiered trees...especially
since you found some little 'peeps' to hang around them!
AND there is nothing better than a
cutie pie baby decked out in polka dots!!!!
Everything looks so homey and inviting....and what a way to welcome everyone in to your home than to be greeted with your FAB
Christmas house quilt!!!
This post gets me in the spirit of Christmas! I don't have any decorations up, too much back and forth from Denver to Utah!
Darling Allison!!!
Your tree is gorgeous. But little Alison is adorable. Mimi
Hi Nanette...Christmas at your house is really lovely!
I'm still not ready yet...you're way ahead of me.
I have had so many party's this week, I can't get anything done:)
I love the way that the ornaments from the vintage tablecloth turned out...a very sweet, soft touch to the tree.
Tomorrow is clothesline club and paper doll class...wednesday is yo-yo mama's...maybe I'll never be ready!
Happy Christmas Nanette! Love your special holiday touches. Now how do you get that angel to sit so nicely at the top of the tree! I have one and I just can't manage it...
Hugs - Shari
Hi Nanette
Everything looks great. I like the yo yo garland. I may copy that idea! And of course your quilt hanging on the wall is gorgeous!! You're right, you can never have too many ornaments on a tree!
Hugs, Rhondi
it's so great when all the christmas-y stuff comes together! i love your tree topper. so cute!
You inspired me to make those little trees last night. What an adorable tree - I'm making some for my powder room and to give out at my quilt bee this week.
Such an inspirational post! Thank you!!!
It's looking a lot like Christmas around there, Nanette! Everything is so pretty.
Everything looks so lovely, esp. the tree. Happy Holidays to you!
The pic of Allison is adorable! Love your cottage quilt but what really caught my eye was the gorgeous vintage tablecloth in the picture!! :-)
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