I have a nice book library of quilting books in my sewing room already so I try not to purchase more books unless I can get them at a great price and or I simply must must MUST have them. I love used quilt books. But these are brand new.

I've had these 3 books since earlier in the year and I have kept them out to page through and admire. Sometimes I've got an idea in my head for a quilt I want to make and paging through books will spark color or pattern or even help me decide the way to put together what I've been puzzling over. And then very occasionally I will make something right out of a book and actually follow directions! Amazing, huh.

Teapots always draw me and this one is so so cute.

I've always wanted to make a leaves falling from a tree quilt.

I'm itching to make a new apple quilt. I have an idea in my head and this really makes me want to stop the world and sew apples.

I am also thinking of projects for my sisters/nieces at our next reunion quilt retreat I think this quilt above is a great beginner quilt. It is interesting enough to keep all levels interested in the project.

This is from
Suzuko's book. I love the courthouse step pattern. I would like to make one inspired by

I always love potholders. They are truly mini quilts at their easiest and best.

I'm really liking the simplicity of log cabins right now. This one with so many different kinds of fabric hits me really where I live. This block is in my head and I love it. I think a courthouse step version would be a great quilt for the retreat in September, too.

I guess the reason I've been really going through my books lately is to help me plan my (shh) graduation quilt for my 18 year old daughter, Laurie. Laurie likes clean lines and plain fabrics. I don't want to make it too pastel but these are colors I think she likes. I'm not making a quilt from any pattern here or any that I've seen. I'm going to make a quilt inspired from the L in her name. So we'll see how it works out. I will say that the photos in the books really helped me get my mind right for Laurie's quilt and helped with my planning. Laurie knows I'm making a quilt but it is kind of a surprise what fabric and design I pick for her until the quilt reveal after graduation. I'm excited about it. I just have to try to keep things tucked out of site when she is around to keep the suspense.
Looks like you have found some great inspiration! I realy like the same projects that you are drawn to and can't wait to see what you come up with!
How fun Nanette! Your process sounds just like mine -- I love surrounding myself with books (and now photos from the internet) for inspiration!
I can't wait to see what you come up with. My daughter is 18 and graduating also, I've thought about a quilt, and I'm still in the thinking stage.
I've been debating whether or not to buy the Modern Log Cabin book...would love to know more about that one...
Those are beautiful fabrics. For some reason, I look at them and think of the canyons of southwest Utah. Have only been there once but I think this is going to be lovely and Laurie is going to be very happy at the "reveal". :-)
Oh yes, I had me a little inspiration time yesterday...dug through the piles and 'rediscovered' some great books I forgot I had.
I certainly hope you can slip some sneak peeks in on Laurie's quilt!!
These books look inspirational!!!
Have fun!!!
The photos are beautiful! Which book has the teapot pillow?
Those books look like fabulous ones from which to draw inspiration!
I am trying to only make purchases for books that are on sale too. Those books are wonderful though! Looks like lots of inspiration in between the covers:)
I think that your idea for a quilt inspired by the letter L is fantastic- I can't wait to see what you come up with.
I love quilt books, old and new, too. You can never have enough. =)
A lot of fun ideas swirling around. I love to get my books out and just dream away. I usually don't get to most of the projects, but sometimes dreaming can be (almost) as fun.
Ah Nanette, but all these books are you! I see in each of the pages, something that is just there for you to work on.
It's ok, no guilt there from you I am sure!
Great inspirations. Those look like great books. Those colors are beautiful. I would never have put them together on my own, but I love your color sense.
Lucky girl!
YOu could have some serious fun with that!
What a sweet Mom you are, Nanette! And isn't it fun to plan those surprises for our babies (no matter how old they are)!
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