Last Thursday, on my mother Freda's birthday, my daughter Whitney delivered a sweet baby girl 5 weeks early. It had been a very difficulty pregnancy for Whitney and she and Allison had spent a lot of time at our home so we could help her.

Allison is going to have to grow up very fast and be a very big help to her parents now. And she will have to have be a big sister with extra responsibilities for the rest of her life. I think Allison is perfect for this new role she has to play.

Eliza weighed 5 lb. 2 oz. She has premature lungs, a hole in her heart and Down's Syndrome. She's a very strong and feisty baby for having so many problems. She is making fantastic progress and is tolerating feedings, has reduced her need for supplemental oxygen and reduced her heart medication. She's doing so well. Right now she is at Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City in the NBICU. We hope she can come home in 3 weeks or so. At 6 months she will have heart surgery to close the little hole in her heart. There are so many things about Eliza that are uncertain but those things we do know.
We were shocked at first since we had no idea Eliza would be born early or that she would have physical problems. Our family and my son-in-law's family have rallied around Whitney for support, of course. And we will continue to do so. I'm so incredibly proud of how she is handling this sweet baby and her medical issues. We are doing well with the news and our family bond can only grow stronger as we take care of Eliza and take on whatever care she requires. Of course this isn't something we would ask for, but now that we have Eliza, we are happy to be with her and love her and care for her.
My computer still isn't fixed and I have a new one on order but that and other silly life issues seem like such a trivial problems when compared with Eliza and what we can do for her.
Congratulation on your new bundle. I hope little Eliza is able to come home quickly. You'll be cuddling her in no time!
I'm a NICU (3 lbs, 8 weeks early) mom and a special ed teacher. Sweet Eliza will bring you so much joy! There will be challenges too, but the joy will be immense. Prayers for you and yours.
Congratulations on baby Eliza!
Your family bond can only grow stronger and your love endless!
Congratulations! From everything you've said, I think that Eliza is very blessed to be joining such a loving family.
Congratulations to all. I hope Eliza gets to come home soon. Joy will outweigh the challenges I am sure.
What a sweet little Angel! xo
wow! My prayers are with sweet little Eliza, and her family. It breaks my heart when those little ones have health issues, but I love hearing she is feisty. love to you all, and especially Eliza's mother.
Congratulations Grandma and prayers and blessings to all the family.
My heart and prayers go out for you and your family, Nannette. Eliza has been blessed with a wonderful family and I hope will be blessed with health and happiness as well.
Congratulations to the new big sister and the entire family - Eliza is surrounded by love!... best wishes for her to clear all the medical hurdles and surgeries and begin to grow and thrive.
Thank you for sharing your news with us. Congratulations on being a Grandma again. Eliza's love will outshine any health problems she has. The love of your families will make sure of that! Enjoy your precious bundle born on Freda's birthday - a life changing blessing for all.
Congratulations! What a gorgeous pair of granddaughters you are blessed with. Many thoughts and prayers to Eliza (and family) through her surgeries and healing.
What a blessing Eliza is for your family! Enjoy every minute with her!
Congratulations on your new granddaughter. Many healthy thoughts towards her quick progress and ability to come home. I have a first cousin with a Down Syndrome daughter who has had lots of heart problems but fantastic surgeons. My youngest niece has Down Syndrome but luckily no serious heart problems--my brother and his wife had only inklings that there might be something wrong with their fifth child and she was born a few weeks early. At first they thought Lauren might be severely deaf but it turned out she has only partial hearing loss. She is a strong and sweet 4 year old now and very very active--always have to keep an eye on her!
Allison looks like she knows already that life as she knows it has changed. I believe you'll all be strong and courageous and that you'll have the strength for what lies ahead - good and not so good.
Love and prayers,
Congratulations on receiving your new bundle of love, Baby Eliza! She's a wonderful blessing to you and yours. Give her a hug from me and mine.
Congratulations! It seems Eliza was born into the perfect family filled with strength and love. I'm looking forward to seeing the first quilt you make for her!
Congrats on sweet Eliza! Look at all her cute hair. May she come home soon and over come the obstacles she has been given. Family is great for times like this. And you have a great one.
though there are lots of uncertainties . . . one thing's for sure. little eliza was born into a wonderful family. she's a lucky little girl. you will all feel great big blessings come into your lives as you care for and love her to pieces. congratulations!!
congratulations on a new sweetie to love! Eliza is very lucky to have you as her family.
Dearest Nanette. Little Miss Eliza is beautiful, a dear gift from God! :o) I am praying for you all. love and hugs.
Congratualions to your whole family...what a blessing sweet Eiza is. Prayers to you all.
A new little girl to love and cherish in a close & caring family. Eliza will be a delight and thrive with you all. Thinking of you...congratulations!
She is indeed, a beautiful little angel! Congrats to you, and to Whitney & Her Family, too! Miss Eliza is lucky to have all of you. Wishing you all well!
Congratulations to everyone! Eliza has a wonderful family to help her grow.
Welcome to the world little Eliza - what a wonderful family you've been chosen for. Nanette I pray that all Eliza's health issues can be sorted, bless her soul. It's a difficult start to life for her, but from what you said she's a little fighter. Big hugs to you and all the family :o).
Joy xxx
Congratulations on your new little someone to love! Eliza has come to a wonderful family.
Welcome baby Eliza! My heartfelt congratulations to your family. Love abounds. Eliza is blessed to have a big sister and a loving caring family.
Congratulations on a new sweet little granddaughter. It's so wonderful that she gets to be a part of such a loving family and you are a very fortunate grandmother to be able to be a wonderful influence in her life too. I'll be she and Allison will grow up being best of friends.
Congratulations on your new granddaughter Nanette. Allison will be a great big sister. Whitney is lucky to have such a great Mom.
Congratulations to all. I hope Eliza gets to come home soon.
Allison will be a great big sister, and have many happy play times together...
Julia ♥
Baby's are wonderful even when their is a bump in the road. No matter the problems you can and will live up to the the chalanges of it. I have 2 autistic sons and some ask me how do I handle it. To me they are just 2 perfect kids with little quarks to make me grow. Tell the parents of the baby that my prayers are with them that the baby will gain strength and get to come home soon.
Richard Healey
Dear Nanette, Thanks so much for posting this. I'm just tearing up reading all the supportive comments. We are blessed to have this sweet spirit part of our family. May we ever live up to the standard she has already set. Love to all of you!! We're in this together!
-Becca Sellers Barnes
Good to see you online again and with such glad news of a new grand-baby! How exciting! Best wishes to little Eliza, Whitney and you all. How cute to see Allison's picture next to the one in your profile... you look like sisters ;)
I'm so happy Eliza is strong and feisty!! Congratulations! Alison is adorable, as always - she looks like you did!! There's nothing like a new grandbaby - I'm so very happy for you! xo, Nan
I'm so happy Eliza is strong and feisty!! Congratulations! Alison is adorable, as always - she looks like you did!! There's nothing like a new grandbaby - I'm so very happy for you! xo, Nan
A New Baby -- no wonder you've been so busy Nanette! What a lucky little girl -- just look at that big sister that she's been given. And such a wonderful, loving family. Sending you all Big Hugs and Congratulations!
Your family and this precious new baby are in our prayers. :) She looks beautiful.
-Lindsay Merrill
(I'm married to Bryan, Doug's oldest son.)
Sending you and your family lots of love right now. I'm sure it's an emotional time. My thoughts are with you. That is a lot for one sweet babe to deal with.
My husband has two brothers with Downs Syndrome. One of them was born with very similar heart issues. He's now a 19-yr-old tennis & bocce playing champ. :) We can't imagine life without either of them.
You are a wonderful Nanny. Your family is so blessed to have you! My thoughts and prayers are with you during a stressful time.
Lots of love, Nanette!
We just nevewr know what life has in store for us, do we?
One thing is sure however, your family has been blessed with an angel, and she will help you find your wings :)
Congratulations to all the family that have been chosen by sweet Eliza. I bet she will be a light and joy for you all. I can't believe how grown up Alison looks.
I have been missing you at the Alpine quilt group! Allison is so cute. Let me know if I can do ANYTHING for your family. Give Whitney a hug for me. Hope she gets to bring that sweet baby home soon!!!
Awww, What a cutie. I am sure Allison will be a great big sister. I will say prayers for the little one to get well soon so she can come home and be with her family. :) I love the name!!!
I am sorry that what you thought would be fun has turned into such stress. I heard once that the Chinese call babies with downs Gods pets. So you got someone extra special, and she has great hair. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hugs and much love to you and your family.
Hi Nanette...
As I said a few days ago...Eliza is your very own little honeybee born on your mom's birthday!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...hopefully she will be home soon and you can hold her close to your heart:)
Congratulations on your new little sweetie.
PS Allison is going to be a great big sister...I can't believe how big she looks now!
congratulations! to you all. so sorry to hear the baby is going through some problems. i will say a prayer.
What a sweet little blessing your family has to embrace. Congratulations to you all. I was just thinking about how hard it must be for families with little ones to go through medical issues. I will keep Eliza in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, prayers go out to you and your family. I know Allison will be a wonderful big sister, and you again will be a wonderful grandmother!
Congrats Nanette on another precious granddaughter. Allison will be a great big sister & Eliza is so lucky to have such a loving, strong family. There will be challenges ahead, I'm sure, but there will be such joy too. So glad to hear that little Eliza is making good progress & hoping she is home soon. All of you are in my thoughts & prayers.
Your new grand daughter has been brought to a wonderful family! I know you and the entire family will be there for this new bundle from Heaven. Have you seen the blog JEllen's House of Fabric. She and her daughter Sara, who happens to have Down Syndrome also, run this sweet fabric shop and do alot of good works for families with children with Down Syndrome. I love reading your blog and look forward to your posts.
Congratulations....a precious gift from God.
Praying little Eliza is home soon and the rocking can begin.
Hi! I haven't been by to visit in a while, but for some reason felt like I should today. I'm sure there are no words to express all of the feelings your family is experiencing. But know there is love out here for all of you, even across the miles! Congratulations and prayers are headed your way!! :D
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I pray that her future surgery goes well and that everyone stays healthy.
Congrats on the darling new baby and prayers and best wishes to God for her health and for the family.
I notice how much Allison is looking like you! What a lucky family to have you as their Grandmother
Congratulations on Eliza's arrival! (Love the name!) She is beautiful, and I'm sure Allison will be a great big sister. I hope Eliza is able to come home real soon! xo Jen
Such a beautiful little baby, congratulations! They must be a pretty special family to have such a sweet baby come into their home!
I've followed your blog since 2008. I don't comment often but I almost feel like I know your family. I will be praying for you all. We all know who is in control of this situation. God can heal, and give you peace & wisdom during this time of need!
congratulations on your new little granddaughter Eliza. I already know there will be so much love for her from your whole family. I think she came to the right place and will be keeping her in my prayers to grow big and strong and leave that hospital soon.
Congratulations on your sweet Eliza ~ my thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.
As many others have already written, the joys will outweigh the challenges so here's hoping Eliza can come home soon.
I know you feel overwhelmed right now. I have friends who have walked this same path. The joy they receive from their little special angels makes it all worthwhile. I will pray for her upcoming surgery, and for your peace in this. Wrap her in love, it will all be returned by her tenfold...
Welcome Eliza! You are a very special young lady with a great future ahead. There will be sadness and tears as your family adjusts to the difficulties you face, but love will smooth things over. My cousin's daughter is 14 and has Downs. She is very smart, sweet, and loves everyone she meets. She has overcome some difficult physical problems with today's medical advances, and uses sign language and a new speech computer. She loves school and likes to read. She's learning to sew, and has made dresses, pillowcases, and a quilt top for donation. I love having her help me sew. Someday you will find a talent you love. Hold on to your dreams, sweet one. Your Big Sister Allison is waiting to teach you many things. I hope you like hugs!
Congratulation on your new grandbaby. I'm sure Eliza will bring a lot of joy to your family. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Allison will be a wonderful big sister to little Eliza because she has wonderful examples of sisters (and brother) who have been there for each other and a Grandma and Grandpa and loads of extended family that support one another. Blessings to you all. Eliza is a special little girl who will grow well with so much love surrounding her. :-)
Congratulations, blessings, and strength to you all. What a sweet and very lucky little girl to be born on such an important day in your family. She will be so strong as she has such wonderful role models! May your family be wrapped in the warmth of God's love.
Congratulations on baby Eliza! Allison looks so grown up and I'm sure she'll be such a wonderful big sister to Eliza.. Eliza is so lucky to be born into such an loving family.. My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family in the upcoming months for all little Eliza has to go through for her healing. Hugs!
I am sorry, I am playing a little catch up here. Congratulation on your new angel. Great Grandma was smiling when she got to share her birthday. What a beautiful name she was given. God has special plans for this little one. She will bring so much joy and laughter to you and the family.I hope she is able to come home quickly.I know she was born to the most perfect family.
And Allison will be a wonderful big sister. Hugs and prayers to all.
I send you love and prayers for many Blessings, and for a miraculous healing for the new little one. She is so angelic and sacred, and will bless you greatly.
Thank you for your lovely Blog and for sharing Allison and Eliza and your family with us. I am a grandma also, and happy to know you all! Best wishes, Love, and Blessings!
All my best to you and your family. Congratulations on new baby Eliza's arrival, albeit early. Allison will be make a fabulous big sis!
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