Sew Scraps Along with Pleasant Home and Me

Have you been visiting any of the Scrap Along participation blogs? The Scrap Along is sponsored by Jodi of Pleasant Home. Nedra, Sherri and Lori have already posted about Scrap Along give-a-ways this week on their blogs (go visit, I think there is still time to enter). And so today is my day to post a Scrap Along Give-A-Way here at Freda's Hive.
I dug deep into my scrap bin and pulled out a big arm load of scraps of all sizes. Some scraps are strips, some are squares but all are pretty sweet. There are even a few vintage and some Japanese reproduction fabrics. I sorted, ironed and stacked....
adding piece after piece to each little pile....
until I had filled my ironing board with cute scraps to go to a loving home. Could that be your home? Maybe. Leave a comment and make SURE that your email is attached to your comment because only those comments with emails attached can win. To sweeten the give-a-way I'm including this fun Japanese patchwork magazine. It is a great issue and is full of quilting and stitching ideas with plenty of inspiration for smaller pieces of fabric like scraps.

The give-a-way ends Saturday 10/23/10. So leave a comment before midnight Saturday Mountain Time. I'll pick a winner and post it Monday morning (so no new posts here until Monday). Good luck to all you fabulous quilters and fabric lovers.

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Anita said...

I would love to check out Cotton Time. It looks like it is full of fun ideas. (

Des said...

i totally need more scraps AND a magazine!! Thanks nanette!

nono said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nono said...

I'm joining in on the sew scrap along and would love to win your scraps. Thanks so much!

Jolene said...

These look like some yummy fabrics! I love scraps.

Kimberly Whispell said...

Oh your scraps are so beautiful. I absolutely need to increase my scrap and quilting magazine collection!!!

What a wonderful giveaway!

em's scrapbag said...

I would love to give your scraps a happy home. Thanks for the chance.

Jeanette said...

I haven't even found time to tackle my scrap bin yet, but I'm planning to. I need to do something with it, it's overflowing!

Most of my scraps however seem to be red polka dots LOL I might have to have a monochromatic scrappy quilt =0P

Unknown said...

I really hope that I win. Not only that I think that you should pick me because I live in Eagle Mountain so I can totally save you on postage. Also I really want it. Please, Please, Please, pick me!

Mel said...

Normally I would 'pass' on anyone else's scraps, but YOURS are always a desire for me!!!

Liz said...

I'm not sure if I signed up correctly on the Google account..but I love scraps. Been busy making scrap quilts...spider web X 3 and mumbo gumbo. I can always use colorful scraps.

Trisha said...

A bit of your scraps? What a treat! That is part of the reason I bought a mixed bag kit, to get my hands on some of your incredible fabric. I am excited for another chance!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

I love your scraps, Nanette. They would be welcome at my home - and put to work straightaway! Thanks for the chance.

peggy said...

I would love, love, love to win some of your scraps. Please put my name in the hopper.

Donna said...

I would love to win your bag of scraps and the magazine. I joined in the Sew Scrap Along yesterday and hoping to take care of a good deal of my scraps so I can incorporate some of yours!!! Haha

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I do not think I could leave a comment any faster!!! This is going to be such a fun project! I am so glad I joined! Thank you for this chance!

Mary L. said...

What cool scraps. They'd be happy living at my home! Thanks for the opportunity.

debbie m said...

Wow, what an awesome give away! I love scraps, and make scrappy quilts so I will haver real scraps left over, so I can make scrap quilts. There are so many fabric choices out there and your scraps are different from what I ususally buy. It would be great to add them to my quilts. email address enabled in Blogger.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Your scraps are so cool Nanette, I would love to work with them. And I've never even touched a Japanese patchwork magazine and they look so intriguing! marykolbatcharterdotnet

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes please! I'll take them all, and like Lori's scraps, if I win them too, I'll enshrine them under glass where I can gaze at them daily...they would be worshipped around these parts...Freda's Hive Scraps - maybe YOUR mojo would rub off on me and I'd be able to make a REAL quilt! xo, The Other Nanette

Jenny said...

i would love to play and create with your scraps! thanks for a chance.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I would love to win your scraps because you make the sweetest projects. Those scraps on your ironing board look like they would enjoy visiting my sewing room. LOL! I could lay them out on my ironing board if I won. :-)

Lotta said...

I love your scraps and would happily give them a new home.
Lotta in Sweden

Lee said...

I have been following the scap project and made my two first scrappy blocks today! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Beckers said...

I love your style and would love to add the scraps to mine for something fun!

nettie said...

i would love to get my hands on your scraps, you have the best taste in fabric. thanks for the giveaway.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Great scraps! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway.

Sherri said...

Even though I'm giving some scraps away...there is always room at my house for your scraps!!!

Angie said...

Thanks for the chance to win these scraps....they are the best kind of scraps one could get.:0)


Teala said...

I would love, love, love some of your wonderful scraps!

Anonymous said...

I love all your wonderful work and pictures of pretty fabric. Thanks for the chance to own some.

Julie said...

Nothing could be more delightful than a bag full of someone elses scrapes!! And Cotton Time is always such fun.(

Lynn said...

I'm going to sit here and hold my breath until your drawing. What a generous giveaway. With your fantastic fabrics, I know there will be lots of treasures in those scraps. And the magazine, I'm swooning.

Bowbailey said...

I love your quilts so much that I would certainly love your scraps also! I look forward to reading your blog so much, you really lift my spirits.

Michele said...

I always love your fabrics! What a treat it would be to work with your scraps.

Unknown said...

I covet your scraps, Nanette. I need scraps. I really do. Really, badly.

You have the best stash in the whole world.

audreypawdrey said...

Your scraps look so lovely! I would love to see them upclose!:)

amy smart said...

I can't think of anyone's scraps I would want more than YOURS! I love everything you touch, Nanette.

PS Sorry about your Blogger woes. I know your pain.

Martina said...

Lovely scraps and great magazine! Thanks for the give away!
Have a great weekend!

Di~ said...

Heck Yeah! mmmm Thanks! p.s. I'm sorry that blogger has wasted some of your precious time, seriously.)

Malmbergs said...

The Sew Scrap Along is a fun idea and I would love to give your scraps a home!

Simone de Klerk said...

Okay, now this makes me happy (o: What a great idea, a giveaway like that! Will have to think about it.
And of course the Japanes magazine to it makes it even more special!!!

Claudia said...

I am just drooling over the scraps and magazine. How fun is that Claudia

Lesly said...

Great scraps! I'd love to win them! thanks for the chance!

Martha said...

Great giveaway! I would love to have that Japanese magazine!!

Nedra said...

Even though I am de-junking, and trying to get rid of my own scraps, I would jump at a chance to have some of yours. count me in.

Sara said...

I would love these. They remind me of a sweet little Japanese exchange student I knew

Jenna Z said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win! I LOVE scraps!

A mom said...

Hi Nanette,

I love every quilt you make so I am sure that I would love to have your scraps!!!! Jo Anna

CreationsForEleanor said...

What a wonderful giveaway, it is almost like we are helping you clean your sewing room up!

Mamma Dawson said...

I would certainly appreciate a chance to add some scraps to my stash. I've been busy making up little dolly quilts for my girls' loveys! Thank you for your generosity.
dawsonsnest AT gmail DOT com

Rebecca said...

You are very talented and I love your site! I have just began sewing not to long ago and I have seen many neat projects to make with scraps! I just don't really have any yet! It would be really great to win your scraps!

Dorothy Thornton said...

I am following along with the Sew Scraps Along with Pleasant Home. Although I have plenty of scraps of my own your scraps look so much better than my own. I would love to give them a good home and get a bonus magazine.

Susan said...

Thanks for the giveaway. The magazine is very intriguing.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love scraps and wouldn't mind winning in the least!

Valerie said...

Scraps! I'm geeked... I've joined in the scrapalong and am having such fun [finally] organizing my scrap bins.

Kasey said...

Oooo such pretty little bits and pieces! Maybe I should tell my brother to pick up a copy of Cotton Time next time he goes to Japan for business!! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I would totally love to re-home your scraps! They look great :-)

Bahama Shores Mama said...

scraps and a magazine??? It's a good day to be a reader! Thanks for the offer!!!

Sarah Craig said...

Hi! I found your blog through Pleasant Home, but I will definitely be back regularly (now following) because you have an awesome blog! I would love to win your scraps - we make a lot of scrappy quilts to use in our quilt ministry and yours are lovely - they'd make a great addition and brighten a lot of people's lives! Thanks for the chance!

Anna said...

Freda's Hive scraps would be the best! Thanks for a chance to win

Anita in Florida said...

oooh that magazine looks awesome and the scraps too!

Samantha said...

The magazine looks fun...and who doesn't need more scraps? :) Thanks for the chance to give these pretties a new home.
sammiranda65 at yahoo dot com

Sparky said...

Praise be to the too..Ok, I appeal to you and Lori, and Sherry, and Nedra and Millie and ME( but I can't win my own can I?) but I need scraps...what will you do now is choose some day I won't have to cut my yardage for future giveaways lol...pieces can be with me...right? madame samm

Nancy Sue said...

Being a new quilter, I don't have much of a scrap stash. Would love to be included in the giveaway to add to the collection for an after-the-holiday scrappy quilt for the home :)
nsue21702 at gmail dot com

Gill said...

I love scraps and that magazine looks fantabulous!!!

Charmed Life said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in.

Marsha B said...

I love, love, love scrap quilts and these scraps would find a good home with me! Thanks!

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Looks like some wonderful scraps in there and I love scrap quilts so sign me up for the giveaway!

Rita said...

oh, nanette, i love your fabrics -- they are always so cute and remind me of the jumpers my auntie would sew for me. please count me in!


Weatherbee ;) said...

Wow! What a wonderful stack of scraps!!! I can't believe you even ironed and sorted awesome! I would love love love to take your scraps home, and (attempt to) make something beautiful with them! :)

Thanks for your wonderful generosity!

Renée said...

I'd love your scraps! Isn't Jodi a lot of fun? Thanks for your great giveaway and a chance to win!

Aliene said...

My home is crying for the scraps on your give a way.

Jorie said...

Wow, your SCRAPS look even better and more droolworthy than my STASH! I would love to win, so I am crossing my fingers!

Thanks for the chance!

luckymom said...

What beautiful pieces of fabric. I would love to win these. Thanks for the chance.

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Hi Nanette, Found your blog via Jodi and I'm so glad I did. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. You have put some time and love into your scrap selection. Someone is going to be blessed with such a gift. Anna


Thanks for the giveaway.
I love scraps and a magazine!!!
Please count me in...

Annette said...

How thrilling it would be to have scraps from your awesome fabric collection! And so generous of you to share them. I'm crossing my fingers and toes ☺

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Other people's scraps are always more fun than one's own...please count me in :o)

Char said...

Oooo, love the scraps. I'm starting the new scrap quilt tomorrow.

Brenda said...

I would love to win. I cleaned out my scraps when we moved 3 years ago and am just making new ones. I just never thought of using them in such wonderful ways.

Jen O said...

Oh, I'm salivating over your colorful, so fun, so ME! And the Japanese magazine is icing on the scrap cake!

Elin said...

Very nice give away, love the scraps!

Vintage Girl said...

Oh my, what a wonderful giveaway, how generous of you! I found your blog through Pleasant Home and so glad I did. I am coming back tonight when I have more time for a nice look around and see all your goodies. Blessings, Heather

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Oh fun!!


TracyJ said...

Oh wee! Thanks for the chance to win some lovely scraps AND a magazine. Love your blog!

Needled Mom said...

The magazine looks fabulous and of course I need all of those scraps!!!!

Margaret said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Scraps and scrap quilts are my favorite. :)

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh YIPPEE!!.....clapping...clapping
My hands are clapping cuz I'm so happy and my lips are smacking cuz these scraps are so yummy and I'll be twirling with excitement if you choose ME!!!

Marj said...

I can hardly wait to start scrapping and the magazine is a bonus, count me in for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I would be so happy to give your scraps a new home. I have uses for those lovely bits and pieces!

Charity said...

What beautiful scraps! And your generosity with the magazine too, it's just so sweet.
Thanks for sharing!

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'd very much love to win such pretty scraps. I'm looking forward to using up some of my own these next few weeks.

razberiswrl said...

I've been seeing all these fantastic scrappy projects that I want to try out, and get so bummed that I HAVE NO SCRAPS because I'm pretty new to quilting. :( I would love to win some scrappy goodness! Thanks for this sweet giveaway. :D

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh how fun! I promise to give your scraps a loving home and to use them up in this very fun scrap-a-long! I was just complaining to Jodi that my scraps are ugly...they need some cute friends to hang around to make a nice quilt :)

Lori said...

Wow! Beautiful scraps and a very neat magazine to browze through...I will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks Nanette

Jana said...

Would love to win your scraps! You have the most interesting fabric---I need to see it in person--then make something with it! :)

beanie g said...

I'm not sure I could honestly say I NEED scraps, but I think I'd like to have someone else's/

fiberdoodles said...

I would love to be included in your giveaway! Your scraps look fun and I would love to see that magazine ;0)

BubzRugz said...

New(ish) quilter short on scraps - would love to provide loving home for these beauties (if able to post overseas)..

EmileeHope said...

Love the scraps!! (Scrap piecing is my fav!!)

Shannon said...

Such wonderful scraps. I love it. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have much by way of scraps, so I'd absolutely be thrilled if I was blessed enough to win! *crossing fingers - just in case it helps* Jody @

Anonymous said...

wow I love your scraps, thanks for the give a way

SpencerFamily said...

What beautiful scraps! Thanks for putting together such a fabulous giveaway!

Retrogirl said...

Oh Nanette! You have the best taste in fabric. I have always hoped to see your stash, convinced you really do have one. LOL

What a great idea! I'll have to figure out something to do for Jodi's sew along. Sounds like such fun, it's just a matter of making the time.

Happy Quilting,


Karen Heineck said...

I would love to win your scraps! Thanks for the opportunity and generosity!

Cathy said...

I would love to have an opportunity to win your scraps. Thanks for the giveaway!

rjk said...

I would love to win your scraps

Maxine said...

I would love to win some scraps...Can't make a scrap quilt without any scraps....
Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Caro said...

Would love to win some of your scraps. It's always so interesting to see fabrics picked out by another person. Thanks for the chance to win.

Diane N said...

I could use some scraps! I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

Alisa said...

I would looove to win your scraps!

Unknown said...

I would just be more than happy to win your scraps and the Cotton book!

Kim said...

Wouldn't that be a blessing to win all those wonderful scraps!!!!! Thank you for the giveaway.

NancyB85374 said...

Oh, I would love to win the scraps. I would definitely treat them with loving care. The magazine looks interesting, too. thank you

JoAnn said...

Seriously folks, this is just too much ;) -- I am having too much fun reading these blogs that get posted to start on my scrap assignment!!! I would love to win your scraps and I promise i would use them in my quilt!!

Patty said...

Why is it that scraps are so addicting? Thanks for the chance to win.

ktquilts said...

Great giveaway, I have been wanting a craft book like that, but I have been chicken to buy one!!!



Linda said...

Hi! I would love to have your scraps. I would put them to good use. I love to make string quilts.

Dianne said...

Oh my! I LOVE your scraps and an extra bonus of the magazine? Wow! You're awesome! I sure hope I'm the lucky girl w/ this one! :-)

Lisa said...

Hoolie moolie! That's a lot of scraps! I'd love to be entered in your wonderful givaway, please throw my name in the hat :o)

I surfed in from Pleasant Home by the way... you gals are such an inspiration to this newbie quilter!

Paula Lemos said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to add to my scraps...they look interesting!!

Jan said...

I love love love scraps - and your quilts (so inspiring) and your blog, nanette.

alittlebitcrafty said...

Love your scraps...been collecting for years. The magazine looks awsome too. Hope I'm lucky!!!

maree said...

Your scraps are welcome to hop on a plane and fly across the oceans to join my Kiwi scraps:) And I love your patterns! You are such a clever lady. Very tempted.....Ciao

Lynnae said...

Oh, my, your scraps look so much nicer than my pile of scraps! Would love to get them and a magazine as a bonus would be delightful!

Thanks for participating in the scrap give-away.

~Niki~ said...

that is an awesome giveaway! i have one going on now with hardly any entries :(
maybe you can send some viewers my way LOL. thanks for lettin' me enter!

Jane said...

OOOOO what beautiful scraps you have my dear!! LOL I would love to win the scraps.

Quilts and Cats said...

WOW! Great scraps! I have a few pieces of Japanese fabric from a sister-in-law and would love to add to my stash! I mostly do scrap quilts so this would be greatly a bonus. It doesn't get much better than that! Thank you.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Now those are the kind of scraps I love to work with - oh tiny lovelies poking their heads out saygin "pick me". I would gift the the magazine to my Mom - who loves quilty mags from other countries. There would be 2 winners here.

Judy said...

One can never have too many scraps. And if you leave them in dark corners they multiply!!! I would sure like to win your scraps to feed my scraps living my the dark corners of my sewing room!!

VickiT said...

What a wonderful bunch of scraps and how sweet they are already cut into such great squares. I would love the magazine as well. As I mentioned, I am new to quilting so I need scraps.

Rachel said...

Oh wow, your scraps are lovely. So nice and neat that they don't really look like scraps at all.

Linda said...

Wow what a load. I'd love to win all those scraps. Its neat to see how different all of us are when buying material. Yours looks great. Thsnks for the giveaway.

Tina H. said...

I would love to give the scraps that you are willing to part with a very nice new resting place!

Pam said...

Your scraps are beautiful and I would love to win them because I want to make a scrap quilt and have almost no scraps of my own. Cotton Time looks very interesting. Thanks for the opportunity.

Lina said...

Oo-oo-h! Pretty scraps. And that magazine... how fun. Thank you for the giveaway.

Patti said...

I would love to win your scraps and give them a really good new home. Thanks sew much for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win your "scraps" and the magazine!
Gail (

Unknown said...

I love your scraps!!! Thank you for the opportunity!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

What a giveaway! Love your blog and never too many scraps and a magazine, too! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

My first time to visit your site. Can't wait the explore and check out your patterns. I can never have too many scraps!!!!

Terry said...

Your scraps look fabulous! And so does that magazine! Thanks for the chance to win them! :0)

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your blog- had to add it to my favorites! "Sew" glad I found you!

alittlebitcrafty said...

great scraps! scraps...need scraps!! Hope I'm lucky!!

Kathy said...

Which is better...fabric or magazine. What a great collection. Please put me in for the drawing.

Netta said...

Thanks for the awesome scraps giveaway. If I would win my daughter will be home from Japan in time to read it to me :) nanasew at gmail dot com

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Ohhhhhhhhh boy....more scraps!!

Home I'm the lucky one.


Brenda said...

Lots of fun scraps. Thanks for giving some away!

Quilting Cheryl said...

I love your scraps!Pick Me!

LindaW said...

Wonderful scraps! Please include me in your giveaway.

Lovie said...

Would love to give your scraps a new home. lovieb @

Sandy said...

OMGoodness, I love all the fabrics that you sew with, so I would love to win your scraps!! Thank you for sharing.

Linda T said...

Such a fun looking prize - count me in!

Janet said...

Your scraps look awesome! And the magazine too...I'd love to win. I need more scraps for the Scrapalong!!!

Cathy H. said...

I'm going to try the Scrapalong. So the scraps would surely be welcome. Thanks for the great givaway.

Diah Rothman said...

I love your fabrics! What a treat it would be to work with your scraps and sure they will be in a loving home..... Thanks for the chance for winning!

Tammy Jones said...

Wow! Sign me up, please! :)

chocolate girl said...

I would love a chance at all those lovely scraps! Oh, what fun!

CuteStuffInside said...

Ooo, Ooo, Oooooo!


Barbara Ann Beamer Jones said...

Oh, I would love to win - please enter me in your giveaway!

babsnwv at gmail dot com

Rhondi said...

A girl can never have too many scraps. I'd love to win!

Carrie P. said...

I have bought some of your fabric squares and I just love going through them. I would love to win some because you have such fun fabrics. thanks for a chance to win.

Bonnie said...

I would live to win your scraps. You can never have to many.


the girlfriend gap said...

it all looks sweet to me. I would love to win because they look like sweetness I don't have. Thank you for making some lucky mail box smile! Janita

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

i'm a scrappy LoVER! thx for this opp to enter :) and yes, my mailbox will definitely be smiling as the arrival of your perfect pkg!

MoeWest said...

I would be happy to take those lovely unwanted fabric scraps off your hands! Thanks for the giveaway.

pippirose said...

How wonderful!
I have a few issues of Cotton Time, and they are super!
Thanks for the chance to enter.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Dana said...

What a wonderful bunch of scrappy goodness!! I would so love to win! And just how have I missed your blog? I am so enjoying browsing and I've bookmarked you so I won't miss anything else! :) Thanks for the chance to win!
gertrude38242 @

craftytammie said...

great giveaway! i'd give those scraps a good home!

Cheryl said...

Great scraps. Great giveaway! Hope to see them in my mail box.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, the fun that could be made... Thanks!!

candy at fiber dot net

Janice said...

OMG what a fabulous pile of scraps. I would love to give them a new home!!

Renea said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love scraps.

Ginger Patches said...

I just signed up for the scrap thing...looks like so much fun. I would give your scraps a good home and they would be very, very loved :)

Petit Design Co. said...

ooh I do hope you pick me! My husband can actually read Japanese so he can translate for me!

By the way I've added your giveaway over to the Quilty Giveaways weekly post

Mary said...

What an exciting giveaway! Winning scraps would be great, but getting the magazine would be so much fun. Small towns where I live do not carry much in the line of quilting magazines, so a Japanese magazine would be treasured.

Paula said...

I am a new quilter and would love some SCRAPS!!!!

Paula said...

I forgot to attached the e-mail

Paula said...

I forgot to attached the e-mail

Unknown said...

How fun! Hope I win!

Valerie said...

What a lovely assortment of scraps you've collected for your giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
gvkortus at skybeam dot com

Miranda said...

Your beautiful scraps would have a very loving home with me! Thanks for the chance, crossing my fingers :)

dream quilt create said...

Your scraps would be my happiness ♥

dream quilt create said...

Whoops, let's try that again...."Your scraps would be my happiness ♥

Anonymous said...

I just love looking at fabric. All that lovliness. Count me in.

natalie christensen said...

Beautiful goodies gets my creative juices flowing! Thanks for the giveaway!

muffinandme said...

Ohhhh yes I would LLOOVVVEEEEE to enter you draw for those wonderful looking scraps. And the Japanese magazine as well - what can I say? My mouth is watering at the thought. Thanks for this chance.

Anonymous said...

there is NOTHING better in the world than fresh scraps, well, maybe except for finding a quilter who is willing to share

christine (

rachandcarl said...

lovely scraps!

Lori Kay said...

Count me in. I love your taste in fabric and all things cottony!

polly said...

Would love to give your scraps a new home! Thanks for the chance!

Peach Rainbow said...

Thanks for the chance!
fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Wendy said...

Oh wow, not only would I LOVE to win your scraps (I have none of my own sob sob), but I'd LOVE that magazine, I covert Japanese patterns!

Wendy said...

Oh wow, not only would I LOVE to win your scraps (I have none of my own sob sob), but I'd LOVE that magazine, I covert Japanese patterns!

Wendy said...

Oh wow, not only would I LOVE to win your scraps (I have none of my own sob sob), but I'd LOVE that magazine, I covert Japanese patterns!

Wendy said...

Oh wow, not only would I LOVE to win your scraps (I have none of my own sob sob), but I'd LOVE that magazine, I covert Japanese patterns!

Belinda said...

I love scraps and japanese mags - perfect combination! Thanks for the chance for them to come and live in my house! Belinda

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