Yep. I know you've seen this new
Denyse Schmidt fabric for Joann's simply EVERYWHERE on blogs. Of course I'm a huge fan of Denyse and her designs. This fabric is flying off the shelves at Joann's. I really haven't heard of many people that can resist it. I was able to get fat quarters of nearly all of it (I think). I really like the fabric since it is vintage flavor and not too
matchy matchy. My least favorite of the fabrics is the throwback navys on the top of the sack. But really it is all great.

I love the greens and this yellow.

The more aqua blue is fantastic. But I have to say even though I'm not into the navy much, this blue in the background is my very favorite print of the entire line.

Look how great that blue looks with the red. I'm going to use a bit of these in my flag quilt.
So, although this fabric may be all over the
Internet I thought you might not mind seeing my fat quarters for Fabric Friday.
I love this fabric line too! Blue is may favorite color, in any shade!! Wish I could get it locally but our Joann's doesn't carry it :(
I love it! I've made a couple of bucket bags with the navy and red, and the green plaid and light turquoise. They're so fun!
I like these DS prints but they don't demand I track 'em down.... and I have no idea if my "local" JoAnn's carries them b/c the store is an hour away.... *lol*
Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!
You know, I didn't get any of the blue or red, but now that you mention the flag quilt -- {swoon}!!!
I succumbed too! And glad i did!
See, the only ones I bought so far are 2 navys, a red and the lt. blue with bigger flowers. IMO most of the others have too much white. I think the navy blues remind me of being a little kid, and I'm making a 4th of July dress or top for my girl with these!
The blue in your last photo is my favorite too! I'm not super crazy about the greens but overall, I really love being able to walk into a fabric store and shop for her fabric.
Jennifer :)
I'd succumb too, but my Joann's only had one bolt - the red/pink dot. Of course I bought three yards. I'll keep checking back, but when I asked them if they'd be getting more of the DS fabrics in they didn't even know what I was talking about. :(o
Beautiful stack of fabrics. Red and blue from this collection will be very pretty for your flag quilt.
ohhh so very lovely...lucky you!!! Do you know if Joanne's do online and send overseas? Hugs Khris
I love it too and can't wait to get my fat quarter set! Look forward to see what you do with it. xo
They do all look mighty pretty. I'm looking forward to the next installment of your flag quilt!
The range looks just lovely spread out, Nanette - thanks for showing!
Hugs - Lurline♥
I don't think they have it here is southern Maryland. I went to the ETC up the road today and didn't see it there. I wonder if they are selling it on line?
Ooo! You have some that I haven't been able to find. (Stripy red, argyle-y prints) Where did you find?
Frankly, I found them easy to resist, even after seeing all 21 in my Joann's. They're nice, but there are loads of pretty fabrics out there that are not in this line or by DS. But I think that someone is very clever in their marketing and getting blogs to buzz this up!
It is wonderful, isn't it? I should make a visit before it's all gone. In St. Geo right now. Gorgeous day out there!!
vintage looks! not matchy-matchy! and easily bought! What more could you want from gorgeous fabric - and I know you'll make something wonderful with it :-) Get sewing girlie so I can see!
I haven't seen this line yet, and by coincidence I'm going to Joann's tomorrow! Thank you Nanette, for showing these GORGEOUS fabrics! I hope there's some left for me! :-) Jen
I just hope we don't all regret supporting a designer who jumps to a big box store.... heaven help our local quilt stores.
I think it's great fabric! Even the lady cutting for me at Joann's commented on how nice the fabric felt...she hadn't seen it yet and seemed surprised her store had it!
I love them all!! I know where I'm going tomorrow. Hope the granddots don't mind a trip to JoAnns!!!
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